Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.

– Arendt, Hannah. (1951). “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, Part 3, Ch. 13


My last article, “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality”, was posted on January 31, 2023 and referenced the book “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis as a lens to view the current status of Clownworld.

On the same day, a video entitled “The Negation of the Real” was posted on another website and with the following introduction:

If you want to impose a totalitarian system, you have a problem on your hands: reality. The real is in your way and will eventually veto your project. Far sooner, people who can perceive reality will step in and prevent you from taking society over a cliff. Therefore, the only way to install a totalitarian system is to negate the real in the minds of those over whom you would rule. This is accomplished by creating an interpretive frame that deliberately causes people to misunderstand reality, sometimes called a “second reality” or “pseudoreality,” or even a “hyperreality,” which loses all contact with reality through its images and constructions.

The original video was posted 4 days earlier and is the first of a series from a December 2022 conference entitled “Mere Simulacrity” which is a transmogrification of “Mere Christianity”, another book written by  C.S. Lewis.

The entire video series is posted at and contains tabs at the bottom of each article that connects to each video in order.

For those who have the time, the video series is highly recommended.  And, for those who can’t spare the 10+ hours to view the entire set, it is the intention of this article… at the very least… for now… to summarize this first 2-hour video only. I believe it contains key insights as to how the Matrix of Clownworld was constructed.

Therefore, this article is being posted as a courtesy for “time-challenged” readers and because I believe the information is important to understand.  It is also my intention to possibly post my personal summaries of the other videos in the series in the future, subject to current events and my own availability.

Until then, please know this video summary is exactly that, a summary – and largely paraphrased according to my own perspectives. Therefore, I take the blame in advance for any unintentional errors, omissions made in haste or for the sake of brevity, misunderstandings, and/or misrepresentations. I will leave it up to the readers to sort these out… should they choose to view the actual video in full.  And in the event of any errors or misinterpretations, I apologize in advance to the readers and Dr. Lindsay.

Those who have read my previous articles know I have been referencing mainstream media narratives as “reality television” for many years now.

Moreover, my October 2021 article entitled “Dear Remnant: The Best Things in Life are Free”  explored how Clownworld was manifesting through the relativism of Orwellian Doublethink,  Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Will to Power”,  dialectical materialism, Praxis, and gnostic dualism; and, three years before that, the new religion of the Collective was explored in relation to the left/right, black/white, dialectics of Political Darwinism in a 2018 article entitled the “The Tyranny of “The Collective” by the Illusions of Narratives” . The latter article included the following quotation:

A public that can no longer distinguish between truth and fiction is left to interpret reality through illusion.  Random facts or obscure bits of data and trivia are used either to bolster illusion and give it credibility, or discarded if they interfere with the message…

When opinions cannot be distinguished from facts, when there is no universal standard to determine truth in law, in science, in scholarship, or in reporting the events of the day, when the most valued skill is the ability to entertain, the world becomes a place where lies become true, where people can believe what they want to believe.  This is the real danger of pseudo-events and pseudo-events are far more pernicious than stereotypes.  They do not explain reality, as stereotypes attempt to, but replace reality. Pseudo-events redefine reality by the parameters set by their creators. These creators, who make massive profits selling illusions, have a vested interest in maintaining the power structures they control.

 – Hedges, Chris (2009). “Empire of Illusion”, Nation Books, New York, NY, 2009, page 51

The Simulacrum exists, but it’s only real if you believe.

Someday soon we’ll stop to ponder what on Earth’s this spell we’re under

We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are

– Styx, “The Grand Illusion”

“The Negation of the Real”, by Dr. James Lindsay 

Click here to link to the original video:

This first video of the “Mere Simulacrity” conference is close to two hours in length and may be viewed at the embedded link above.  Once again, it is strongly suggested that the reader view the video in its entirety, but for time-challenged readers, it is summarized below and paraphrased pursuant to my personal perspectives.

Dr. Lindsay is an author and mathematician who has written books on religion, science, philosophy and post-modernism.  He begins this video by acknowledging the secret religions of the West.

In addition to the “magisteria” of “faith” and “science”, Western civilization has been populated by a set of secret religions which Lindsay claims would be more appropriately labeled as “cults”.  According to Lindsay, these cults have originated in the esoteric “mystery” religions dating back to ancient times and they greatly influence Western Civilization, but no one talks about them because they remain hidden from the “uninitiated”.

The secret esoteric religions are false religions and include variations such as Gnostism, Hermeneutism,  Kabbala, Freemasonry, and many others that Lindsay calls “initiate societies” whereby people enter through initiation rituals.  They have existed for 2,500 years at a minimum and are so old that the philosopher Plato referred to them as “old”.  They subvert religion, science, and philosophy by pretending to be genuine but they are not.

And if the “fake” is to be established, then the “real” must be negated first.

Lindsay claims the initiates of these religions communicate with each other through special language and they operate by means of “negative theology” which means God can only be defined in terms of what God is not.

In other words, if God is considered as being “great”, the esoteric wizards will say “No, God is greater than that” so the wizards are thus positioned to always appear as having more knowledge than the “uninitiated”.  This kind of negative thinking is also called “critique” as in “critical thought” or “critical race theory”, or… in the words of Karl Marx: “The ruthless criticism of all that exists”  – everything is deconstructed  so only the wizards claim to know the “true” interpretation on any subject.

Lindsay also references this sort of “negative thinking” as having evolved into what is today called “woke denunciation”, which is “a process of knowing how to denounce something in a specific way that allegedly announces the possibility for something different without ever having to say what it is”.  And those who engage in such denunciations never have to make any positive arguments; all they do is denounce the ideological positions of their opponents.

In order for those in the occult religions of the West to install a fake reality, they must first displace their “competitors” so they can, in turn, occupy the space they wish to fill… and these “spaces” include faith and science…. which are then transitioned into “simulacrums”.

This is a parasitic process in the same way a con man builds up confidence with suckers:  Something real is latched upon and true authority is replaced by false authority which the suckers, or marks, are lured into trusting.

A simulacrum is like a copy of a copy of a copy until the original is lost… in the same way scripted WWE professional wrestling performances are a simulacrum of actual wrestling.  Today we have CDC Directors performing as public health officials, communists performing as college professors, and other Marxists posing as pastors and priests within churches preaching Liberation Theology.

The wizards expand the conceptions of reality until all that remains are reconstructions after the originals are negated.  This how “gender identity” has become more real in modern society than biological sex.  Lindsay says gender, in particular, was a big shift away from the previous concept of sex.  A very big shift, indeed.

Lindsay then explained how the first and second centuries were full of gnostic cults and one gnostic example created a simulacrum of the Bible by claiming there is a god greater than the God of Creation.  The God of Genesis, therefore, was actually considered to be a demon who created the world as a prison to enslave humanity and, therefore, the serpent in the Garden of Eden was actually a “savior” setting humanity free.

The wizards always claim to know a “higher knowledge” of what exists, and, in turn, deceive people into believing heresies.

Mere Simulacrity.

Lindsay argues that faith and reason “hold hands” but when separated, Gnosticism creeps in.

Gnosis is defined as “revealed secret knowledge” and this knowledge, in the Hermeneutic Faith, is to understand oneself as god.  Consequently, the gnostic trinity consists of god, mind, man and man’s spiritual quest is to remember that he is god.  This is also understood as dying and being reborn, to which Lindsay says occurs in the form of cult initiation.

In Gnosticism, the concept of “reflexivity” occurs as things become true when people believe it and things remain false when they don’t believe.  He mentioned the January 6 rioters as falling prey to “gnostic reflexivity” which allowed the wizards to reframe the real event with a false narrative.

Just as the Scientific Method seeks to understand things as they are, or the truth of the propositions, “alchemy”, as defined by the billionaire and leftist agitator, George Soros, is to “bring about a desired state of affairs” by affecting change in the hearts of people.  The purpose of alchemy is “operational success”.

This is wizardry, or sorcery.

According to Lindsay, when George Soros wrote the “Alchemy of Finance” in 1992 he wrote on the same conceptions that were written in the “Corpus Hermeticum” 2,500 years before.

Marxism, The Great Reset, Sustainability, and Wokism all derive from the secret religions of the West.

Lindsay claims the way to stop the voodoo is to properly apply faith and reason in order to box-out, or block, gnosis.  Faith keeps reason humble so man’s mind doesn’t get arrogant enough to try and transform men into gods, and reason keeps faith sane because blind faith is stupid faith.

Faith, properly applied, is this:  No matter how much you know, there is still something bigger than you.

But Gnosticism, through hubris, removes the distinctions between God and man and manipulates the undefined something bigger for its own purposes and in the pursuit of power.

Truth is accessible by everyone and is a great leveling tool because it puts power into the hands of anyone willing to do the research.  But the gnostic wizards will acknowledge facts and then claim to have an even higher knowledge, or a better understanding in ways that allow people to be deceived through ignorance and gullibility.

The message of Hermeneutism is this:  “Your religion is our religion, but we understand it better than you”.

“Inclusion”, Sustainability”, and “The Science” are all modern manifestations of Hermeneutism. Dialectical inversion is used to politically weaponize these conceptions by claiming the old way of doing things caused problems and the wizards best understand the problems being caused – but they assert these claims without taking a stand on anything, other than being against the old way… and the old ways are always “wrong”, according to the wizards.

In simpler terms: The old way is bad but the (undefined) wizard’s way is better.


This is how the wizards have subverted education and culture… by presenting ideas like “social-emotional learning” and “diversity” as weapons to first displace the traditional time-tested standards in order to eventually establish their new simulacrum.

Lindsay expands on this type of “sorcery” by citing Hegel’s Dialectical Method of “problem, reaction, solution” in terms of “abstract, negative, concrete”.

You start with an abstract idea of something real, and then you focus on its negative aspects in order to shift it into something else actual and concrete.  According to Hegel, reality is abstract and what is “actual” is whatever is being created, or actualized by the activity of conscious beings.  But the middle, transitional, step is what Lindsay refers to as “negation”.

The wizards don’t claim their ideological and political opponents are wrong, per se, but rather their “understanding is incomplete”.  The wizards claim to know best by means of their “higher knowledge and understanding” and this makes them gurus, of sorts, who attract grifters, con men, and megalomaniacs into their “cult” all eager to apply the magic.

The process of making reality abstract…. in order to be negated…. and turned into something fake is circular logic, like a “snake eating its own tail” – but it poses effectively as religion and science.

Lindsay then quotes a twentieth-century German-American philosopher by the name of Eric Voegelin, who wrote an essay entitled “On Hegel:  A Study in Sorcery”:

The sorcerer’s work is replacing the First Reality of experience by the Second Reality of imaginative construction and then endowing the imaginary reality with the appearance of truth by letting it absorb pieces of First Reality.

The Second Reality, also called “hyper-reality”, is The Simulacrum.

Voegelin also quoted the philosopher Hegel directly:

The movement of dialectical knowledge is the circle that runs back into itself presupposing the beginning it reaches in the end.

This is the proverbial snake eating its own tail. Circular logic. And once anyone enters the magic circle of the sorcerer, or wizard, they become lost…  because the hyper-constructions of reality of the wizard’s circle are the wizard’s projection of the world.

In terms of the Matrix films, Lindsay says the spell is the same as being “blue-pilled” and the only way out is to break the framing of the wizard’s circle. Otherwise one’s own reality is negated.

This is how the secret religions manipulate both traditional religion and science.

In Christianity, “love your neighbor” was alchemized into wearing a mask and allowing grandma to die alone in the nursing home.

Gnostic alchemy also turns science into “Scientism” where false realities are created by the propagandized consensus of so-called “experts” as other studies are censored because they don’t fit the desired narrative.  In other words, only some “experts” get to decide “The Science”.

The goal of Gnosticism is to replace what’s true with the utopian dreams of those in power who believe they are god; this is a very old religion and it has reemerged throughout history in various forms.

To demonstrate how the magic spells are created, Lindsay describes what he calls “Critical Car Theory”.  In this example, the sorcerers would decry deaths caused by cars as being bad while indicting the entire automotive industry as being guilty for the deaths in order to realign society into a new (Second/Hyper Reality) society with no cars and, thus, no deaths caused by cars.

According to Lindsay, this is exactly how “Critical Race Theory” has been foisted upon the West by gnostic wizards.

In the same way, Communism is the Second Reality / Hyper Reality that was crafted by Karl Marx.

The goal of constant revolution is to never cease denouncing established systems in favor of something “better” while, at the same time, never exactly defining the new utopia. This is Critical Theory and Lindsay says “Woke” can simply be defined as “not that”.  Whatever policies are in place, “Woke” will say “not that” and when you ask them what policy would be better they will say:  “I don’t know, just not that”.

When people try to define God or creation, the gnostics will say: “No, not that. God is greater than that”.  This type of “negative theology” runs consistently through the writings of both Hegel and Marx.

The Gnostics replace concrete thinking with structural thinking so people will abandon reality in favor of the interpretation of wizards.

According to Lindsay, the gnostics will label actual science as “politics by other means”, and, therefore, must be judged as a form of politics and… because their (gnostic) interpretations are also political… then that makes their interpretations science.

Circular logic.

Reality is negated until fake fills the void.

When Marx espoused “the ruthless criticism of all that exists” he, according to Lindsay, was quoting Mephistopheles from the legend of Faust, or the voice of Satan, who said “everything that exists deserves to perish”.

Accordingly, in Marx’s economic and philosophic writings, he argued that negative thinking ensures “positive transcendence of private property as human self-estrangement” and this explains Marx’s consideration of Communism as “the complete return of Man to Himself as a social, that is, human, being.”

Lindsay says this is the Hermeneutic objective:  “For man to realize that he is god and return to that understanding… Communism is the riddle of history solved and it knows itself to be the solution” and that is gnosis in a nutshell:  The “end of the circle that presupposes itself as its beginning”.

The wizards project into the future what they want, they simulate it, and deceive and force people until it is socially constructed and becomes actual.

Critical theory, therefore, is based upon the idea that one cannot determine what a good and free society would look like from within the society in which they live.  The knowledge must come from “outside” and the Gnostics lay claim to such enlightenment while using negative criticism to prevent society from reproducing itself. In so doing, the wizards believe new possibilities are opened and this translates their negative thinking into positive “liberation”.

This is sorcery because the wizards seize power over whatever they criticize and tear down.   Constant revolution, then, derives from an endless series of denunciations. Wokeness is “simplistic complaining” whereupon the complaints are always directed at the “structural power” within societies.

Hyper-realities are constructed by wizards and this is why Lindsay describes Critical Race Theory thusly: “Calling everything you want to control racist until you control it. You find a thing you want to control… you need to bring it into the wizard’s circle.”

This allows the wizards to never be wrong because… by criticizing everything…  they never have to put forward any positive ideas of their own to defend.  They risk nothing and, like in a card game, the goal is to “keep you playing until you go broke”.

To paraphrase Lindsay: both philosophers Plato and Hegel claimed “higher knowing” was superior to “know how” and this dialectic is used by gnostic wizards today to apply “critical theory” to stand in opposition to “traditional theory”.  This is how, according to Hegel, the “real” is negated “in order to insert magic thinking”.

Hegel defined “logos” as the “science of logic” which only gnostics like him could understand.

Or, stated another way, according to Lindsay, “people like Hegel claim to know the mind of God because they are gnostics”.  This is the Hermeneutic faith that underlies the secret religions of the West.

Gnostics believe philosophers are “closer to the mind of God than those who live by the crumbs of the spirit”.

Hegel said he was a philosopher and his job was to write down the mind of God. Philosophers are initiates into the mystery faith and claim to possess secret knowledge.  According to Lindsay, the initiation in to the secret cults are akin to being reborn in the same way the Greek god Hermes descended into hell and rose again. Hence, “hermeneutics” and the faith thereof.

In order to win, the wizards must draw people into the circle of their imagined simulacra.  This is when science becomes “The Science”  and faith becomes gnosis which becomes complete and absolute trust in the cult leaders:  Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Klaus Schwab, et al.  (and to Lindsay’s list, of course, we can add Fauci, too)

Reason and faith are undermined by gnosis posing as more sophisticated and complicated versions … through the negation of the real.

However, when applied properly, reason and faith “holding hands” will block the deceptive hubris of gnostic wizards.  All of their spells can be broken by those who can perceive, and articulate, reality.

Closing Comments

This post completes my (personalized) review of Dr. James Lindsay’s “Negation of the Real”, the first video of several within the “Mere Simulacrity” series posted over at . Once again, each page there contains tabs at the bottom that connects to the next video in the series.

I have watched all the videos and found them to be very enlightening. The speakers are excellent, the presentations are extremely cohesive, and I believe the information is pertinent to current world circumstances.

The framing of the ever-expanding wizard’s circle must be broken… so, at some point,  I will try to translate my notes from the other videos into future posts and for the benefit of time-challenged readers.

In the meantime, the “Mere Simulacrity” series is highly recommended to those willing to invest the time.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

Notify of
February 23, 2023 6:32 am

well, duh….
wokeism (communism, equity,crt) is a new religion all must obey.

Is this Biden’s most toxic executive order?

South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes

February 23, 2023 10:15 am

ha ha ha…

comment image

Ben Shapiro Shilled For the Replacement of White People In America
The Great Replacement is real

Ben Shapiro Shilled For the Replacement of White People In America

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
February 23, 2023 10:32 am

The truth hurts.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Aunt Acid
February 23, 2023 7:00 pm

L (Mo)Ron Hubbard is alive and well and still
running his mind control scam in government halls all over
the world. Xenu And The Thetans are the house band.

  Colorado Artist
February 26, 2023 11:56 am

Hail Xenu!

February 23, 2023 10:35 am
Billy the Somebody
Billy the Somebody
February 24, 2023 12:48 am

He pushed the vaccine and called for the jailing of jan 6ers without charges indefinitely. He is a pos, traitor on steriods. Damn jewpiro.

  Billy the Somebody
February 25, 2023 8:44 pm

Shapiro is a patriot to his people. Which are jews. Only your own people can be traitors.

March 1, 2024 9:19 pm

On one hand he’s an aggressive Pro Israel Zionist, on the other hand he’s working to.destroy the FUSA. Which seems to be contradictory because of the FUSA falls, then Israel hung out to.dry and won’t last more than a year or two before it is overrun by the Saracen hordes.

March 1, 2024 9:33 pm

Why do people necropost?

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 24, 2023 9:21 am

Of course, nothing creates more poverty than government programs designed to keep poor people dependent on (and voting for) government.

  TN Patriot
February 26, 2023 11:59 am

If you want to help people, you tell them the truth.

If you want to control people, you tell them what they want to hear.

– Thomas Sowell

  TN Patriot
March 1, 2024 9:22 pm

Akin to Doctors who keep you just healthy enough to stay alive but don’t actually cure you because to do so would cost them financially.

February 23, 2023 7:02 am

Great article but leaves me feeling dejected. I don’t think people today have the needed reason or ability to resist such techniques.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 7:11 am

I’ve fought against that dismal tide all my life. I’ll continue to do so for the remainder of my life, even though it’s a fight I’ll never win.

“…and when you see these things, look up, for thy redemption draweth nigh.”

Ye Olden Toad
Ye Olden Toad
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 8:18 am


  The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 8:05 pm

But when making statements like that on the comment section don’t you see just a little bit of yourself in the essays explanations of those Sorcerer’s who always claim to have a more advanced understanding of the mind of God than those you consider to be still down in the cave mistaking the mere representations ( copies ) for the real things ? I did ,see that in myself a bit that is , and I’m not trying to be “catty “here because it is either a deficit of the authors summary or his own thinking because certainly were he honest he would see that tendency in himself even with his very writing of the aforementioned , a deficit of the video series itself , or a deficit of all of the above and you and I included ? Just curious because this essay tracks almost identically with a comment I made over at a different website to an article written by a political philosopher who seem to be suggesting that the conservative right needed to realize that the only thing that matters is commanding the political reality , which is an entirely different and crafted for political reality narrative than actual objective reality according to him ( the truth dosent matter and the ends justify the means ). I even had another commentator accuse me of holding a Gnostic view for saying that we are a duality of spirit and flesh . To my understanding that we are souls temporarily occupying a meat suit I thought was pretty standard Christian theology ? Everyone thinks they have a more acute understanding of the Logos ,or they just don’t think at all it seems to me .In the end we all have to depend on our own understanding even to understand someone else’s claim to understanding lol. So WTF? Kudos to the author anyway because at least the subject matter is of particular interest and an area I have spent no small amount of time thinking about .I always assumed the mystery schools ,occult/ esoteric religions disciplines were merely trying to hide information in the form of real truths about the nature of the human psyche /soul / mind from us so that they could use the knowledge to pull their spells on an unwitting mass. The knowledge in and of itself , in other words, isnt immoral but a-moral and depends upon what you do with it . Using it to exert control over others would be immoral ,whereas being aware of the capability so that someone cant use it to exert control over you would be moral . Obviously if like me you beleive that along with the gift of a soul / mind /self awareness( I think therefore I am ) free will was in the offing and so it is immoral to try to coopt someones free will for your own percieved adavantage .

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 8:49 am

Paragraphs are your friend. Use them.

  Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 7:29 pm

You are not wrong , unfortunately I never made it past the tenth grade and then went off to the seventh fleet where instead of being at the prom I was sitting off the coast of Iran down in the boilers room of an aircraft carrier ..

February 25, 2023 2:59 pm

It is not difficult. You organize a complete thought and then introduce the next thought and make a line break for the new thought.

  Mary Christine
February 26, 2023 12:02 pm

Think of the paragraph as your secret weapon… but only if you want people to actually read what you write.

  Mary Christine
February 27, 2023 8:34 am

Nothing meaningful to add? Enough said.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 23, 2023 10:08 am

The Fall of Mankind
Genesis 3
3 Now the serpent was more cunning than any animal of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God really said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” 2 The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; 3 but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’” 4 The serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! 5 For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will [a]become like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves waist coverings.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 23, 2023 10:21 am

23 FEBRUARY 2023
HITS: 362

About ten days ago, Ukraine Foreign Minister Kuleba warned in the media that “On February 23 and 24, things will happen that Russia does not like; it will affect the whole world.” Well, those dates are here; today is the 23rd.

No one expanded upon Kuleba’s remarks, and I have not been able to find out what it is he thinks will happen. So like everyone else, I wait. But it seems I won’t have to wait long.

Watching the UN today over this

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 23, 2023 10:38 am

“Axioms have to be judged against how “self-evident” they really are, how useful they are, how little they assume, and in other such ways. This, then, is why the theistic worldview axioms seemed more reasonable in the past than now; we now see that the purported existence of God is not self-evident, has limited utility with little or no explanatory power, and yet assumes an awful lot.”

— James A. Lindsay

“The philosophy of religion is a type of academic puffery centrally concerned with pretending theism is worth taking seriously on its own terms.”

— James A. Lindsay

When considering the matter, it is important not to get taken in by the exchange of a possibility and a probability, or indeed a certainty. Apologists are quick to point out that there could possibly be an explanation for all of the suffering of the world and then conclude that there probably or definitely is one in God. Indeed, this is often the best line of defense that they have, and its goal is to obscure the reality that the probability of such explanations is abysmally low.”

— James A. Lindsay

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 10:53 am

Philosophy is a walk on slippery rocks.

Sue Savage‐Rumbaugh

  Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 8:35 pm

You misspelled Edie Brickell

February 23, 2023 8:59 pm

Well as a mere lay Christian apologist I keep getting hung up on the whole abstract thought existing only in the metaphysical realm thingy ,whereby there is seemingly no physical material proof of its existence , and yet it continues to manifest itself in the physical reality thereby proving its existence to my satisfaction anyway . Thought proceeds creation , “In the beginning was the word “.I don’t know about you but that whole situation sounds pretty “frontloaded” to me. Computer dorks sort of agree with me as well except they think everything has to be a simulation, for obvious reasons whereas I prefer the term constructed reality , cuz its real enough alright , real enough to kill you if you zig when you oughta zagged .

February 24, 2023 12:04 pm

I think that is a very wise statement.

February 26, 2023 12:05 pm

Elon Musk sez that the odds are roughly 90% that our common reality is in fact a computer simulation. I would love to see his method of calculation.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
February 27, 2023 10:11 pm

Interesting sampling of the paucity of profound thinking he is hawking.

Here’s the problem with demands for empirical proofs of the superphysical. Logically, it can neither be proven or disproven. One may believe in it or not, but no PROOF has been offered that can lay that presumption to rest once and for all.

Empirical proof is the lab within which the PHYSICAL LAWS are observed. The materialist says, “Prove there is a God that can be measured.” It refuses to use–or even acknowledge–the methods that have been recommended for 2500 years or more to achieve that. By refusing to look in the way the scientists of the superphsyical all recommend, they can claim not to see just about anything that can’t be measured or conceptualized physically.

Example: I can absolutely prove to anyone there is no such thing as “boiling water,” an archaic belief held by primitive people who believe that such a process is real. As I demonstrate here, by holding water at at an exact temperature of 195 degrees farenheit at sea level for any length of time you wish, you may see there is no change in its state.

This is what empirical science does with claims of the superphysical. It refuses to participate in the process recommended to prove for oneself the truth of the premise.

“The philosophy of religion is a type of academic puffery centrally concerned with pretending theism is worth taking seriously on its own terms.” What could be plainer? This fool wants to explain away the superphysical through its lack of physical metrics. In fact, it can ONLY be taken seriously on its own terms. Anything short of that only reveals the gaping lack of understanding of the speaker.

Finally, a preoccupation with spirituality vis a vis geopolitical or cultural transformation belies one of the central errors of the worldly: they are both in the world and OF the world; it is their chief focus of interpretive interest.

For the love of God, get this man a copy of the Tao Te Ching for a start.

February 24, 2023 6:11 am

They are far too stupid.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
February 25, 2023 2:10 pm

If this is an accurate summary of Dr. Lindsey’s position on Gnosticism, it is appropriate to ignore it in its entirety. The Gnosticism that is used as the exemplar in this narrative is about as representative of ALL Gnostic strains as St. Augustine and Thomas Merton have in Christian commonality with Appalachian snake handling sects. Absurd…

The Gnosticism related in this account runs parallel to the Paulian schism from Jesus’ adherence to Abrahamic law. There are always alternative perspectives, challenges to authority and even “heterodox” beliefs among spiritual traditions that have not established cultural hegemony. Part of the process of establishing that identity is the difficult job of navigating between being familiar enough to the mass of those who are hoped will convert, and yet be different enough to allow successful comparison shopping among competing beliefs to gather the flock in.
The best thinkers and apologists among the Neoplatonists were Gnostic in their outlook, while often ridiculing the extravagantly baroque structures the Valentinians and others dreamed up to explain things like the nature of evil in the world.

You can be sure no REAL Gnostic claimed to “know the mind of God.” For that was the Great Mystery, the Abyss, the Unknowable One that all esoteric traditions have alluded to in their most profound presentments.

What this has to do with the negation of the Real among ideological collectivists is a topic for another day. I certainly think Dr. Lindsey will have more luck teasing out a logical conclusion from that connect-the-dots exercise than from a rather shallow and distorted take on Gnostics and Gnosticism.

  Sirhan Wrap
February 25, 2023 2:19 pm

Just to make a point that is important: Gnostics didn’t claim to know the mind of God. The very word itself meant knowing, as from direct experiential impact and to some extent being subsumed in that Presence. This was distinguished most clearly when the Gnostic/Neoplatonists openly ridiculed the idea that “salvation” was achieved by simple belief in something, rather than direct knowing through experience.

Further, it was impossible to “know” the mind of God because that implies an external, objective relationship that was simply unthinkable. By the time one is able to “know” God, the individuality of the experiencer has been absorbed into the essence of God. This is why they believed they were god-like in potentis. Jesus himself recognized this truth when he propounded, “Know ye not, ye are gods?”

–Sirhan Wrap

  Sirhan Wrap
February 25, 2023 3:02 pm

Lindsay explains the differences between the various definitions of gnosticism in the video sessions. Between small ‘g’ and capitalized. But you didn’t know that because you commented before viewing the videos and that means you’re not very smart.

Sirhan Wrap
Sirhan Wrap
February 27, 2023 9:17 pm

If you think I need to spend 10 hours watching something I’ve read on for 30 years, you are as presumptuous as you are ill-informed.

Watching “videos” to undertand what Gnosticims is. That’s comedy gold. Why not just get a copy of Esoteric Traditions for Dummies? You’re not overqualified for that effort.

  Sirhan Wrap
February 27, 2023 10:56 pm

You are definitely not very smart. You said;

By the time one is able to “know” God, the individuality of the experiencer has been absorbed into the essence of God. This is why they believed they were god-like in potentis. Jesus himself recognized this truth when he propounded, “Know ye not, ye are gods?”

Complete bullshit. Jesus was referencing Psalm 82. The Hebrew for ‘gods’ is ‘elohim’ used interchangeably in the Old Testament as YHWH, angelic hosts or human magistrates. Get a clue dumbfuck.

February 23, 2023 7:18 am

Speaking of clownworld:

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 7:30 am

So…punching women in the face is still off the table? Just checking in case the opportunity arises.

Maybe just squeeze the nose to see if it honks?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 8:37 am

You didn’t have beer for breakfast did you? Just kidding. You were funny last night.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 2:07 pm

No. I’ve got a butt load of adulting to do today and tomorrow. Trying to decide whether or not to put Mom in a home.

Thank you though. I’m glad I could make you laugh.

  The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 10:53 pm

I will pray for you in your difficult time

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 24, 2023 8:51 am

Oh, Scrutinizer, that’s a very hard decision. Particularly after 2020 when they let the elderly die alone.

  The Central Scrutinizer
February 26, 2023 10:10 am

Please do not take Mom “to a home” take her into your home.

  The Central Scrutinizer
February 24, 2023 12:04 pm

Witches are not people like you and me.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 8:29 am

Even if she can’t sing, I think she could easily have a promising career on Broadway in “Wicked”. No makeup needed!

As far as legal work goes, I wouldn’t trust her counsel when it comes to suing a neighbor who didn’t up dog poop off of our lawn.

  Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 9:18 am

Scroll up one tweet above, then read this report from gateway pundit, if you don’t have anything better to do. You pretty much hit it in your observation.
As Mark would say, ‘plant sweet potatoes in sandy land’.

Was the Jury Foreperson in Trump Georgia Investigation a Witch? Here’s Her Disturbing Social Media Account

Sam's Uncle
Sam's Uncle
February 23, 2023 11:58 am

Something aint right with that one

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Sam's Uncle
February 23, 2023 2:08 pm

Aye. That red head is no lie.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 12:41 pm

I trust my intuition about people.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 7:06 pm


February 23, 2023 2:11 pm

Hmmm…the other 11 on the jury are making think something is wrong in Georgia!

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February 23, 2023 8:09 pm

Had you just topped it off with a straight up pic of Hillary, well , that would have been priceless .

February 24, 2023 1:17 pm

Didn’t I mention the alternative juror in case one of the 12 drops out?

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 8:53 am

Read Paul Craig Roberts essay today. That will tell you what’s wrong in Georgia.

February 23, 2023 10:55 pm

She looks like she kills puppies in her spare time.

February 24, 2023 2:12 am

Only puppies? She has to be on the witch shit list. I bet she doesn’t get invited to all the good parties, she will never end up rubbing tits with the A listers like killery, but few have killery’s track record of killings.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 7:05 pm


February 23, 2023 8:36 am

Stop #TheNoticing …smh.

February 23, 2023 7:34 am

1.) To me, a last important thought-step is missing.
Q: What is the common underlying assumption, to each of these three quotes from your article:
– if God is considered as being “great”, the esoteric wizards will say “No, God is greater than that”
– the gnostic wizards will acknowledge facts and then claim to have an even higher knowledge, or a better understanding
– The goal of constant revolution is to never cease denouncing established systems in favor of something “better”
A: “I can imagine something better than the current theory/reality.”
And nobody sane would think, that demanding people to stop imagining better things is a feasible antidote to that. The solution was mentioned in the article, it’s humility. But I believe the needed depth is missing – it has to be a humility, that in a full developed form comes to the completely settled realization
‘[Large-scale] perfection is categorically impossible in the [earthly] world.’
Meaning we need to accept a certain level of incurable imperfection. Plus every careful attempt to improve things is always factually a trade-off, and the results need to be closely monitored and in the worst case a return to the previous state is warranted.

2.) I think the “circular logic” argument is not very helpful.
Every philosophy becomes circular if you go deep enough into it, and Plato solved that by declaring ‘truth in itself’ and ‘beauty in itself’ to be already in existence in every human’s mind.

February 23, 2023 9:38 am

I appreciate those perspectives, m.

According to Lindsay in a later video in the series: “Faith is inherently humble in its dispositions toward its claims of knowing”. And, assurance is not certainty, so it professes hope and trust over knowledge. Trust is placed in that which is bigger than all of us – and so this removes man from the center of creation.

Faith is to serve, except the gnostic wizards use it to serve themselves

And, then, through the humility of reason “something bigger” than us is realized that isn’t us, so a system of balance, or objective law, is put into place in order to minimize violence.

Or, according to Lindsay using an analogy of balancing a baseball bat in one’s palm, you can’t hit anyone with it.

Thus, faith identifies Gnosticism’s hubris and reason calls out Gnosis as unreasonable. (my words, not Lindsay’s per se.

Most of the speakers in the “Mere Simulacrity” seemed to favor Aristotle over Plato.

For what it’s worth.

Old Geezer
Old Geezer
February 23, 2023 11:10 am

another astute summary of how we got here … Now What Do We Do About It ?

1. perhaps it’s time to get another truckers strike going, with a better target. have the guys who deliver food and fuel to DC call in sick for two weeks.

2. develop a web site – perhaps this one – where joe nobodies like me can submit ideas. people like you could separate the wheat from the chaff. then publicize and get the best ideas organized for best effect.

? ? ?

my guess is there are at least a few really good ideas out there … just sitting there.

Julius & Gloomius
Julius & Gloomius
  Old Geezer
February 23, 2023 12:06 pm

Why is there an assumption that “we need to do anything about it”?

It’s a 4th turning.

Soon enough, and surely sooner than anyone could produce any push or move even a nano meter the Titanic of moral ineptitude, technological terror, and failure of leadership that comes with 4th turnings, it will be over and we’ll be back to a “high”.

Best thing “to do”?

Getcherself up onto a plateau and away from crowds and hunker down.

Observe. Remark. Live. Wait.

The best thing to do for the average peasant, beyond some preps….is nothing.

These fools will either burn themselves or the whole world down and with the weapons we’re talking about, NONE of us can change the course.

It is very possible that any “actions” at this point will only put things right on the path that is to be avoided.

Patience. The good part’s coming up….where the peasants kill the clowns. Just wait though…the clowns have to take the food first…it’s like “5 minutes” from now…

  Julius & Gloomius
February 23, 2023 7:08 pm

“A prudent man sees trouble afar off and hides himself.”

Prudent men are not always cowards.

old geezer
old geezer
February 23, 2023 8:16 pm

fwiw, about 12 months ago i moved next to a plateau. an ex commiefornian born at the san diego naval hospital in 1960. i used to live not too far from the Golden Gate Nat’l Cemetery. something north of 140,000 men ( and some women ) are buried there.

i don’t have all the answers, no one does. but i have been the beneficiary of those who have gone before me.

right now i see, myself included, way too many good men doing nothing.

February 23, 2023 2:34 pm

Thanks. I was not trying to give an overall evaluation of Aristotle vs. Plato.

I only pointed out that Plato gave a corner stone to philosophy (a ‘philosophers stone’ if you will) to break the circular loop, by effectively declaring humans have a built-in detector for beauty and truth, already at birth. (And for this argument, it is irrelevant if that was created by God or nature or evolution!)

However I have never seen an Aristotlean thought (nor the Scientific Method) be able to present a competing, alternative corner stone – except declare the existence of such a built-in detector scientifically unprovable, which however starts the slide down into gnostic negativism.

February 24, 2023 8:03 pm

A later speaker in the “Mere Simulacrity” series cited the various Gnostic revolutions of philosophy as follows:

1.) Plato’s Metaphysical Idealism

led to…

2.) Kant’s Epistemological Idealism

which led to…

3.) Schleiermacher’s Hermeneutical Idealism….

which led to…

4.) post-modernism / linguistic idealism

and, finally leading to…

5.) Simulacrity.

According to the speaker, those philosophical revolutions have separated us from objective reality.

Interesting, no?

February 25, 2023 4:12 am

I don’t know. What’s the new insight here?
I would be hard-pressed to find a “philosophy” which diverges from reality, that doesn’t immediately take on Gnostic characteristics.

“… things that you do, that inevitably come back and hurt you, or the people you love. That’s why people have identified those as immoral.” (JBP)
Which -if you think it through- means, moral are the things that are completely sustainable over scale and time. And I see Christianity as a religion that has put morality as it’s highest value. Taken together: Immoral behavior, cast into a (fake) philosophical/religious form (to justify that behavior), is inherently gnostic.

February 25, 2023 3:05 pm

It does seem humility is the escape hatch to objective reality from this simulacrity.

February 23, 2023 8:27 pm

Good , I am looking forward to watching it and also favor Aristotle over Plato . I really like your choice of subject matter and your writing style . Of course don’t we all in our minds have an idea that the way we percieve reality is the most accurate ? So that what we say about the Gnositcs or Sorcerers in that vein could also apply to all of us as well ? Perhaps the info ( esoteric knowledge )itself isn’t the bad thing then ,but rather the advantage in psychological warfare that they gain by knowing it and having us not know it affords them in there lust for control over us ? As once you understand how the magic trick works it ceases to be magic and is rendered innefective ?Provided pulling the wool over your fellow man so you can have your way with them isn’t on your wish list lol . Who can resist the power of the ring ?

February 24, 2023 7:36 pm

And now , having watched part one I gotta say I basically nailed it IN ADVANCE of seeing it . How do I do that ? Been thinking INDEPENDENTLY about the same stuff for quite some time on my own is how .Guess I’m not as stupid as people like to think . TOOT ,TOOT !!! ( that’s me tooting my own damn horn FYI )lol .

February 23, 2023 4:45 pm

Good summary, M. Most Gnostic systems describe our “God” as a Demiurge. It (God) did not create everything in the universe but rather modified the existing background energy (ether).

The degree to which people will cease imagining alternative futures and hoping to modify perceived reality is dependent upon their state of consciousness. Consciousness (as you suggest in your last paragraph) is from beyond ourselves. Amongst those whose consciousness has been raised to the highest level possible on Earth there is no disagreement, no desire to imagine alternative realities. There is simply being.

February 23, 2023 7:41 am

“Dr. Lindsay is an -atheist, Democrat Obama supporter, massage therapist, new age/anti-Christian bullshitter on par with Jordan Perterson turned – author and mathematician who has written books on religion, science, philosophy and post-modernism. He begins this video by acknowledging the secret religions of the West.”

He does a good word salad that in upon a closer look ain’t about shit. The only thing Deep Shekels need to do to promote one of their chaos spewing, double speaking fag tools is to label him ‘far right’ and all the people who like to imagine themselves intellectuals jump on his boat and willingly get lost in a current of half-truths and innuendo… smh.

Any wannabee leader’s message to America should be simple and void of all confusion based inane gibberish, so even a intellectually afflicted shit flinging monkey can understand . Anyone ever heard this Deep Shekel pwnd fag talk about Jesus and perianal salvation?

All within the Christ , nothing outside the Christ, nothing against Christ. This is the only way to victory.

You’ll know them by their fruit. Talk about secret cults…

“Last April, Clyne tweeted an evocative picture of herself with Lindsay in which both have their legs spread wide open.

She captioned it, “I taught him everything he knows.” Lindsay replied to her tweet with a second, similar photo of the two together that he captioned, “LOL advanced studies.”

The photo with James came years after NXIVM’s human trafficking exploits were well-known.”

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Free speech advocate who popularized ‘groomer’ slur wants to suppress a photo of him with a sex cult member

Lindsay has supported Democratic Party candidates, including volunteering for Barack Obama, and was part of the New Atheism movement.[29] He said in 2022 that he originally identified with the left, though he had stopped considering himself a liberal. Lindsay stated that he does not “really” consider himself a conservative, but added: “I do notice that when I talk about conservatives now, I tend to use the pronoun ‘we’. So maybe on some psychological level, getting down in there, I’ve started to identify, but I don’t know if I mean ‘we’ conservatives or ‘we’ people who are standing up for broadly classically liberal values like the United States was founded upon. Team Reality, if you will. And if that’s conservative, so be it”.[30]

Lindsay is a critic of “woke culture”, which he analogizes to religious belief.[31] He describes “the Social Justice Movement” as his “ideological enemy”.[32] Though he opposed Donald Trump in the 2016 United States presidential election, Lindsay announced his intention to vote for Trump in the 2020 election, arguing that the danger of “wokeness” is much greater than that of a Trump presidency.[33]

God Doesn’t; We Do: Only Humans Can Solve Human Challenges (ISBN 978-1475063974). 2012.
Dot, Dot, Dot: Infinity Plus God Equals Folly (ISBN 978-0956694898). Onus Books. 2013.
Everybody Is Wrong About God (ISBN 978-1634310383). Pitchstone Publishing. 2015.
Life in Light of Death (ISBN 978-1634310864). Pitchstone Publishing. 2016.
How to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide (with Peter Boghossian; ISBN 978-0738285337). Hachette Books. 2019.
Cynical Theories (with Helen Pluckrose; ISBN 978-1634312035). Pitchstone Publishing. 2020.
Counter Wokecraft (with Charles Pincourt; ISBN 979-8536815038). Independently published. 2021.
Race Marxism: The Truth About Critical Race Theory and Praxis (ISBN 979-8795809083). Independently published. 2022.

February 23, 2023 8:09 am

One question for Calvinists, who now sponsor Lindsay’s work. Doesn’t being chosen by God ( i.e. elect or predestinated for salvation) before you are born smack of Gnosticism itself ? You will be gods, and free will is not something God ever granted humanity?

February 23, 2023 9:43 am


I withheld personal bias against Lindsay when I reviewed the video and wrote this post.

In truth, Lindsay slays sacred cows across the entire political and theological spectrum and this why his Wikipedia bio is as devastating as your own comments above.

That is telling in itself, I believe.

It also appears that most of the speakers in the “Mere Simulacrity” videos are Christians and any Calvinistic beliefs were not made known in the videos. And, although Lindsay considers much of Christianity as (in his words) “Narnia”, he said in the panel interview video of the series that he understood why only 144,000 Christians might make it because most Christians seem to like his ideas while treating him as a “fat-chick side-piece” (or similar to that).

Linsday claims Communists, Aryans, and fascists ALL embrace Gnosticism and Hermeutics. Because they believe in Plato’s pyramid of the perfect republic. He claims Hitler used Marxist dialectics when he coopted international socialism in the pursuit of national socialism and that Hitler was influenced by the gnositic mystic Helena Blavatsky in constructing the “Nazi progressive project”.

Although many won’t agree, I believe it’s important to have the conversation, and that’s I why I have begun to cover this series.

Comments like yours are just a bonus, I guess.

February 23, 2023 10:07 am

I would take anything this wizard says with a grain of salt. It’s almost as if they, according to a rule set forth by God, have to let you know what they’re doing, before they do it. A lot of Christians follow Peterson , too, and they’re all deluded too.

February 25, 2023 9:30 pm

“Communists, Aryans, and fascists ALL embrace Gnosticism and Hermeutics”
That’s just so plain silly I don’t know why it’s worth even bringing up to argue about.

And what is meant by Aryan? I assume you (or Lindsay?) don’t mean white folks, or nordics, or Indo-Europeans, whatever.

February 24, 2023 12:11 pm

It is such an incredibly arrogant interpretation, that I can’t see how it even bears fruit. I think Calvinism is among the greatest of Christian heresies. Just because God knows, doesn’t mean we can, so what is the point?

February 27, 2023 9:38 am

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 8:47 am

Interesting info, Flash. Always know who you are listening to and what they are about. I happened to come across that particular video Unc is talking about several weeks ago and listened to it. Regardless of who he is, he does make some very good points in an academic sort of way. However, he didn’t say anything I didn’t already know.

Now that you mention it, he is sort of Jordan Petersonish, isn’t he? Peterson also makes good points. You can weed out the bad from the good if you aren’t all…what’s the word I’m looking for..idolizing is the only word I can think of. People have a tendency to idolize someone like Peterson or Lindsay.

The 2 hour lecture is worth listening to, keeping those things in mind. They have nearly been successful at negating reality and pushing back against it feels like an uphill battle.

  Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 9:20 am

I listened to it and now that’s two hours of wasted time listening to unproductive, go nowhere gibberish that I’ll never get back. The problem with the ideological driven Right is they are looking for some dickless worm spewing hours and hours of clean your room gibberish to save them, when a simple direct statement of how to regain control of one’s nation, bequeathed by ancestral conquest should begin with 4 these items:

1) Declare Christ is King. There is no other.

2) Take control of the money. A nation that doesn’t controls it’s own money is not a nation, but a subject of money creators.

3) Take control of government. Remove all foreigners and foreign influence. Only Christians can be allowed to hold any public office.

4) Take control of the military. Bring all troops home and secure the border.

Physiognomy is real.
Funny too, Lindsay hanging out with a sex cult hottie whilst being married to Heather Lindsay for 16 years…she must be very “understanding” and “tolerant” of James’s “open friendships. “… a great woman, for sure.
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“You are living in a post-ideological age. Understand this. Accept this. It is time to stop thinking in terms of Left and Right, of Liberal and Conservative, of Democrat and Republican, and think in terms of identity instead…. Ideology politics are dead. Idea wars are reserved for homogeneous societies, not multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious, war zones. The culture wars are intrinsically interidentity, and anyone who is still babbling about Left and Right, or Liberal and Conservative, is simply demonstrating the extent to which they fail to understand their own reality. Social Justice is Satan’s Justice. “
Vox Day

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 9:26 am

Well, I listened while I was doing chores so I guess the only wasted time was I could have listened to something else while doing chores. These people have a way of overshadowing or blotting out all the spiritual aspects of what we are dealing with. It’s still a good idea to keep track of them because they have a way of taking on a life of their own and, to repeat myself, the spiritual aspect is ignored.

  Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 9:31 am

Calvinist don’t need spirituality , they be chosen ones, too. See muh Judeo-Christian heritage for reference.
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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 9:37 am

Calvanism never made sense to me.

  Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 12:13 pm

It always smacked of evil and corruption to me.

February 23, 2023 6:49 pm

Calvinists are delusional. They completely misunderstand the real nature of “intentional suffering”. Without joy spiritual growth is impossible

February 24, 2023 8:03 pm

without suffering joy would lose its value . without the choice to do wrong there is no choice to do right . Ever notice how the Godless collectivist people of the system for managing humanity always want to flatline every damn thing from psychological states to business cycles ?

  Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 10:01 am

In choosing allies, one of the greatest mistakes people can make is to assume that because someone is the enemy of their enemy, then they must be a friend and as history will attest this is every single time. . One great example, from a book I’m reading now by T.R. Fehrenbach on American Indians illustrates how the various Amerindian tribes hated each other so much that instead if uniting with blood to defeat the invaders, they allied with the Europeans to weaken their defeat and weaken their races and the alligator ate then last.

Emotional manipulation based on lies is exactly how Deep Shekels has provoked White Christians to mass murder their kin whilst counting coin of the self-inflicted genocide.

February 24, 2023 8:06 pm

Yep that’s what its all about at bottom but its not just reserved for “Deep Shekels “, “Player “

By the Way
By the Way
  Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 12:49 pm


The other videos in the series tie in the spiritual aspects. Keep going.

  By the Way
February 23, 2023 7:18 pm

I think I will stay out of this one and let Flash do the heavy lifting. Me thinks an attempt is made here to herd those who are finger pointing in the wrong direction. Flash called BS , and rightly so. I have been blathering about occult/secret societies for years and their jooish roots.
Religion is a construct, every topic of conversation here becomes a bible thumping thump-a-thon. Day after day the beat goes on and nothing changes. I agree Unc that illusion rules the reality in which most people live, I’ve said that many times. But we can simply walk away from the illusion, just drop it like a bad habit .

Can we just all be normal humans again? God put everything you need to sustain life here on this plane. Life should be super simple to navigate. That is the last thing your mind controlling overlords want you to know..

I don’t even know what to say anymore, the Babylon world just isn’t working out . In the 60’s they said, “Tune In and Turn On”, the experiment has failed. So let’s, “Tune Out and Turn Off” before they suck us into a complete vacuum. I don’t care about Dr. Lindsay or any of the rest of them, I do care that people are becoming more miserable by the day.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 8:58 am

Day after day the beat goes on and nothing changes.

Sounds like you feel like you are beating your head against a wall. I’m not sure what change you are referring to. Changed minds here? Or change outside this little domain?

February 24, 2023 8:20 pm

The silver lining is that at least people like Dr Lindsay are catching up to where we’ve been all along . ( well not all along in my case but for quite some time anyway ) Its all a mindfuck. I was posting crazy ass comments to that extent almost 20 years ago on American Thinker and you can imagine the reactions I got .Now they are all like “Yuri Bezmeneboff this Ideological subversion that , fankfurt school blah blah psychological warfare , psyop hypnotic this and that blah blah blah “as if ….. Of course all they remember about me was that I was some craszy stupid guy that they never listened to because I was crazy and stupid for even putting forward such ” woo woo “concepts . You know , the same concepts that they now think makes them sound on the cutting edge of the based movement to each other lol , like name droppers. What a bunch of freaking posers .The reality is that this is just how most people are and it doesn’t make them bad people .I know ,I know “paragraphs could be my friend “

February 24, 2023 11:12 am

Flash, do protestants qualify as Christian?


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 2:17 pm

Pretty sure that’s God’s decision.

not flash
not flash
  Mary Christine
February 24, 2023 2:23 pm

Romans 10; if they believe in their hearts and confess with their mouths. all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

  not flash
February 26, 2023 12:21 am

Which Lord, which language?

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
February 26, 2023 11:19 am

The Lord whose Son died for your sins. Any language you want.

February 25, 2023 7:24 am

All Christians, regardless of denomination, or what they’ve read or haven’t, go to heaven…and therein lies the greet problem with denominational Christianity. Look it up.

February 25, 2023 8:08 pm

Oh my God, thank you for this angel. That clicked together everything the Lord has been leading me to these past 15 months. Thanks, flash.


February 26, 2023 6:39 am

Nonsense. Ever hear of JW’s? There are numerous “Christian Denominations” which reject the salvation or potential salvation of other “Christian Denominations”, not to mention those of non-Christian theological practices including atheists. Jew hate infuses many here while Jews and Christian’s are tied by ancient bonds. Much blathering…

February 24, 2023 7:48 pm

You are skipping over a whole lot of things that have to happen first before you even have a snowballs chance in hell of carrying out your declared list . Political momentum , without it you’ll just end up some loan crazy on the nightly news false narrative . The question is how do you create the environment where your list becomes doable ?( not that I either agree or disagree with any or all of them ) King for a day, declare it so ? You see how you cannot really be considered serious don’t you ?the search for a solution always comes back to the “unscrewing” of a sufficient number of people’s minds so that they can see the reality behind the “simulcrum” . WTFU America !!!!! ( personally not holding my breath on that one (-;)Hey , its important subject matter.

February 25, 2023 3:07 pm

Eat a bag of dicks, idiot. Popular opinion does not negate the implementation nor success of a plan. Might makes right. Always has and always will. Until you learn this you’ll be forever sniffing you own butt, all the while whining about the unbearable funk.


February 26, 2023 6:42 am

So you lost the argument?

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
February 23, 2023 9:29 am

Thanks Flash. Good to know.

February 23, 2023 9:52 am

He and Peterson are disgusting. See amazing Polly’s take on Schwab’s’new narrative’.

Jiggawatts And Giggawatts
Jiggawatts And Giggawatts
February 23, 2023 12:44 pm

Any wannabee leader’s message to America should be simple and void of all confusion


It should sound something like this:

Reporter: What is your platform for candidacy?

Candidate: It’s very simple: The base of all U.S. problems stem from practicing the core planks of communism according to the communist manifesto. Addressing this is not a magic bullet and will not make all U.S. problems disappear overnight. It will put the U.S. on a path of recovery from decades of horrible decisions.

I will first attack and destroy the “base of the base” , which is the Federal Reserve Private banking system that represents Plank 5. All debt owed to the private banking families/clans that are official owners will be defaulted upon. All debts owed to others will be reviewed for criminality, corruption, overcharging, etc. Appropriate funds will be “clawed back”. Appropriate loans will be made whole by the United States of America. Gold and silver coinage will become the official legal tender of the land minted solely by UST.

Next, I will highlight and destroy 3 other main planks that the U.S. is being attacked with: Planks 1,2, and 10 that parasitize our citizens in the form of Property Taxes, Income Taxes and Government Schools.

Plank 1 is, effectively, “rent” paid to government for all land use. It supports Plank 10 and ties neatly with Plank 5. This is illegal, immoral and regressive. The same can be said of Plank 2 – it is a transfer of the burden of taxation from Corporations Importing/Exporting, to the average citizen.

These Planks are destroying our republic and have restructured burdens and levers of power in ways that were specifically forbidden in our original Constitution and Amendments. With good reason were the limitations on power, taxation, and coinage – that have been temporarily overrun by communist infiltrators – put in place. We can now see what they knew of an hoped to prevent.

Stand with me now to destroy these plagues and restore our heritage.

February 25, 2023 3:07 pm

Seems clearly anti-Christ to me.

February 23, 2023 7:54 am

Stop worrying about what the idiot masses are going to do and take care of your family. Get your kids out of government schools. Become as self-sufficient as you can. Winter is coming and it won’t be kind to those who live in Clownworld.

February 23, 2023 8:25 am


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February 23, 2023 8:34 am

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Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 9:10 am

I didn’t know Owen had such a cute wife. Good for him. Just goes to show: Women think funny guys/comics are sexy.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Svarga Loka
February 23, 2023 12:13 pm

Night At The Museum Film GIF by 20th Century Studios - Find & Share on GIPHY

’tis true.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  hardscrabble farmer
February 23, 2023 8:59 pm

Some of us know you have a cute wife, too, monkey.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Mary Christine
February 26, 2023 8:42 am

Way above my pay grade.

February 23, 2023 8:33 am

Self-reliance is the key to resisting the imposition of the state. That’s why the state puts all of its efforts into creating dependence:

The Relationship Between the American People and Its Evil Government Is the Epitome of Mass Stockholm Syndrome

(Please excuse the link to Rockwell, snowflakes. Here’s a cough drop and a hair tousle.)

February 24, 2023 8:44 pm

Lol , Ive been saying that too for like twenty years , along with “Munchausen by proxy syndrome “which is even a better fit for the counterfeit compassion that the Statist’s practice .They intentionally make you weak and helpless so they can be seen as your savior and have all the admiration be on themselves for being “so compassionate” . Additionally it is also a variation on the “hegelian dialectic” or “solutions looking for a problem”( I didn’t come up with that condensed definition but its better then the original because it is condensed so I use it ).

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 23, 2023 9:21 am

I don’t think he addressed the actual perversions these people in secret societies dally in. Nor did he acknowledge there is actual spiritual warfare behind all of this. Regarding the perversions, Russ Winter looks into this in this article published a couple days ago.

The Hellfire Club: Precursor of the Degenerate Luciferian Control Network

  Mary Christine
February 26, 2023 7:04 am

Seems more like shocking behavior rather than actual subversion.

February 23, 2023 9:52 am

My interpretation of Hegelian dialectic…every morning I sit on the toilet and create. Some days I call it CRT, some times little Khazarians…in the end it is the same result and I flush. I am their god and have solved the wizards riddle.

February 23, 2023 11:19 am


February 23, 2023 6:39 pm

William- My father always called it giving birth to a Democrat. 🙂

Be Prepared
Be Prepared
February 23, 2023 10:38 am

Great thought provoking synopsis of seeing the “Unseen” and the evil which pervades all aspects of our society.

February 23, 2023 10:40 am

Good read. Lots to chew on here. Before ‘ The Matrix ‘ was a movie about an alternate reality discovered by a newly awakened man. Its John Carpenters ” THEY LIVE “.

In the early part of the film , a preacher type on a weak signal TV program is trying to warn the still sleeping masses. As I looked at the hazy sky this morning I recalled a line from that film. — ” THEY are changing our atmosphere , into their atmosphere “.
( chemtrails – Geoengineering Watch . org )

The entire film is a visual metaphor of two competing realities. One that is fake , used by alien overlords to keep mass-control, the other reality is things as they truly are. Seen only by a few, due to a signal sent out that keeps everyone in a trance. Our hero must stop the signal and wake the masses.

Just look up some ” THEY LIVE ” memes and you’ll be illuminated quickly.
Merlin’s magic wand was made of : HOLLY wood. > Illusion

February 23, 2023 11:06 am

They Live,best cinematic street brawl ever!

February 23, 2023 11:08 am

‘ Just put on the glasses ……’

February 24, 2023 8:54 pm

Or soon to be in the here and now “just take them off” …..People use ” you are off your meds ” as a pejorative when in reality that too is probably the other way around .

February 24, 2023 8:50 pm

Well said and ” They Live “is most definitely a campy B movie thought provoking cult classic .

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 23, 2023 10:48 am

Everything of value begins with the truth. No crime, no sin, no conspiracy, no outrage can exist without a foundation built upon a lie.

The truth really does set you free.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
  hardscrabble farmer
February 23, 2023 10:49 pm

Indeed it does.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 24, 2023 8:57 pm

words of incalculable wisdom Mr Farmer .

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
February 23, 2023 11:01 am

Seems the most successful
disinformation campaign thru
history has convinced billions to devalue their life on earth, and instead, has them looking forward to death.

All evidence suggests life as a human on earth is one of the rarest experiences in the known universe.

another doug
another doug
February 23, 2023 11:13 am

Deception wears a lot of different hats but it still comes down to deception . Thanks for this.

February 23, 2023 11:48 am

Hmmmmmm…..,only 24 more hours!

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The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 2:13 pm

You’re as giddy as a little school girl! I’m happy for you!

  The Central Scrutinizer
February 23, 2023 3:14 pm

Smiling for me is a rare thing these days,will take what I can get.

Sam's Uncle
Sam's Uncle
February 23, 2023 11:57 am

wow–thank you. I’m going to purchase that book.

teo toon
teo toon
February 23, 2023 12:16 pm

people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.

You mean this silliness thaat showed up in my email folder?
Red Earth, White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact – Vine Deloria Jr

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
February 23, 2023 1:26 pm

No fault at all of Doug’s well-written explanation, but I’m nowhere near smart enough to follow all this. I distrust this level of complexity. It’s like dealing with the Tax Code, nothing good seems to come of it. I’ll post it tonight, although Lindsay’s ideas are decidedly not straight line logic. SLL has an eclectic group of readers; some of them will get something from it.

  Robert Gore
February 23, 2023 2:06 pm

Thank you, Robert. Perhaps the straight line is this:

We live in Clownworld because the old order of Western Civilization is being replaced by a new order as the result of modern maniacal megalomaniacs adhering to the writings of several bad German philosophers who plagiarized a bunch of errant, and ancient, theological b*llshit.

And, as I’ve stated here before: All debates are rooted in theology one way or another.

To be fair, Lindsay makes more connecting citations in his video presentation (that I mostly left out of the above summary for brevity) – and the following videos in the series make even “straighter lines”, in my opinion.

Plus, this one was over 3,500 words and I know (being the busy guy you are) you prefer the pithier posts. 🙂 But I wanted to summarize the entire 2 hours without leaving too much out.

In any event, I appreciate you posting the article over at

February 23, 2023 10:19 pm

I can’t wait to watch the whole thing, much appreciation for your effort and posting it’s existence.

You loosely summarized: >”We live in Clownworld because the old order of Western Civilization is being replaced by a new order as the result of modern maniacal megalomaniacs adhering to the writings of several bad German philosophers who plagiarized a bunch of errant, and ancient, theological b*llshit.”

Despite decades of making effort to see behind many curtains, i feel I broke an additional big spell during this current extreme clownworld blindside. I now realize the history of this reality has just been one clownworld after another and the clowns just have differing tools/limits in different eras. It will always will be this way, will never rectify into some organized utopia and there’s nothing to try to fix. It’s what the parasitical clowns are doing with their better grasp of the simulacrum.

I now think it’s a big spell to be tricked into thinking there’s a noble purpose and/or obligation to spend any of ones life making effort ‘for humanity’ be it local or worldly. It not only doesn’t matter, it is very draining and feeds the parasites. The only thing that matters is realizing you have a right to not participate, a right to just observe, every right to only spend time making beauty and joy in your life and enjoying the gift of the beauty of this planet… and laughing at the clowns.

But even greater, the most rewarding objective is getting good at using the simulacrum TOO – a neutral oscillating field with no objectives whose only function is to coalesce thought. So once you realize that as soon as you think anything it starts coding around you and the clearer the intent, the better the result…. then the real fun, real freedom and real worthwhile effort of controlling you own mind begins.

(By the way, with this post I’m changing my handle to Waves that I changed very recently to WaveMaker cuz everyone was shortening it in reply anyway and I agree it’s better. )

February 24, 2023 8:40 pm

After more carefully reading the OP, I want to clarify that I was using the word Simulacrum in a completely different way than Lindsay. I’ve been watching a number of c0mmunities who are independently coming to the same conclusion that we are trapped in a Simulation that is AI, that it is a parasitic demiurge created COPY of the original that no benevolent ‘god’ has any power to interfere with, and they are calling the whole thing a Simulacrum, not just distortions/copies of things within it as Lindsay is. This soulless parasite created this Simulacrum to generate negativity and it’s continued existence relies on that food.

This Simulacrum ‘reality’ is an neutral oscillating field that has no objectives. It just is, and is sort of on autopilot to render things into ‘reality’ with all impetus being thought. The secret keeper parasites don’t want their energy bleeders to get the hang of how to use it. These secret keepers created all the religions in the first place for the express purpose of keeping slaves subservient and in a reincarnational loop.

I now see Lindsay as having gotten a whiff of how ancient and ongoing the hidden controllers are, but he won’t look out of his comfy religious box that there may not be any benevolent ‘god’ who’s got his back. The game is to escape and it starts with the courage to realize it’s on you…. and doable.

I decided what one rule to live by: Don’t Lie To Yourself
And on further perusal, realized there’s nothing for me in all the rest of this christian based series. oops.

February 25, 2023 7:53 pm

Does it really m a t t e r what we *call* ourselves as long as we are doing the right thing.

The only way to do that is for a high percentage of your viable sized group [ some say 150 ] to adhere through belief [ by-live = live-by ] in the same sustainable [ viable ] rules overseen by people who have means and desire to serve, protect and honorably preseve their own viably sized group [ tribe? ].

February 24, 2023 9:09 pm

Perfect dude but I wouldn’.t call what you want to manifest as a simulcrum because it sounds pretty authentic and hands off of other peoples free will to me . Just sayin , truth is indeed power because it has set you free whereass if it be used to pull the wool over someone s eyes so you can mindfuck them for your purposes would be putting that power to evil purpose

February 25, 2023 11:05 am

I think I get what you’re saying but i didn’t say I wanted to manifest a simulacrum, I’m saying the whole mental field we’re in on Earth now is someone elses trap – and the literal biggest secret is that the best thing you can do with your mind this lifetime is find the courage to identify and shed ALL the delusion to ‘not get fooled again’ to find the escape hatches and break the reincarnational loop at death.

The biggest trick being played here is the system of deluding people away from their own power by believing in the existence of a ‘savior’ or a ‘god’ and to swallow that all the horrendous evil that feed the parasites that ‘a loving all powerful god’ NEVER does anything about all has some justified ‘god’s will ‘purpose!!!!!!!!

Trying to force myself to accept that feels like lying to myself.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
February 23, 2023 11:00 pm


At a very young age I reached a conclusion: 99.999 percent of all this is bullshit. Sometimes that conclusion has served me well, sometimes not. I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch. My hat’s off to you for unraveling some of what I’ve missed. This article certainly didn’t feel like 3,500+ words and that’s a credit to your writing. I read it more attentively than the bulk of what I read on the Internet, which I mostly scan. Keep up the good work, even though some of us occasionally miss the punch line.

February 26, 2023 1:09 am

I expected it to be longer before I was done reading it, but you can’t please everyone. I see some are challenging from a big picture perspective, but this does put some articulation on some patterns I have noticed.

February 23, 2023 2:13 pm

You Do NOT see the following :
Food plant fires , industrial accidents increasing , select food availability issues, baby formula is fine , there is no vaccine ‘ problem ‘ , there is no drawdown of the petroleum reserve, Ukraine is winning.

As of today, Dole Foods did not shut down due to a cyber attack.

February 23, 2023 6:13 pm

Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium?
USDA does not allow animal tumors to enter food chain. But lab-grown meat is made of tumor cells

First comment, pinned by Dr. Chudov:

The HeLa cancer cells are notoriously hard to control. HeLa cells used in labs often “jump” from one experiment’s samples to another in the lab, off countertops or in the refrigerators. The results from many studies had to be discarded after a double check of, say, lung cancer cell lines were found to actually be HeLa cells that had infiltrated other studies without being detected. There needed to be a crusade of checking cell lines in order to keep research clean and honest.

In horror I read the papers about adopting HeLa cells for vaccine production…and the number of papers mysteriously dwindled to virtually nothing around the time they started using them. Disappeared from the radar screen of journals the public has access to. I never did see vaccine trials that followed (for years, would be necessary) whether vaccines made using HeLa cells changed the rate of cancers in recipients. The stars line up for a potential catastrophe.

Many of the other comments are informed, literate, and pertinent. And horrifying.

February 23, 2023 10:00 pm

“Baby Formula is Fine”

Trace THIS Co. “Back” a n d SEE where You end up?

What’s in a name.

February 26, 2023 3:41 am

Spell it out, I’m not getting it.

Channeling 'i forget'...(WhereisHe?)
Channeling 'i forget'...(WhereisHe?)
February 26, 2023 6:58 am

“Spell it out, I’m not getting it.”

…(A)pparent, of A Parent, ova Parent…(Ultimately? unholystill subsidiary(s) involved. Too)… “OPIATE”(s) of the masses. By “The Classes”.

Since You do NOT have a Clue? (👁’ll* get to that in a min. If ‘i remember’)
LEAST i Candle cando is ‘illuminate’ the Rabbit Hole Warren…

…Oh so ‘softly’ (Yuuge ‘Romantic’ @ 💖)

U2. Can spend HOURS ‘Drawing’ Yore Own ‘Picture’. IF READING is in Your ‘Wheelhouse’. Too.

Truly, the links BARELY mention (some of) the names.

*Not EVEN a sip of coffee…(channeling The Boss my Wife)…in my head. Yet.

raison d’être? (Condition: NO Coffee. Yet.) ‘I let’ that Silly Cat OUT @ Midnight, and She will not even ‘respond’ to the laser pointer, ‘played’…At Distance. All the usual ‘Hang-Outs’. Terrified ta call…’Here Zelda, Zelda, Zelda…(She thinks She IS a Dog)…And WAKE The Boss. Severe repercussions MAY ensue IF That Silly Cat is NOT present when i awaken The Boss. (Sundays have been ‘special’ for MANY yrs**…but ‘i digress’.

Yule catch more Flies w/Honey. (Manners Make The Man).

Alternatively? You can ALSO ‘Catch’ them by hand. ‘Record’ 2@once!

All i could do…(without crushing)…get a hold of 1. Place the noose over its little head, and cinch it down. Without ‘popping off’ said Head. ‘Fly’ The Fly around. Even set them ‘Free’…don’t fly far @ all. Additional weight tires them out easily. Rest. Repeat. Made a fair amount of $ over the Yrs. ‘betting’ on whether such a feat COULD even be accomplished.

(Looong & Luxurious) tresses on a FEMALE? Good for more than a guiding Hand(le).

Have A ‘smooth’Day! 😁 ’bout the best one can H&P 4. In addition to dying of Old Age. In Your Sleep. Together.

We ‘shook’ on it, and she The Boss has been a man of Her Word. Myself?
IF ‘i don’t find’ that Silly Cat before she wakes up? 🤣

2 of 3 conditions of ‘The Promise’ MAY be Met!

** EXTENSIVE ™SECRETS Involved. Including, but NOT limited to:
Cooking/Cleaning, Dancing/Singing/Juggling…Myriad efforts over time. A Smile/Giggle?


P.S. 👁 do not think (and consequently type) without Coffee. Without Cat.
Eureka! Zelda FINALLY learned to scratch. To get In. Too!

Life IS GOOD! 🎼 And It’s ONLY gettin’ Better! 🎶)

In Closing:

February 23, 2023 2:47 pm

One man’s religion is another man’s cult. Letting Lindsay, or anyone else, determine what is the “true religion” is like letting the UN determine what is factual speech.

Bart the Rooftop Korean
Bart the Rooftop Korean
February 23, 2023 4:46 pm

Lindsay defined faith as belief in something bigger. How is that determining the true religion? Did you even read the article?

  Bart the Rooftop Korean
February 23, 2023 5:38 pm

A prime number is a natural number, greater than 1, that is divisible by only 1 and itself. Defining a prime natural number tells me which natural numbers are not prime. Defining a composite number, and excluding 1, is a way of defining prime numbers. When Lindsay labels Gnosticism as “Gnostic Parasitism”, he is basically saying that it is not a true religion. Extrapolating, he is saying that Catharism, Zen, and Buddhism are not true religions. As he adds more and more conditions for what he considers a Gnostic Parasitism, he is defining, or determining, a true religion. Bottom line, once you start denigrating and excluding religions that you consider false religions, you are defining a true religion.

To answer your first question, once I saw

The secret esoteric religions are false religions and include variations such as Gnostism, Hermeneutism, Kabbala, Freemasonry, and many others that Lindsay calls “initiate societies”

I knew I was dealing with a religious fanatic. Notice the term “false religions”.

February 23, 2023 8:04 pm

The Kingdom of God is a form of government, not a religion.

Religions are created by men hearing a Word then interpreting it according to their understanding which is delivered to the people as unpolluted.

Finding our idols [ false concepts of the Creator ] and burning them is a continuous process. All living things grow. Obeying other gods [ rulemakers ] is openly idolatrous.

February 26, 2023 7:14 am

I think anyone would have a hard time defending original or modern Freemasonry as a “secret esoteric religion”. More likely than not Lindsey was lumping together lose concepts of historic organizations with religiously based beliefs and those of religious offshoots of the dominant popular religions at the time, many of which threatened and or controlled the the power base during that early period in written history…

IMHO describing Lindsey as a “religious fanatic” is a mistake as well.

February 23, 2023 4:34 pm

An interesting article but the claims made about hermetic/gnostic knowledge are largely incorrect.

Every noticed how everything in the mainstream is fake? So why wouldn’t officially endorsed “religions” be the same? Little or nothing of Jesus’ teaching is reflected in modern Christianity. To claim these belief systems are true and the hidden systems are false is fundamentally inaccurate.

The “real” belief systems which explain the real way the universe works and humanity’s role in it must be hidden from plain view. Firstly because they would inevitable be corrupted and warped if in the public domain. Secondly because they would be rejected and destroyed by the masses (pearls before swine). And thirdly because true knowledge and understanding, like everything else in the universe are finite. It’s not possible for everyone to “know” the truth.

Ben Dare
Ben Dare
February 23, 2023 5:11 pm

Voltara writes like a true gnostic.

  Ben Dare
February 23, 2023 6:52 pm

Thanks for the compliment

  Ben Dare
February 24, 2023 4:46 am

Does awareness of gnosticism make you gnostic?

February 24, 2023 10:25 am

Does saying ‘It’s not possible for everyone to “know” the truth’ the same as saying only some can know the truth? What does that say about truth?

February 24, 2023 12:09 pm

“Those that hate Me [ Creator God speaking ] love death.”

“But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.”

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
February 23, 2023 7:06 pm

Excellent observations Voltara. Your last paragraph is a gem. The comment that you write “like a true gnostic” should be taken as a compliment.

  Dying Sun
February 24, 2023 5:06 pm

Thanks D.S.

Interesting that so many commenters on this site constantly lament the ignorance of their fellow citizens yet reject the obvious truth stated above. They think it’s “unfair” but don’t understand it cannot be any other way. The “truth” is available to all, but few want to hear it. While the supply of knowledge/understanding in the universe is finite the majority reject their share. So there’s all you want if you seek it. This explains a cryptic statement by Jesus which no mainstream Christian has ever managed to explain satisfactorily in their own terms.

“For to every one who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away”

Just one other thing that commenters on this page seem to misunderstand – faith. Mainstream religions tell us “faith” is denial of our senses and intellect. We must believe despite the evidence we see in the world. This is nonsense. For Jesus faith was knowing. If I say to you I have faith that the mechanic I use will fix my car I say this not out of wild hope. I say it because I have dealt with the man before and I know his abilities. This is true faith. And this is what Jesus constantly seeks in his conversations with his disciples. It comes from experiencing the “kingdom of God” which Jesus tells us is here and now, not a remote place accessed only after death. cheers

February 24, 2023 7:34 pm


In the introductory segment of the above article, I hyper-linked a 2021 article “Dear Remnant…” and that post included these words:

In many of my past articles, I’ve alluded to “faith” as defined by “action(s)” inspired by what people believe. This is, obviously, why the Bible states “faith without works is dead”. In other words, we are what we believe because we are what we do.

A golfer golfs, a drunk drinks, a wife-beater beats his wife…

Perhaps, as you say, people do act upon what they know and so we can be assured of what their values and beliefs are even though these are unseen – because people can be known by the evidence of their actions. (Hebrews 11?)


February 25, 2023 9:53 am

Not Voltara but:
So a man that believes in faith that he is a women is then in fact a woman?
The Faith spoken of in the Bible is that there is a Creator Father that loves you and wants a personal relationship with you just as if a real father has with his children. He wants communication.
The Father aspect is why it is the target, and always has been.

February 25, 2023 10:15 am

Thank you, Ginger. And I do believe you have addressed the heart of the matter. People act upon what they believe in faith… and those beliefs are either rooted in reality, or not.

Hence the writings of C.S. Lewis as well as the 9th video of the “Mere Simulacrity” series entitled “True and False Religion”.

Someone knows
Someone knows
February 23, 2023 10:06 pm

Isaiah 55:7 “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

Isaiah 55:9 “For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:10 “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:”

Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.”

  Someone knows
February 24, 2023 11:34 am


February 25, 2023 9:11 pm

It’s not like old christianity makes any more sense than modern christianity.

February 23, 2023 6:26 pm

How stoned is this author?

February 23, 2023 6:45 pm


My brief comments/questions are meant respectfully. If you doubt that, stop reading immediately.

1. Gnostics bad. Christianity good. Isn’t that pretty widely accepted here on TBP? Aren’t you preaching to the choir?

2. What are you hoping to accomplish? Make us smarter (good luck wif dat, lol), make converts, sell books?

3. Christianity uses mind-manipulation methods also. Right? I mean, that’s much of what is behind the constant call to renew one’s mind, eh?, as just one example.

4. Gnosticism is much broader and varied than presented here. Just like there are (seemingly) countless variations of Christianity, so it is with the Gnostics. Yes, I know it’s not your intent to write an encyclopedic article about Gnostics … I’m just sayin’, that’s all. Some Gnostics are probably closer to Christianity than some Christian churches!

Anyway ….

comment image

February 23, 2023 7:08 pm

Correct, ol’ Stucky. The true teaching of Jesus is based on Gnostic systems which go back to the Pythagorean schools in ancient Egypt. Paul corrupted the teaching while battling for control with the Gnostic Christians. The Apostle Thomas pursued the Gnostic teaching (amongst other things, denial of the bodily resurrection). The fabrication of the Gospel of John includes the doubting Thomas narrative, designed to bring the Thomasian Gnostics into the fold of the Pauline early church. Modern Christianity, particularly protestantism has almost nothing in common with the true teaching. Elements of it remain in the Orthodox traditions and amongst some Catholic orders.

February 25, 2023 8:28 pm

“The true teaching of Jesus is based on Gnostic systems which go back to the Pythagorean schools in ancient Egypt. ”

Actually much further. The birthright was passed to Seth [ Set? ] which included Adam’s [ aw-dawm’s ] writings [ records, insights, things he had been taught ].

February 23, 2023 8:17 pm

Hi Stuck,

Both of us are old enough to have witnessed the societal “progress” from Norman Rockwell‘s America, through the turbulent 60s, the saccharine 70s, the yuppie 80s, the “depends on what the definition of is, is” 90s, the encroachment of fascist “thought-control” / political correctness, the proliferation of the surveillance state after 911, and, ultimately, the transition into Clownworld where Wokeness has elevated political correctness and thought control into the New Religion of the New Reality.

So my last two articles (as well as many others before) have attempted to peek behind the wizard’s curtain, so to speak, in order to separate objectivism from subjectivism, if you will.

Although there are many intelligent people here on TBP and elsewhere throughout the free-speech blogosphere, we are losing out here in three dimensions.

This is because the wizards’ knowledge of casting spells exceeds the ability of truthtellers to break the framing of the wizards’ magic.

I’ve been able to do it with some success in my community, but I would not have succeeded without understanding what has been written in this article, my last article, and previous posts.

Therefore, this is what I’ve tried to accomplish:

A.) To consider new ways to crack the wizards’ circle – and I believe the key to breaking the spell is to reveal the relativism, and hubris, from an objective ideological standpoint.

B.) To draw more attention to the “Mere Simulacrity” series, because I believe the information is valuable and presented well.

C.) And, always, for the TBP comments because they make me more smarter (wink, wink)

In a later video in the “Mere Simulacrity” series, Lindsay identified three “dispensations” as follows:

1.) Reason
2.) Faith
3.) Gnosis – or sorcery

The first two, properly applied, will preclude # 3 from advancing.

In my experience, most people respect and appreciate 1 & 2 and will see # 3 (in politics, in “the science”, and in woke / gender / race dialectics) if effectively presented through the lens of 1 (i.e. logic) and 2 (see the C.S. Lewis definition of “The Tao” in my last article linked in the 1st sentence of the above post).

Even if some minds aren’t changed, the wizards in my community have been confounded and (mostly) stopped in their tracks. In any event, local freedoms have been preserved.

That said, however, there is an entire spectrum of readers here on TBP… as can be seen in the above thread. Premises, populations, and geographical locations are different – and your, and the reader’s, mileage may vary, of course.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
February 23, 2023 9:13 pm

The subjective premises of commenters on this thread like Parmenides, Voltara and others are powerless against the magic of wizards. You can’t beat wizardry if you respect it too much.

  Pistol Pete
February 23, 2023 9:38 pm

and others like stucky are impotent against magic because they don’t respect the power of true Christianity enough.

February 24, 2023 5:06 pm

Thank you for your excellent reply.

February 24, 2023 8:08 pm

I very much appreciated your questions and the perspectives contained therein, so thank you Herr Stuchenmeister

February 26, 2023 7:26 am

Uncial, I’ve been reading your writings for years. I’ve only just commented today. Keep up the good work…

February 26, 2023 7:27 am

Typo: Uncola

February 26, 2023 10:17 am

Thank you, WG. I read all your above comments today and found them interesting

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 26, 2023 10:20 am

Although there are many intelligent people here on TBP and elsewhere throughout the free-speech blogosphere, we are losing out here in three dimensions.

I believe you are mistaken.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 26, 2023 11:21 am

I hope so.

gadesden flag
gadesden flag
February 23, 2023 7:40 pm

Last week someone wrote “I wasn’t as awake as I thought I was”. They are now more “awake”. Fully awake, I don’t know? Perhaps they were also speaking of James Lindsay.

While Mr. Lindsay accurately portrays the actions of the Frankfurt School Babylonian Talmudist, he erroneously conflates the Gnostics with the Babylonians.

His premise seems to conflate the Frankfort activities with Gnostics and Gnostics as people of faith. So what does that say about “people of faith”. Is he not practicing the Hegelian Dialectic?

Do you see where this is headed?

“natural law” and its effects are equally employed by the good and the bad. See Mark Passio’s Natural Law seminars for an excellent primer of natural law, the occult and how it relates to your world –

Gnosticism and Hermeneutics are equally employed by the good and bad.
James Lindsay mentions hermeneutics negatively.
You may or may not know that “hermeneutics” means nothing more that interpreting the Bible or other texts.

Do you see where this is headed?

Are we really, fully awake?

February 24, 2023 1:02 pm

LSU has been the biggest SEC West threat to Alabama for more than two decades. Wear your Captain Obvious hat proudly, Connor. You earned it………..>>

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
February 24, 2023 11:10 pm

Fascinating, Jim (Spock voice)
I am reminded of Romans 1:

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

February 25, 2023 4:42 pm

Wizards and sorcerers? giving Biden and Pelosi too much credit. Gnostic Illuminati lizards are a waste of time.

February 25, 2023 5:15 pm

you are why they are succeeding joe. puppet lives don’t matter.

February 26, 2023 6:19 am

I’m not understanding the faith in the way it is used here and the small-g gnostic distinction. One man’s faith is anothers heresy, at least in the realm of revealed religions. You can’t read the New Testament and not see the mysteries once you’ve learned about the various religious practices of the time. And every person who tries to tell me what The Anointed One from their Book really meant is engaging in hermeneutics. As much as I despise esotericism, the fact that there are secrets or initiations doesn’t affect their validity or lack.

Reason and faith could help avoid deceptions, simulacra, what have you. But so could pig-ignorant bullheadedness. So could a naturally discerning person. So could a lack of media and dumb luck. A person (of a certain type) could with both reason and faith be one of these deceivers. Without having seen any of these videos yet this sounds like some potential ‘sorcery’ to me. ‘Counterspell=Reason+Faith.’

In fact all the talk about deception and wizardry puts me into mind of various dialogues and characters (archetypes?) from Thus Spake Zarathustra. I am agnostic on the idea of ‘will to power’ but this topic has me thinking on it. It is certainly a simpler explanation then examining the various forms and convolutions above.

February 26, 2023 10:37 am

When it comes to societal momentum, Anon, it appears any random outbreaks of bullheadedness, discernment, or luck have proven to be no match for “faith” not overtly identified as such.

And what if “gnosticism” was defined as “seeking salvation through knowledge“… would it add any fresh perspectives on transhumanism and the transhumanists currently peering out from behind the eye positioned at the top of the world’s economic pyramid? Especially when compared to good-old-fashioned Bible readers and church-attendees merely wanting to be left alone in order to live out their lives in faith and peace.

Do you see it now?

February 26, 2023 2:07 pm

I don’t think that fits what I know of transhumanism but it’s an interesting take.

Salvation is something I don’t understand, so the nuance of the hows and whys and motivations escape me. Salvation through following technical rules or through professing a specific formula don’t seem any more relevant.

I don’t think the actions of Bible-reading and church-attending have any particular bearing on whether people want to live out their lives in faith and peace. And those have been prime vehicles for manipulating people. Why else do folks argue so much about which translation and version of their book is correct and why it’s so hard to find a church with a compatible pastor (herdsman.)

Rev 3 20
Rev 3 20
February 26, 2023 7:17 pm


answer the door when the Shepard knocks and the truth will set you free.

  Rev 3 20
February 26, 2023 8:33 pm

I was pointing out what the word pastor means.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
February 26, 2023 4:42 pm

Much closer to home for the average citizens than the BORG is organized religion — in which a few declare themselves to be the arbiters of the Word of God — the ones possessed with the True Knowledge of the Word of God.

This is as old as history — here in the West, many jews even place higher belief in the talmud — the mental meanderings and masturbation of the few — to the actual Word of God. The same exists throughout all of Christianity — whether the Pope or the lesser leadership of the various Christian sects … through Buddhism and Hinduism and all of the rest of the ‘isms’ that exist.

But Christianity makes an extra mistake — it incorporates the old testament and appends it in front of the New Testament — the actual Life of Christ — and thereby puts Christians and Christianity under the boot of judaism … and, as time has shown, that is not a kindly boot to be under.

Clergy are these self-appointed, self-anointed knowers and purveyors of the Word of God … and it creates nice employment for them — but truly benefits the ‘common’ folks in the pews very little. It erects churches and cathedrals and synagogues and gurdwaras where none are really necessary … for the Word of God is a personal message to each of us to guide each of us on our homeward journey.

Have a peaceful and beautiful Sunday, folks … this First Sunday of Lent … and, as always, walk toward the Light.

  Anthony Aaron
February 26, 2023 7:08 pm

Since the fall of Man there have been thugs seeking power in order to demand their gods be worshipped… or to be worshipped as deities themselves. This has been true since the first tribes in Africa, through the pharaohs of Egypt, to the dynasties of Asia, and the Roman Caesars.

It’s no different now.

The new faith, like the old faiths, simply distills down to man worship. And what is Marxism if not fealty to The Collective? And what is “The State”, if not a collective of humans? And do not utopian dreams always spring from the minds of men?

It has been so from the time of the first lie.

The Great Reset: An Ancient Faith Continuously Renamed

February 26, 2023 8:54 pm

nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong