Amid the Absurdity of Clownworld: How Should We Then Live?

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


I believe people are as they think. The choice we make in the next decade will mold irrevocably the direction of our culture… and the lives of our children.

– Author and theologian Francis A. Schaeffer in 1976


The picture at the top of this article shows one of America’s founding fathers according to Google’s Gemini image generation tool.  Pursuant to complaints about the blatant inaccuracy and the ensuing maelstrom of negative press coverage, Google claimed it was “actively working on a fix”. Nonetheless, there remain claims that Google is “not telling the truth” and the company will never give up on its “desire to reshape the world in a specific way”.

Indeed.  It appears artificial intelligence, woke relativism, and Orwell’s “two plus two equaling five” are here to stay. And the “memory hole” first conjured by Orwell has increasingly manifested in The Borg’s nearly completed Simulacrum – as misinformation, false flags, and propaganda daily populate our collective screens.

With that in mind, amid the absurdity of Western culture in the twenty-first century, I will often seek credible information and insights where they are more surely found: in the printed past, and by the words of authors and researchers mostly forgotten.

Having written previously on the prescient prognostications of twentieth-century thinkers like C.S. Lewis and Augusto Del Noce, another book was recommended by a commenter in the thread of my last article.  The book was said to have predicted the decline of empirical science, the rise of technological science, and a frightening future.

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This is Psychosis, Plain and Simple

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

I just saw a headline that was in line with the prevailing insanity, but it really seemed to be heavier than the usual straw lying on the camel’s back.

“Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher”
Telegraph, 18/6/23


At the beginning of this global illness I thought running across something like this was funny. Now I don’t. At first I didn’t even believe it could be true, now I am not laughing. What does this mean?

I have become a bit impatient with the manner in which most people are seemingly dealing with this. Of course there are some loud voices of opposition, thank God for them, but even those folks are treating all this like these events are typical results of a new ideology—the “woke” culture.

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Gnostic Parasitism in the Post-Modern Simulacrum

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.

– Arendt, Hannah. (1951). “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, Part 3, Ch. 13


My last article, “The Abolition of Man Amid the Consequences of Reality”, was posted on January 31, 2023 and referenced the book “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis as a lens to view the current status of Clownworld.

On the same day, a video entitled “The Negation of the Real” was posted on another website and with the following introduction:

If you want to impose a totalitarian system, you have a problem on your hands: reality. The real is in your way and will eventually veto your project. Far sooner, people who can perceive reality will step in and prevent you from taking society over a cliff. Therefore, the only way to install a totalitarian system is to negate the real in the minds of those over whom you would rule. This is accomplished by creating an interpretive frame that deliberately causes people to misunderstand reality, sometimes called a “second reality” or “pseudoreality,” or even a “hyperreality,” which loses all contact with reality through its images and constructions.

The original video was posted 4 days earlier and is the first of a series from a December 2022 conference entitled “Mere Simulacrity” which is a transmogrification of “Mere Christianity”, another book written by  C.S. Lewis.

The entire video series is posted at and contains tabs at the bottom of each article that connects to each video in order.

For those who have the time, the video series is highly recommended.  And, for those who can’t spare the 10+ hours to view the entire set, it is the intention of this article… at the very least… for now… to summarize this first 2-hour video only. I believe it contains key insights as to how the Matrix of Clownworld was constructed.

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Seventeen-Year Locusts and Eighty-Year Wokists

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas


The critter in the photo above is an entomologic marvel. The seventeen-year locust (or cicada) appears on the American continent like clockwork every seventeen years. As soon as a locust is born, it burrows in the ground and appears to hibernate for seventeen years. When it emerges, it lives only four to six weeks – just long enough to devastate crops, lay a new batch of eggs, and start the cycle again.

But, whilst underground, they’re not actually hibernating. They are, in fact, active in a wingless nymph form, feeding on sap and tree roots. They’re building their strength for their periodic devastation. The danger that they present to humanity is that, when they emerge, they do so collectively, and their cumulative damage is often epic.

But enough of entomologic lessons. Those who read this publication are more concerned with a destruction created by mankind – the rise of a class of humans that seeks to destroy all that has been achieved in the last several generations.

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In Part One & Part Two of this article I laid out how those in power have used the power of propaganda and the psychology of fear to weaponize a flu to further their Great Reset agenda, while ensuring an economic and financial collapse through the issuance of trillions in unpayable bad debt. In Part Three of this article, I will examine how the civic decay in our society, created by the ruling class, will coalesce into a bloody firestorm of death and destruction during the remaining years of this Fourth Turning.

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”George Orwell, 1984

“The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.”George Orwell, 1984

There had been a theory discussed a few years ago regarding the nature of Fourth Turnings alternating between externally focused and internally focused. It is more about the key drivers, as all Fourth Turnings are impacted by domestic and foreign influences. Even though the sample size is small, this Fourth Turning appears to be following the alternating pattern. The American Revolution was driven by conflict with a foreign power (Great Britain), with another foreign power (France) tipping the scales in favor of the patriots. The Civil War was almost entirely a domestic internal conflict, with Great Britain not fully supporting the Confederacy, and tipping the scales in favor of the North. The Great Depression was created by global central bank machinations, with World War II almost entirely fought on foreign soil, leaving the U.S. as the unchallenged leader of the free world after 1945.


There isn’t one plan, there are fifty thousand, and nobody is in charge.

Guest Post by Eugyppius

This image heads Harvard University’s list of Socializing Rules. None of these students is at serious risk of severe outcome from Corona.

I should have expected that my last post would provoke some angry replies [see UPDATE]. Now that my inbox is full of grumpy people, I will double down.

First, though, a parable from my very formative and disturbing time in American academia: I abandoned my professorial career at the height of the Great Awokening. Before I fled, I endured two pretty difficult years, navigating tidal of waves of nonsense and trying to stay uncanceled. In the midst of it all, I had plenty of time to study the institutional workings of the Woke. The fundaments of their dogma were laid by specific critical theorists long before I entered graduate school, but the system as a whole did not become operative until a long while later, as its acolytes ascended to senior faculty and administrative positions, and a distributed consensus emerged that the tenets of Wokeness were right and necessary and just.

Continue reading “There isn’t one plan, there are fifty thousand, and nobody is in charge.”

Woke Nonsense is Warping Everyday Life

Guest Post by Victor Davis Hanson

Woke Nonsense is Warping Everyday Life

Americans are growing angrier by the day, but in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or the Tea Party movement over a decade ago.

The rage this time is not just fueled by conservatives. For the first time in their lives, Americans of all classes and races are starting to fear a self-created apocalypse that threatens their family’s safety and the American way of life.

The border is not just porous as in the pre-Trump past. It is arguably nonexistent. Some 2 million people may cross illegally in the current fiscal year, according to reports — with complete impunity. There is zero effort to stop them. Officials hector Americans daily to get vaccinated and tested for COVID-19. But they are mute about illegal entrants, some of them no doubt infected with the virus.

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Years of Watching General Mark Milley Finally Make Sense – The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs is a Political Operative

By Sundance via TheConservativeTreehouse

A statement made by Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley defending the teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets has gained some attention.  However, the comments Milley made today actually reconcile several years of CTH watching Milley operate and having puzzling questions.

Remember, General Milley did some really odd things as Joint Chiefs Chairman under President Trump:

(1) Milley never removed Lt. Col Alexander Vindman from his White House post after the underling compromised his leadership position.  The pentagon left Vindman on assignment to the NSC even after Vindman attempted to take-down President Trump.

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