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This is Psychosis, Plain and Simple

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

I just saw a headline that was in line with the prevailing insanity, but it really seemed to be heavier than the usual straw lying on the camel’s back.

“Pupil who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher”
Telegraph, 18/6/23


At the beginning of this global illness I thought running across something like this was funny. Now I don’t. At first I didn’t even believe it could be true, now I am not laughing. What does this mean?

I have become a bit impatient with the manner in which most people are seemingly dealing with this. Of course there are some loud voices of opposition, thank God for them, but even those folks are treating all this like these events are typical results of a new ideology—the “woke” culture.

Continue reading “This is Psychosis, Plain and Simple”

Does Anyone See It?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

You have probably heard about the person who shot up a Christian School the other day. You may have heard police reports that the shooter was “trans” and – wait for it – had no history of mental illness.

And in other news, the ocean had no history of being wet.

Continue reading “Does Anyone See It?”


In Part One & Part Two of this article I laid out how those in power have used the power of propaganda and the psychology of fear to weaponize a flu to further their Great Reset agenda, while ensuring an economic and financial collapse through the issuance of trillions in unpayable bad debt. In Part Three of this article, I will examine how the civic decay in our society, created by the ruling class, will coalesce into a bloody firestorm of death and destruction during the remaining years of this Fourth Turning.

“One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”George Orwell, 1984

“The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.”George Orwell, 1984

There had been a theory discussed a few years ago regarding the nature of Fourth Turnings alternating between externally focused and internally focused. It is more about the key drivers, as all Fourth Turnings are impacted by domestic and foreign influences. Even though the sample size is small, this Fourth Turning appears to be following the alternating pattern. The American Revolution was driven by conflict with a foreign power (Great Britain), with another foreign power (France) tipping the scales in favor of the patriots. The Civil War was almost entirely a domestic internal conflict, with Great Britain not fully supporting the Confederacy, and tipping the scales in favor of the North. The Great Depression was created by global central bank machinations, with World War II almost entirely fought on foreign soil, leaving the U.S. as the unchallenged leader of the free world after 1945.



And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it’s a very very
Mad world, mad world

Image result for the primal scream

The haunting Gary Jules version of the Tears for Fears’ Mad World speaks to me in these tumultuous mad times. It must speak to many others, as the music video has been viewed over 132 million times. The melancholy video is shot from the top of an urban school building in a decaying decrepit bleak neighborhood with school children creating various figures on the concrete pavement below. The camera pans slowly to Gary Jules singing on the rooftop and captures the concrete jungle of non-descript architecture, identical office towers, gray cookie cutter apartment complexes, and a world devoid of joy and vibrancy.

The song was influenced by Arthur Janov’s theories in his book The Primal Scream. The chorus above about his “dreams of dying were the best he ever had” is representative of letting go of this mad world and being free of the monotony and release from the insanity of this world. Our ego fools us into thinking the madness of this world is actually normal. Day after day we live lives of quiet desperation. Despite all evidence our world is spinning out of control and the madness of the crowds is visible in financial markets, housing markets, politics, social justice, and social media, the level of normalcy bias among the populace has reached astounding levels, as we desperately try to convince ourselves everything will be alright. But it won’t.

Continue reading “MAD WORLD”

Tucker: Psychiatric Drugs, Social Alienation, Broken Families, War On Men More Relevant Than Gun Control

Via Information Liberation

Tucker Carlson said Thursday on Fox News that psychiatric drugs, social alienation, the destruction of the nuclear family and the war on men are far more relevant topics to discuss than gun control if our goal is to stop mass shootings.

This man is the number one voice of reason on TV.

From Fox News:

In the wake of the Florida school shooting, many on the left have renewed their calls for stricter gun control legislation.

Tucker Carlson suggested the attack on the Second Amendment isn’t about protecting American citizens, and it’s actually “a kind of class war.”

He said it’s important for our country to get to the bottom of what is actually causing the mass shooting epidemic, but that’s not happening.

“That vital conversation has been drowned out and made impossible by mindless screeching about gun control, led by blustery charlatans in the media … and in Congress, whose only real agenda is moral preening,” Carlson said. “They aren’t trying to solve the problem. Their aims are darker.”

He argued that many liberals want a landmark gun control bill like the one Australia passed in 1996, which amounted to “gun confiscation.”

He said the liberals’ goals are gun seizures, ammunition regulation and disarming the American population, resulting in a country where only the people in charge have guns, and everyone else obeys.

“The calls you’re hearing today for gun control have nothing to do with protecting Americans from violence. What you’re witnessing is a kind of class war,” Carlson said. “The left hates rural America, red America, gun-owning America, the America that elected Donald Trump.”

“They call it ‘gun control.’ It’s not. It’s people control. For the left, voters who can’t be controlled can’t be trusted.”

Continue reading “Tucker: Psychiatric Drugs, Social Alienation, Broken Families, War On Men More Relevant Than Gun Control”

HEY YOU (Oldie but Goodie)

Originally published in December 2012


 Hey you, out there on the road
always doing what you’re told,
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall,
Can you help me?
Hey you, don’t tell me there’s no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.

Pink Floyd – Hey You


“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

The world makes less sense every day. Little children are randomly slaughtered in their schoolrooms. Predator drones roam the skies over foreign countries exterminating bad guys, along with innocent women and children (collateral damage when it occurs in a foreign country). Drugged up mentally ill kids with no hope and no future live lives of secluded quiet desperation until they snap. Ignorant, government educated, welfare dependent drones with no self respect or respect for others, assault, kill and rob within their government created urban jungles. Sociopathic criminals who committed the largest financial crime in world history walk free and continue to occupy executive suites in luxury office towers in downtown NYC, collecting millions in bonuses as compensation for crushing the American middle class.

Academics, whose theories have been thoroughly disproven, continue to steer our economy into an iceberg while accelerating the money printing and debt issuance that will sink our ship of state. Corrupt, bought off politicians pander to the lowest common denominator as their votes are only dependent upon who contributed the most to their election campaigns, which never end. Delusional, materialistic, egocentric, math challenged consumers (formerly known as citizens) live for today, enslave themselves in debt, vote themselves more entitlements, and care not for future generations. The alienation and isolation created by our sprawling, automobile dependent, technology obsessed, government controlled, debt financed society has spread like a cancerous tumor, slowly killing our country.

Pink Floyd released The Wall 33 years ago. It was a concept rock opera album that explored the issues of abandonment, isolation, alienation, authoritarianism, the brutality of war, a tyrannical conformist educational system, and the walls individuals and society build to protect themselves from having to confront reality and deal with the consequences of their actions. I attended the Roger Waters Wall Concert this past summer at Citizens Bank Park with my three sons. Three decades later, the message is more powerful than ever. The government oppression and never ending wars waged by the American Empire around the world have created a society built upon fear and loathing. Roger Waters’ vision is colored by Orwell’s 1984 dystopian nightmare of lies, misinformation, propaganda and brutality. The missing piece, which Waters didn’t see coming in 1979, was the ability of the oligarchs to use their control of the credit system to entrap the masses by convincing them to love their servitude and become so consumed with material possessions and the love of money that they would become nothing more than passive egotistical consumers.

Continue reading “HEY YOU (Oldie but Goodie)”

Mandatory Depression Screening is A Depressing Thought


The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force wants to force health insurance companies to pay for the screening. Basic economics, as well as the Obamacare disaster, should have shown this task force that government health insurance mandates harm Americans.

Government health insurance mandates raise the price of health insurance. Consumers will respond to this increase by either choosing to not carry health insurance or by reducing their consumption of other goods and services. Imposing new health insurance mandates will thus make consumers, many of whom are already suffering from Obamacare’s costly mandates, worse off by forcing them to deviate from their preferred consumption patterns.

Mandatory depression screening will not just raise insurance costs. In order to ensure that the screening mandate is being properly implemented, the government will need to create a database containing the results of the screenings. Those anti-gun politicians who want to forbid anyone labeled “mentally ill” from owning a firearm will no doubt want to use this database as a tool to deprive individuals of their Second Amendment rights.

Continue reading “Mandatory Depression Screening is A Depressing Thought”

Mental Illness and Mass Killings

As usual, no mention of the drugs peddled by mega-corporations to children and young adults contributing to the rash of mass murders. We wouldn’t want to upset that advertising revenue that keeps the mainstream media afloat.


Guest Post by Rick Jensen

If only gun bans or background checks could have kept Elliot Rodger from murdering six innocent people.

He passed three background checks for gun purchases despite having seen mental health counselors for years. This in a state where people are banned from having access to a gun if they are institutionalized, even briefly, or make specific threats while in counseling with a psychologist, psychiatrist or licensed therapeutic counselor.

146733 600 Mental Illness and Mass Killings cartoons

Rick Mckee / Augusta Chronicle

Sadly, supposed adults around the country publicly sought other people and objects to blame for this tragedy.

Predictably, politicians and liberal media pundits came out screaming about guns, somehow overlooking the fact that Elliot killed his first three victims with a knife and planned more carnage by using his car as a weapon.

A reactionary, emotional columnist at the New York Daily News went so far as to blame the NRA for Elliot’s murderous rampage.

An equally reactionary, emotional Ann Hornady at the Washington Post blamed Seth Rogan and Judd Apatow for the killings based on their sophomoric comedic movies.

Rep. Peter King (R) of New York fulminated over the failures of congress to pass a background check law while Elliot passed California’s background checks.

Liberal media all across the nation trumpeted banning guns, which has already been tried in Chicago and Washington D.C., where gun bans resulted in more gun violence.

Some people blame the police who interviewed Elliot at the request of his father because Elliot was able to charm the police. The police had no probable cause to search his apartment.

It also wasn’t their job to look at his videos, according to forensic psychologist Dr. Katherine Ramsland. They did their duty.

Dr. Ramsland is a university professor of forensic psychology who also teaches criminal justice. She holds a master’s in forensic psychology, a master’s in clinical psychology and a master’s in criminal justice. She had written 50 books and 1,000′s of articles.

Since we would all like to prevent tragedies like this from occurring, I asked Dr. Ramsland how it might be done.

She says not all anti-social behavior is potentially deadly. Killers like Rodger and Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook Elementary School) often have a multitude of mental afflictions. And while both have been reported to have Asperger’s syndrome, people who happen to have some level of Asperger’s are not violent. They may get as frustrated as anyone else who having trouble communicating, but it is not an indicator of any violent behavior.

When someone does make specific threats against specific people or targets, especially indicating specific times for the attacks, that is when friends, family or acquaintances should immediately seek professional help for that person before they cause harm.

Someone without the professional training should not try to counsel the person themselves.

Elliot’s parents followed that prescription at least twice.

Dr. Ramsland advice is sound and unsatisfying to those who seek simple solutions such as banning inanimate objects or institutionalizing everyone who exhibits behavior they find troubling.

Among the families suffering the wrenching, senseless loss of their loved ones’ lives are the parents of Elliot who have been wrestling with their son’s mental illness for years. They were the first to reach out to police through a mental health hotline back in April when they discovered his disturbing videos.

Elliot Rodger’s father, Peter, is correct in his tearful statement that more needs to be learned and publicized about mental illnesses.

We can ban cars and guns and knives all we like but the illness seeking its devastating outlet remains, finding other tools to achieve its deadly desire.


The libs are again shrieking about tougher gun laws to stop tragedies like the Santa Barbara slaughter. More nonsense from the control freak dullards who choose to misdirect the debate. This kid was mentally ill. He had been in therapy since he was 8 years old. He was on Xanax and other dangerous corporate pushed drugs that have a side effect of inducing rage and hostility. Liberals love their medications. California has the toughest gun laws in the country. The dude bought the guns legally in California. If his family knew he was mentally ill ( they called the cops to warn that he was going to do something violent) and he was under psychiatric care, how could the State allow him to purchase guns? I’m in favor of not selling guns to mentally ill people. I guess that is OK in California. What a progressive state. I wonder if he registered his knives and machete he used to kill the first three victims? There should be a law against killing people with knives and the BMW your rich parents bought you.

No need to focus on the Mega-Drug companies that contribute millions into the coffers of politicians across the land and pump out killer drugs by the millions given to children and teenagers so they will fit in and act like the rest of the zombies. Sometimes these drugs have the opposite effect. That is when people die. It has nothing to do with the weapon. It has to do with mental illness and the profits of drug companies.



Well there was another mass shooting at Fort Hood yesterday. The liberals will be wringing their hands over the ease at which people can acquire guns. We surely need tougher gun laws. Obama gave an incomprehensible sound bite about how sad he was over the shooting. Without a teleprompter he is a blithering idiot. The compliant MSM and local news stations dutifully reported the false storyline that he had trouble with another soldier that caused him to shoot 19 people and himself. Obama, the military, the Fox News neo-cons, and the MSM in general will not report the true story. The Obama haters are already blaming his “gutting” of the military budget. What a joke these people are.

Only people who have completely snapped, shoot 19 people randomly. If this guy had a problem with a specific soldier he would have killed that soldier. That storyline is complete and utter bullshit. This guy was already being treated for mental illness. He got fucked up in the head in Iraq. He had PTSD or some mental illness caused by fighting a war with no mission and no clear enemy. He either snapped due to this mental illness OR he snapped due to the Psychotropic Drugs they were feeding him. Of course, they will never blame the drugs because that would affect the profits of the drug makers. Virtually every mass shooting in the last ten years was committed by men taking these drugs. 

These people are more casualties of our wars of choice in the Middle East. The Iraq and Afghan wars will be the gifts that keep on giving for decades. The total monetary cost will exceed $6 trillion and the human tragedy will be incalculable. Bush and Obama have the victims blood on their hands.


FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) — An Iraq War veteran being treated for mental illness opened fire Wednesday on fellow service members at the Fort Hood military base, killing three people and wounding 16 before committing suicide at the same post where more than a dozen people were slain in a 2009 attack, authorities said.

The shooter apparently walked into a building and began firing a .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol. He then got into a vehicle and continued firing before entering another building.

He was eventually confronted by military police in a parking lot. As he came within 20 feet of an officer, the gunman put his hands up but then reached under his jacket and pulled out his gun. The officer drew her own weapon, and the suspect put his gun to his head and pulled the trigger a final time, according to Lt. Gen. Mark A. Milley, senior officer on the base.

Lucy Hamlin and her husband, Spc. Timothy Hamlin, wait for permission to re-enter the Fort Hood military base, where they live, following a shooting on base ...

Lucy Hamlin and her husband, Spc. Timothy Hamlin, wait for permission to re-enter the Fort Hood military base, where they live, following a shooting on base on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, in Fort Hood, Texas. One person was killed and 14 injured in the shooting, and officials at the base said the shooter is believed to be dead. The details about the number of people hurt came from two U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the information by name. (AP Photo/ Tamir Kalifa)


The gunman, who served in Iraq for four months in 2011, had sought help for depression, anxiety and other problems. Before the attack, he had been undergoing an assessment to determine whether he had post-traumatic stress disorder, Milley said.

The married suspect had arrived at Fort Hood in February from another base in Texas. He was taking medication, and there were reports that he had complained after returning from Iraq about suffering a traumatic brain injury, Milley said. The commander did not elaborate.

The gunman was never wounded in action, according to military records, Milley said.

There was no indication the attack was related to terrorism, Milley said.

The military declined to identify the gunman until his family members had been notified. Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he was named Ivan Lopez but offered no other details.

The weapon had been purchased recently in the local area and was not registered to be on the base, Milley said.

Late Wednesday, investigators had already started looking into whether Lopez’s combat experience caused lingering psychological trauma. Among the possibilities they planned to explore was whether a fight or argument on the base triggered the attack.

“We have to find all those witnesses, the witnesses to every one of those shootings, and find out what his actions were, and what was said to the victims,” said a federal law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case by name.

The official said authorities would begin by speaking with Lopez’s wife and expected to search his home and any computers he owned.

The injured were taken to the base hospital and other local hospitals. At least three of the nine patients at Scott and White Hospital in Temple were listed in critical condition.

Wednesday’s attack immediately revived memories of the shocking 2009 assault on Fort Hood, which was the deadliest attack on a domestic military installation in U.S. history. Thirteen people were killed and more than 30 wounded.

Until an all-clear siren sounded hours after Wednesday’s shooting began, relatives of soldiers waited anxiously for news about their loved ones.

“The last two hours have been the most nerve-wracking I’ve ever felt,” said Tayra DeHart, 33, who had earlier heard from her husband that he was safe but was waiting to hear from him again.

Brooke Conover, whose husband was on base at the time of the shooting, said she found out about it while checking Facebook. She immediately called her husband, Staff Sgt. Sean Conover.

“I just want him to come home,” Conover said.

President Barack Obama vowed that investigators would get to the bottom of the shooting.

In a hastily arranged statement in Chicago, Obama reflected on the sacrifices that troops stationed at Fort Hood have made — including enduring multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan.

“They serve with valor. They serve with distinction, and when they’re at their home base, they need to feel safe,” Obama said. “We don’t yet know what happened tonight, but obviously that sense of safety has been broken once again.”

The president spoke in the same room of a steakhouse where he had just met with about 25 donors at a previously scheduled fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee.

The November 2009 attack happened inside a crowded building where soldiers were waiting to get vaccines and routine paperwork after recently returning from deployments or preparing to go to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan was convicted and sentenced to death last year in that mass shooting. He said he acted to protect Islamic insurgents abroad from American aggression.

According to testimony during Hasan’s trial last August, Hasan walked inside carrying two weapons and several loaded magazines, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” — and opened fire with a handgun.

The rampage ended when Hasan was shot in the back by Fort Hood police officers. He was paralyzed from the waist down and is now on death row at the military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.

After that shooting, the military tightened security at bases nationwide. Those measures included issuing security personnel long-barreled weapons, adding an insider-attack scenario to their training and strengthening ties to local law enforcement. The military also joined an FBI intelligence-sharing program aimed at identifying terror threats.

In September, a former Navy man opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard, leaving 13 people dead, including the gunman. After that shooting, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the Pentagon to review security at all U.S. defense installations worldwide and examine the granting of security clearances that allow access to them.

Asked Wednesday about security improvements in the wake of the shootings, Hagel said, “Obviously when we have these kinds of tragedies on our bases, something’s not working.”

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The Truth About Sandy Hook

Posted By Mike McDaniel On January 15, 2014 @ 12:00 am

After Newtown, President Obama and gun control advocates were shocked to discover — yet again — that sweeping anti-gun legislation would fail miserably. The nation rejected their pointing to guns as the explanation for the massacre. Obama has since been reduced to speechifying and exploiting the parents of Sandy Hook victims; his political arm — Organizing for Action — has barely made a ripple in the political pond.

The people of Newtown have asked the rest of the world to be kind, and to leave them alone [1].

The Danbury Judicial District state’s attorney, Stephen J. Sedensky III, issued his report on the shooting on November 25, 2013 [2]. As one might expect, the facts as revealed in his report bear little resemblance to the media and Obama’s narrative regarding the massacre.

(Media/Obama talking points in bold.)


Adam Lanza and his mother had strong ties to Sandy Hook Elementary School that caused him to attack there. While Lanza attended the school — he happened to live in the neighborhood — nearly a decade earlier, he had no discernible ties to the school thereafter. It’s possible his mother did a little volunteering at the school when Lanza attended, but she was never employed there. The most likely possibility is Lanza chose Sandy Hook merely because he was familiar with it and it was close to his home.

Lanza used multiple weapons, including an AR-15 and a shotgun, in his attack. He used a high-powered “assault weapon” and “high-capacity magazines.” The only weapon Lanza used to kill and injure all of the victims was a Bushmaster AR-15 pattern carbine. The AR-15 is the most common and popular sporting rifle in America. Its cartridge is, in terms of rifle ammunition, of low to intermediate power, and its 30-round magazines have been standard since the Vietnam era. Lanza’s rifle belonged to his mother and was semi-automatic, an action type more than a century old.

A shotgun was found in Lanza’s car, but it was not used in the attack. Lanza also carried a Sig-Sauer P226 9mm handgun, but did not fire it. Lanza killed himself with a shot to the head from a 10mm Glock 20 handgun, and before attacking the school killed his mother with a Savage .22LR bolt-action rifle he left on the floor of her bedroom.

The police response was very rapid; Lanza had five minutes to kill before shooting himself. The first 911 call to the Newtown police occurred at 9:35:39. The first officer arrived at 9:39, but no officers entered the building until 9:44:47, nine minutes and eight seconds after the 911 call. Lanza began his attack at 9:30 and shot himself at 9:40:03, four minutes and 44 seconds before the first officer entered the building. He had more than ten uninterrupted minutes before he shot himself. If he wished, he could have had at least five minutes more.

While the police response was relatively rapid, as in virtually every school shooting in American history, the police had no active role in saving lives or stopping the shooter.

The high-capacity magazines Lanza used contributed to the death toll. Magazine capacity limits would have saved lives. Lanza had multiple magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Magazine changes take only a few seconds; experts can do one in a second. Lanza fired more than 137 rounds, requiring at least four magazine changes. Fifteen round magazines would have required nine magazine changes and an extra 36 seconds. This would have made no difference in the death toll at Newtown and elsewhere. Even if Lanza were limited to ten round magazines, there would have been no difference.

The principal heroically attacked Lanza, saving lives. Unfortunately, there was no video recording system in the school. When Lanza shot his way through a window near the locked main doors to enter the school, Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were in a meeting in a nearby conference room. Hearing the gunfire, they stepped into the hallway and were immediately shot and killed. Two other staff members that stepped into the hallway were shot and wounded, but retreated back into their rooms and survived. Caught in a narrow hallway with no concealment, cover, or means of fighting back, Hochsprung and Sherlach didn’t have a chance. No one abandoned their students and there is evidence the four additional teachers killed tried to shield their students. There is heroism in their devotion, but no evidence any of them had the opportunity to fight back.

The remotely locked doors and video system in the school allowed school staff to promptly call the police and saved lives. The school had video only on the remotely locked front doors, video with no recording ability. The video was displayed on three monitors on the desks of secretaries in the main office near the front door. The doors were entirely glass, and a large glass panel adjoined them. It was this panel Lanza shot out with eight rounds to enter the building, taking only a few seconds.

Lanza could have easily shot out the doors, or used a crowbar to pry them open, again taking only seconds. This is true of the doors of virtually any school. Schools are always vulnerable. For obvious safety reasons they can’t be fortified like prisons.

The office staff had no time to call the police and were forced to hide as best they could. After shooting Hochsprung and Sherlach, Lanza actually entered the office and briefly looked around, but chose not to search more carefully and soon left to enter two classrooms where he killed the children; no one in the office was hurt. It was five minutes and 39 seconds into the attack before the office staff was able to make a 911 call. By then, Hochsprung, Sherlach, and many children were dead or dying.

There were warning signs of Lanza’s intentions. Unfortunately, as is the case with virtually all school attacks, there were no red flags. Lanza was interested in firearms and mass shootings, and was known to be a strange young man with obvious social deficits and obsessive behaviors, but no one — including multiple psychologists over many years — detected the slightest propensity toward violence or intention to attack a school. There was no lack of opportunity for professionals and laypeople to see warning signs, but there simply were none.

From the report:

“It is important to note that it is unknown, what contribution, if any, the shooter’s mental health issues made to his attack on SHES. Those mental health professionals who saw him did not see anything that would have predicted his future behavior.”

Lanza liked violent video games, which contributed to the attack. Lanza did play a variety of video games, some of which were popular war and shooter games, but one he particularly favored — frequently playing a commercial version — was a dance game. Lanza also had images of Lego creations and hamsters. There is no evidence these things, and many more, in any way contributed to the attack.

Lanza was bullied. Extensive interviews of friends, acquaintances, family, school personnel, and mental health professionals are contradictory. Some thought he may have been bullied, but more believed otherwise. While some thought him withdrawn and remote, others found him able to interact appropriately with his peers. A friend of Lanza’s from 2011-2012 said Lanza never spoke of being bullied and said and did nothing that might have indicated his intentions.

More mental health laws and more mental health spending could have made a difference and will make a difference in the future. Obama is now spending [3] significant federal money on mental health services, but there is no evidence any of it would have made a difference, then or now. As I noted in 2011 [4], the political left is largely responsible for the state of the U.S. mental health system since the 1960s, and it remains primarily a creature of the left today.

Involuntary commitment laws are always a matter of balancing individual liberty with public safety. The kinds of changes some on the left have suggested would amount to allowing arrest and indefinite incarceration for thought crime, which is not a power any rational man wants the Obama administration to have. To be sure, some states can use more effective — and constitutional — involuntary commitment laws, but one cannot imprison and “treat” the odd, the unusual, or those who pose no real threat to themselves or others.

Adam Lanza had the full benefit of the mental health system. He was, at various points in his life, prescribed medication. He refused to take it. He was prescribed behavior therapies. He refused to participate. Through all those therapists and all those years, not one considered him a danger to himself or others. Not one saw any sign of what he would eventually do. Not one could present evidence that would have prevented him from owning firearms. He knew right from wrong and functioned in society; he was just odd.

Perhaps the most horrifying realization is that there may be no way to detect and to stop school shooters like Lanza.

What the media has not reported and will never report are the facts about what will work to deter and to stop school attacks: doing away with “gun free” school zones and allowing willing school staff to carry concealed handguns.

Lanza, from the beginning to his suicide, was vulnerable to return fire. In fact, at many points, armed school staff would have had significant advantages in cover, concealment, and superior knowledge of the facility.

If Newtown’s school district publicized that its employees were allowed to carry concealed weapons and that many were — while keeping their names, numbers, and locations secret — it is likely Adam Lanza would never have attacked that school district.

If engaged at or near the point of entry, Lanza would almost certainly have been unable to harm a single child. But because the staff were unarmed, because their only options were trying to run or hide, and because politicians and administrators believed in the magical value of “gun free” school zone signs rather than the unalienable right to self-defense, 26 students and teachers died.

That is the lesson, and tragedy, of Newtown.

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[1] asked the rest of the world to be kind, and to leave them alone:

[2] issued his report on the shooting on November 25, 2013:

[3] Obama is now spending:

[4] noted in 2011: