Executive Dictatorship

via Lionel Mandrake @ https://worldyturnings.wordpress.com/blog/


What follows in this article is not etched in stone. It’s what could happen if we allow things to continue unchecked.

The Leftists running the Democrat Party may be planning on how they can achieve an outright Dictatorship – even when the Legislature is Conservative or “Republican” Lionel Mandrake

If the Uniparty coup continues to occupy the White House with the November 2024 Presidential election, the final nail could occur sometime during the next administration when one of the  “Conservatives”  leaving SCOTUS will be replaced.  Then, regardless of legislative wins for Conservatives, the administration can dictate our lives (and loss of Liberty) by Executive Order (EO) that will be ruled Constitutional if Judicially reviewed – every time.

Here is a look at our current SCOTUS:

The Executive Order. Executive Orders are not specified in the United States Constitution but they have been upheld judicially for hundreds of years as a proper way for a President to exercise authority. It all started in 1795.

George Washington issued the first Executive Order.  Here it is:

For this purpose I wish to receive in writing such a clear account of the Department at the head of which you have been, as may be sufficient (without overburdening or confusing a mind which has very many objects to claim its attention at the same instant) to impress me with a full, precise & distinct general idea of the United States, so far as they are comprehended in, or connected with that Department.

This was a simple administrative order requiring his agencies to submit annual reports. No biggie. His next EO was a proclamation for Thanksgiving Day which he sent to all State Governors.  Another minimalist decree.

Over the years, the ever expanding administrative government has gone berserk on EOs (nearly 14,000 issued) creating policy and law that Congress should have approved legislatively.    Historically, these edicts happened because of actual crises or emergencies (mostly) requiring government action that couldn’t wait for the typically slow moving legislative process.

A President’s power should be vested only in his massive political import as head of his Party, his Cabinet picks to create an Administration and the power to Veto the bills and laws of Congress. And, act as Commander in Chief during War. That’s a lot of power, but that’s about it. We never wanted a King or a Nation by decree.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.  There have been a few good EOs over the years but many were quite awful. Bad examples include Lincoln’s suspension of Habeas Corpus during the Civil War (of which the Press of the day called him a Tyrant), Roosevelt’s internment of 120,000 Japanese in Prison Camps, Truman’s taking over Steel Mills (overturned) and virtually every EO from our current administration.


Fast Forward – January 20, 2021.

Biden signed 17 Executive Orders on Day 1 of his Administration. Here is one:

Executive Order 13985. According to the order, converging economic, health, and climate crises have exposed and exacerbated inequities. The order, therefore, announces that the Biden administration will pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, in particular by fighting systemic racism

The above is just one example of how far we have moved from the “original intent” of simple administrative actions to massive policy changes affecting the lives of all American Citizens.

Biden’s edict is exactly opposite of what an EO should be. It is policy and law that involves no actual emergency.  Not to mention there is no such thing as the made up Leftist phrase “systemic racism”. Even though designed to be used by government, EOs like this become the model for a Corporate America that now depends on Government as much as your Grandmother depends on Social Security.

What has been exposed about the New Corporate America (otherwise called “Woke” Corporations) is that the large, public corporations in a Fascist state will follow edicts of Government that are designed for Government – for themselves. It’s a Government proxy to affect the majority of our working population. It informs them on who to hire and what rules to have regarding vaccinations. Corporate America can do this as long as they don’t run afoul of Civil Rights laws that, for now, have some greatly watered down protections for religious freedom.

They can fire people they don’t like, for say “political reasons”, as most States enforce “employment at will” statutes that protect nobody other than those hired on contract.

The heads of the largest companies, nearly without exception, know that unless they follow suit for mask and vaccine mandates that are meant specifically for the public sector, they will be outliers. And, you don’t want to be isolated from the Government teat. If you promote individual and Religious Liberty, that will mean no Government contracts and no stock market support by near zero interest rates and direct stock purchases by the Central Banks. That’s how so many people were vaccinated, many against their will in a Nuremberg violation of the highest degree.

A Government EO has effects running far and wide that will last a minimum of one term, maybe two or three.   Or 10.

It supersedes anything that a State may have in place or try to do, i.e. until the next opposing President revokes the offending EO, which is done all the time in an insane game of cat and mouse. But not if the Deep State stays in power by hook or by crook.

When Elections are controlled by one Party or another, it’s a Brave New World where no Tyrannical  EOs will be revoked. Once in the White House, you don’t need Congress to do the things that replace our Liberties with Tyranny. You can do what you, or the oligarchs above you, want to do simply by Executive Fiat approved by a compliant SCOTUS.

Health Effects. Against all known biological science that showed that anything other than an self-contained breathing apparatus or living inside a Bio Safety Level 4 room can prevent inhalation of something as small as a .10 micron Coronavirus, one of Biden’s first EOs was to require face masks on Federal Property.    So what you say?

An EO health edict without even a valid public scientific consensus from objective scientists not on government payroll can do very harmful things to people.

This can easily lead to an EO, after a “progressive” change in the Supreme Court, for a WHO sponsored mandatory vaccination program with non-compliant belligerents placed in CDC Green Camps? 2

Ready Set Go.    In his first 100 days in office, Biden signed more than 60 executive actions, 24 of which are direct reversals of Trump’s policies. When Josef Biden took office he had over 50 EO’s already drafted and ready to go. It’s almost as if they already knew who was going to win? Here is a brief Biden list of just what was done on Day 1 of his Administration.

Stoke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool. Paul Begala, Clinton Advisor on Executive Orders (1998).

Political Takeover by Executive Order.  We have nearly 12M illegal aliens that have entered America since Biden took the Presidency. An EO giving illegal non-citizens the vote seems glaringly unconstitutional, even for a stolen SCOTUS. But it doesn’t matter. Why?

They play chess, we play checkers.

Biden’s puppet masters have that covered when they issued an EO that requires illegal aliens to be included in the US Census.  That action increased their control of Congress by increasing House representation in the largely Democrat areas where most of the illegals have been placed.   That means more electoral votes in places like California, Nevada, Arizona,  New York and New Jersey. 

Additionally, Biden revoked funding of the Border Wall by Executive Order on Day 1 of his administration. He did this by simply declaring there was no immigration emergency by revoking Trumps actual emergency which is now – a crises.

That’s the insanity of Executive Orders.

They can’t do that! Just stop them!!   Not so fast.  An EO edict to make either our Nation – or YOU – do X or Y cannot be stopped by Congress, even by a supermajority vote.  If a Tyrannical party stays in power with election “discrepancies” they can not only put a puppet in the White House, but they can and will target Senate control races to assure they also have the power to confirm anybody the Deep State wants. The House of Representatives will be impotent in the grand scheme.

Well,  you say, Congress can still sue and have SCOTUS perform a judicial review on the “constitutionality” of the edict. However,  if by election fraud you control the White House and a SCOTUS confirming Senate, you will have the Supreme Law of the Land on your side.  A SCOTUS who will give you a blank check for Tyranny.   Then, you have the absolute monarchy that the Founders hated.

Unless we do something to stop the plan, this is what could be law of the land:

  1. Executive Order 14252. Elimination of fossil fuel motor vehicles.
  2. Executive Order 14253. Nationwide Reparations/Tax.
  3. Executive Order 14254. National Vaccine Program.
  4. Executive Order 14255. Domestic Terrorist Gun Confiscation 1
  5. Executive Order 14256. Freedom from Religion crises.
  6. Executive Order 14257.  Hate speech prevention, public and  private.
  7. Executive Order 14258.  Safe and Secure Currency.

I am not an attorney, but probably know more about the Constitution than Barack Hussein Obama who claims he was a Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Chicago. But then again, I think I may have a better grasp of EOs than this still employed University of Texas Law Professor Stephen Vladek, as opposed to a real expert like the unemployed Law Professor and now filmmaker David Clements (fired from U. of New Mexico).

RASCOE (PBS): Like, is an executive order a presidential flex, or does it depend on what the order is?
VLADECK: Sure. I mean, it’s a little bit of both. So, you know, executive orders are basically the way through which presidents create rules that bind themselves, that bind folks within the executive branch, based on how the president and his subordinates are interpreting statutes, based on, basically, how they’re understanding the authorities that Congress has given to the executive branch. PBS Weekend Edition March 2024

Say what?

The Big Fail. How could Congress or the Judiciary not have seen a day when all you need is 5 people to agree with one person, possibly illegally elected, out of a Nation of over 300 million, on an overreaching Executive Order?  This effectively gives a President the keys to the Kingdom, unstoppable by the normal checks and balances of our Constitution and our own anachronistic interpretations of those rules. Even our Legislature is largely helpless. A President – from the Right or the Left – can then rule our country like a King or Dictator for as long as you stay in power.

Why on Earth could we have given that kind of power to the President?

The Founders never put the Executive Order in the Constitution – WE did.

All you need are (1) controlled elections and (2) a SCOTUS in your pocket and it’s a done deal. This is how Executive Orders become a path to Dictatorship.

This is why of our 3 “co-equal” branches, the Judiciary is actually the most powerful as they have the power to give us a Dictatorship via Executive Order, or take it away.

The Fix.    We need to eliminate the Executive Order.   It has never been in the Constitution, albeit one of the longest standing judicial precedents there is.  It’s an anachronism from a time gone by when there was a proper time and place for it.    Today, there is virtually no situation where Congress would not be able to vote electronically and immediately to deal with a real emergency, not even requiring a physical presence in Congress.

If not eliminated outright (granted, a tall but necessary order) by Amendments or other means, EOs  should  pass a simple 2-prong Judicial test:

  1. The order must deal with an actual emergency that is sudden and accidental.
  2. It must be Constitutional.

What the founders and early SCOTUS never figured on was that you can takeover America, leaving the USC in place (as a relic), and rule the Nation as a Monarchy if you have controlled elections and Presidential dictates via EO that will be nearly impossible to stop.

Our Future? What you have read is merely a hypothetical of what could happen when you have control of elections.   You get a government run directly by a President.   Until elections are fixed, nothing else matters.   Nothing.

Not the Border issue, not the Bioweapon/Warp Speed Genocide issue or even the illegal monopoly and racket Legacy MSM issue. Everything starts and stops with credible Elections.  Especially if Executive Orders still exist as is.

If We the People on both sides of the aisle don’t want to fix things, well, we get the Executive Dictatorship we deserve.

And then Miss Liberty, it’s been nice to know you!

Sic Semper Tyrannis


1 This possible EO directly contradicts the 2nd Amendment and would likely be overruled as “unconstitutional” by every SCOTUS in US History – except a court that is not that much different that today’s SCOTUS.

2 This link worked until the CDC removed their document on creating “Green Camps” to house the unvaccinated. It is provided so that we remember what is lurking under the covers if the EO/Election Control plan proceeds without a defense. 

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Author: tr4head

Economy, Social Issues, Politics, History, Science NonFiction, Religion

Notify of
March 28, 2024 7:18 pm

Does it matter? The fiscal collapse is inevitable, and will bring dictatorship to stop the chaos. It is not a matter of if, but of when.

Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle
March 28, 2024 7:42 pm

Financial crises come and go. Dictatorships last about 75 years. And a financial crises may wreck your lifestyle but won’t put you in jail.

  Travis Bickle
March 28, 2024 9:38 pm

The Executive Order planned police state is already on the books , waiting for the right ” emergency “.

Book : Behold a Pale Horse excerpt.

Now, the Executive order that will implement this, the Executive
Order 11051, details responsibilities to the Office of Emergency Planning or
FEMA. It gives authorization to put ALL Executive orders into effect in
times of national emergency declared by the President, increased interna-
tional tension or economical or financial crisis. (Note that it covers every
conceivable domestic crisis but does not even mention war or nuclear


Executive Order 10995 provides for the takeover of the communica-
tions media.

Executive Order 10997 provides for the takeover of all electric, power,
petroleum, gas, fuels, and minerals.

Executive Order 10988 provides for the takeover of food resources and

Executive Order 10999 provides for the takeover of all modes of trans-
portation, control of highways, seaports, etc.

Executive Order 11000 provides for mobilization of all civilians into
work brigades under the Government supervision.

Executive Order 11001 provides for Governmental takeover of all
health, education and welfare functions.

Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a
national registration of all persons.

Executive Order 11003 provides for the Government to take over
airports and aircraft.

Executive Order 11004 provides for the Housing and Finance Author-
ity to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish
new locations for populations.

Executive Order 11005 provides for the Government to take over
railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
Now, all of these were COMBINED under Nixon into one huge Execu-
tive order, which allows all of this to take place if the President declares a
national emergency and it can be implemented by the head of FEMA, NOT
BY THE PRESIDENT. The President has already given him that power
under these executive orders.

All of these were combined into Executive Order 11490 and that was
signed by President Carter on July 20,1979, and is, in fact, law.
So, if H.R. 4079 is passed and the President does what it says and
declares a national emergency because of the drug situation, whether it’s
for one year, five years, five minutes or forever, it doesn’t make any dif-
ference. FEMA then can implement all these Executive orders, take over all
local, state, and national government suspend the Constitution and do
whatever they want to do.

March 29, 2024 3:15 pm

If the Constitution wasn’t clear enough, the courts have already ruled that congress can’t illegally delegate authority, multiple times.

  Travis Bickle
March 29, 2024 7:19 am

Yes, see Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, and the new Democratic Russia, and the new Russian dictatorship.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
March 29, 2024 12:08 am


gadsden flag
gadsden flag
March 28, 2024 9:29 pm

anyone with a link to the cdc green camp? mapping my summer vaca

Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle
  gadsden flag
March 29, 2024 9:35 am

They removed it.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
March 28, 2024 9:40 pm

the issue isn’t i question their authority – the issue is i do not recognize their authority.

the “government” is not legit.
they are pirates on the ship of state.
we do not consent to genocide by “government” – democide.

  gadsden flag
March 29, 2024 7:20 am

You don’t recognize their authority, but you file and pay your taxes every year. How do I know? You are not in prison!

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
March 28, 2024 11:52 pm

Until elections are fixed, nothing else matters. Nothing.

Pathological rule follower. Policing is sacrosanct and war is taboo. There is a reason you are inculcated in impotence. Leaders almost never think war is taboo. They are not neutered followers.

March 29, 2024 3:18 am

Clarence Thomas best be wary of any pillows that come his way. And stay away from hunting lodges in Texas.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 29, 2024 7:32 am

Thank you, Mr. Mandrake for identifying your work as fiction straight up front. You’re a class act!

Travis Bickle
Travis Bickle
  The Central Scrutinizer
March 29, 2024 10:00 am

No such thing as fiction anymore – anything could happen. And pretty much has.

March 29, 2024 9:50 am

Atlas will shrug and all of the low in parasites will be scurrying like cockroaches.

March 29, 2024 2:42 pm

“July 2025. White Americans crossing Darien Gap in search of Freedom, south of the American border.”

Not with a “Wall”. Ron Paul did comment walls can be used to control traffic both ways.

Harry Lime
Harry Lime
March 29, 2024 4:39 pm

Desperate times yield desperate actions? Maybe not sure on Election Fraud Part Deux.