U.S. Capitol Flies Upside Down Flag

I’ve seen flags at half staff lately but, not upside down.

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False Flag with the Patriot Boys?

That Bloody Line


We have an invasion. It was still possible to define the flood of illegals coming across the border as something else, even though that’s exactly what is was. There was, at least, some room for assessing some of the reports as hyperbole and exaggeration, restraining the better judgment of the America people, but no longer.

What justification do any of those in public office have for inaction? Laws? Laws? Are they serious? Every immigration law, including Constitutional duties and powers are being ignored, evaporated to for no other purpose than to accommodate this invasion. It must be willful, intentional. Do they think we accept that feeble excuse for their cowardice in the face of an invading force? They’re afraid of a few hundred thousand illegal immigrants who don’t give one ounce of damn for their laws? Are they afraid of the federal government? To hear them whine about legality is infuriating. They’re complicit. There’s no other word for it. Every Governor, Attorney General, commander of state police, Sheriff and city cop are enabling this criminal enterprise. Even if they’re personally blackmailed by the cartels, is that not more reason to deal with this situation ruthlessly?

Continue reading “That Bloody Line”

Are Weaponized Mosquitos Being Used to Infect Foreigners at the Southern Border? And in Russian Territories?

Via Karen Kingston

Are Weaponized Mosquitos Being Used to Infect Foreigners at the Southern Border? And in Russian Territories?

Considering that the Toxic Mosquito Aerial System may be currently deployed along the migration trails to the U.S. border, I felt it was important to share information from this patent.
March 9, 2023: Over the weekend I reviewed several Russian Military press briefings and news articles on the WHO, bioterrorism, the Pentagon, and American Big Pharma greed and corruption. During his April 2022 press briefing, General Kirillov reviewed US business contracts, the names and roles of corporate stakeholders in companies funding bioweapon development globally (and in the Ukraine), US laws, and US patents.

General Kirillov addresses the unusual surge of rare diseases and non-native mosquitos, ticks and other blood-sucking insects in parts of the Russian Federation, while calling attention to the US patent, the Toxic Mosquito Aerial Release System.

Chelsea Clinton Announces ‘The Big Catch-Up’ Initiative Which Will Be ‘The Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever’

Bill & Hillary must be proud to her Chelsea following closely in their footsteps.

Life Downrange: Severe Treachery Is Destroying America

Combining his skills as a writer and a photographer, and with the encouragement of fellow veterans, Michael Yon began his correspondent career by traveling to Iraq in December of 2004. Now, he talks about what is currently happening in Panama, where migrants are dangerously crossing the Darién Gap.