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Incoming Illegal Immigrants Provided Better Living Conditions than U.S. Homeless

Guest Post by Steve Lamb

skid row

After an absence of nearly 40 years, I visited Skid Row in Los Angeles. In my Pentecostal youth, I volunteered to provide services to the folks who lived there. They were predominantly WWII and Korean War male veterans, mostly white, single and alcoholics.

The world has changed. In 1970, L.A. County had a population of 7 million; today it’s about 10.3 million. When I helped on Skid Row, there were about 1,500 people living there, and the population of down & out was largely limited to that area.

Today there are 60,000 homeless throughout L.A. County, with 5,000 on Skid Row, maybe higher. The situation in Skid Row became so dire that the conditions didn’t even meet United Nations standards for long-term refugee camps of one toilet for every 20 people. And compared to other cities, Los Angeles ranks near the bottom of sheltering homeless.

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Paroled Central Americans Compete for U.S. Blue-Collar Workers’ Jobs

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

Because Congress has for more than a decade steadfastly refused to close the asylum loopholes, the federal government has created a landmine situation for low-skilled and minority American workers.

A little-known Obama-era immigration process called parole allows certain inadmissible but already present aliens without criminal convictions or other serious offenses to, on a discretionary basis, remain in the U.S.

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Robotic Optical Mail Bombs in the Uncanny Valley

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

To those who are politically and cynically aware, the October Surprise designation has become a misnomer. Instead, these predictable events should now be termed October Inevitabilities, or, even, October Hand-Writings-On-The-Wall.

Just like the hands of an old-fashioned clock count down the minutes in circular certitude, so too do election years churn up the same old tired shenanigans meant to manipulate outcomes via emotions stimulated by media shock and awe.

For over two years, the Orwellian Media has ceaselessly shilled a phony Russian election-hacking narrative, perpetuated by a bogus special counsel investigation; even as both operations demonstrably overlooked the real election collusion between Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign, the DNC, the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

Furthermore, in Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination debacle, the nation witnessed the self-perceived purveyors of social justice attempt to convict and hang an innocent man.

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Mo Brooks: Likely 15M Illegal Aliens in U.S., Giving Blue States 20 Additional Congressional Seats

Via Breitbart

Exclusive – Mo Brooks in Senate Ad: Fund President Trump’s Border Wall or Face Government Shutdown

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) says the counting of illegal aliens when dividing up congressional seats and electoral college votes is a violation of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Brooks, along with the state of Alabama, are suing the federal government for their counting of illegal aliens, rather than citizens, in congressional apportionment and the dividing up of electoral college votes.

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An army of illegal aliens is marching on America

Via Hot Air

Sounds like the first line of a movie script based on some dystopian future, doesn’t it? But it’s actually an underreported story from the real world.

I first became aware of this developing tale thanks to a tweet from Nicolas Medina Mora lionizing the work of Adolfo Flores of Buzzfeed. What is Adolfo up to? Take a look.

Flores is apparently on a lengthy trek through all of Mexico with a literal army of migrants from a number of countries including Honduras. Normally one might imagine that a potential national security crisis for the United States such as this would be cause for raising the alarm. Instead, the Buzzfeed reporter is cheering them on and talking about their “struggle.”

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