Supporting the Current Thing: COVID Mania adherents embrace the Ukraine narrative

Guest Post by Jordan Schachtel

New poll finds that the more mRNA injections you take, the more likely you are to unquestionably endorse the government’s Ukraine narrative.

I wanted to turn your attention to a fascinating poll that came out the other day.

The Toronto Star hired a polling agency to survey Canadians about their views about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. What made this poll unique is that it separated the sides to three separate groups: the triple vaccinated, the double vaxxed, and the unvaccinated.

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The Left, Doublethink, and Individual Thought

Guest Post by John Wilder

“That’s an interesting point.  Come on, let’s get into character.” – Pulp Fiction


Such stunning bravery and individualism!

Not quite a year ago a meme broke out into the wild – the Non-Player-Character (NPC) meme.  The meme originated with video games.  In video games that follow a storyline, there are various characters that exist only to move the story forward.  While you can play a video game character that’s a 4’2” Asian female bodybuilder with tattoos and bright red hair, you can’t play as an NPC.

NPCs can create unplanned humor because they are programmed and react in only very predictable ways.  Slug one, and they don’t care.  Meet up with the same NPC for the tenth time?  It’s like you never met before.  They have no original ideas.  They exist only to fulfill their programmed destiny.

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Robotic Optical Mail Bombs in the Uncanny Valley

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

To those who are politically and cynically aware, the October Surprise designation has become a misnomer. Instead, these predictable events should now be termed October Inevitabilities, or, even, October Hand-Writings-On-The-Wall.

Just like the hands of an old-fashioned clock count down the minutes in circular certitude, so too do election years churn up the same old tired shenanigans meant to manipulate outcomes via emotions stimulated by media shock and awe.

For over two years, the Orwellian Media has ceaselessly shilled a phony Russian election-hacking narrative, perpetuated by a bogus special counsel investigation; even as both operations demonstrably overlooked the real election collusion between Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign, the DNC, the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

Furthermore, in Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination debacle, the nation witnessed the self-perceived purveyors of social justice attempt to convict and hang an innocent man.

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It’s Funny ‘Cause it’s True

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

Twitter accounts using fictional personas and a common avatar to promote the idea that liberals can’t think on their own.

The first encounter I ever had with the PC movement was back in the early 90’s. I was, at that time, a stand up comic headlining a comedy club in Madison, Wisconsin and during my set I was doing a bit about men and women arguing. In the middle of the my act a table of college girls began to hiss at me- actual hissing sounds like you’d see in some Little Rascals sketch when someone demonstrates disapproval of a performer.

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