Fracking Is Alive and Well

Big hat tip to Wall Street Journal’s energy reporter Erin Ailworth, from whose article I borrowed heavily to write this post. She is based in Houston, and her full article can be viewed on the link below.
Fracking 2.0: Shale Drillers Pioneer New Ways to … – Wall Street Journal

A few years ago, when the global market on oil prices started to head south from over a $100 a barrel, the administrator, Sir James Quinn (who received his knighthood from the Irish owner of a pub in Wildwood NJ, heh) of this distinguished site and I got into an animated discussion about fracking for oil and natural gas. It was fun, mainly because I beat on him like a rented mule while arguing that fracking was good for America’s independence from foreign sources of oil, and Sir James argued that market forces on the decreasing price of oil would eventually destroy those energy industries heavily involved and heavily indebted in fracking for oil in America. Our discussion occurred when I believe oil had tanked to around $60 a barrel.

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