Joe Biden, the Habitual Racialist Demagogue

Guest Post by Victor Davis Hanson

The most recent liberal ABC News/Washington Post poll showed President Joe Biden’s approval rating at 36 percent – the lowest in history for a president at this point in his first term.

Biden’s low popularity is no mystery.

He inherited energy independence, affordable gas prices, historically low interest rates, low inflation, calm overseas, a low crime rate, and a largely closed border with legal-only immigration.

And then Biden destroyed that inheritance.

He has begged illiberal foreign governments to pump oil he refuses to drill domestically for.

He spiked inflation at the highest rate in over 40 years.

Home interest rates have skyrocketed from less than 3% to 7%.

He nearly doubled the price of gasoline.

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Biden Again Shows a Nazi Face

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The tyrannical anti-American Biden Regime tried to again seize the legislative function from Congress and mandate the unconstitutional requirement that medical doctors must perform “gender-transition” operations and abortions regardless of their religious beliefs.

To be clear, the White House Tyrant tried to coerce medical doctors into acting contrary to their beliefs.

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The New Normal Is Failure

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The New Normal Is Failure

Look around and all you see is failure.

A bunch of kids are being murdered by some semi-human, so what do you do? Draw your weapon and put him down or die trying? Or do you sit there, doing nothing?

The same government we’re supposed to give up our guns to because they have it all under control chose Option B. It chose failure.

Tell me more about how the real problem is that we have the capacity to defend ourselves.

But the real problem, to our enemies, is not that murderers murder. The real problem, to our enemies, is the very fact that we can defend ourselves. The objective of our trash elite is not to have a country that runs well, where people are secure, and where rights are respected. The objective is to rule. And if a bunch of kids die for that, they’re fine with it. They can live with failure, but not accountability.

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