What is the Democrats’ Playbook?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I raised this question in a column or an interview as polls revealed declining public confidence even among Democrats that Biden was fit to serve a second term. I suggested that one possibility would be that a deal would be worked whereby Biden would be moved aside, Kamala would become President, choose Hillary as her Vice President and then resign, having been promised a cabinet or judicial appointment.  This would place in the White House a candidate that Democrats and the presstitutes claim won the 2016 election before Putin allegedly  stole the election for Trump by hacking Hillary’s email.

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Did The Deep State Turn On Biden?

Authored by Christopher Roach via AmGreatness.com,

Lately political analysis in the United States seems closer to Cold War-era Kremlinology. Small hints of what is really happening must be divined from the unintentional slips and innocuous gestures of officials. The reality of governance is concealed by a cloak of normality, procedural regularity, and legality.

This is to be expected within party politics, where things are resolved with deals among party insiders, i.e., the proverbial “smoke filled rooms.” This is why Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar rather suddenly dropped out to make way for Joe Biden in 2020, after it appeared the divided field could end up with Bernie Sanders as the nominee.

But this approach – secret groups secretly deciding how to control events – is not supposed to dominate ordinary governance. 

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