Knucklehead Of The Week: Joe Biden And His Town Hall Debacle On CNN

Via Blue State Conservative

I know, I know… I know what you’re thinking. “Joe Biden, really? You could have him as Knucklehead of the Week every Saturday.” And you are correct, of course. But some weeks he’s a bigger knucklehead than others, and his performance on Thursday was simply too ridiculous to ignore.

Winner: Joe Biden’s ‘Town Hall Meeting’ on CNN was a sight to see.

The so-called “Town Hall Meeting” Thursday night was set up to be a cake walk for President Joe Biden. It was in Baltimore, Maryland, a city that is about as blue as it gets. It was on CNN, a network which is essentially just another arm of his Administration’s communication department. And it lasted for less-than seventy-five minutes, which meant Biden could answer some questions and would still have time to go back to the White House basement and watch reruns of The Munsters. But by virtually any measure, Thursday night was a disaster for the president.

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