What “White Privilege” really means

Guest Post by Donald Sensing

What does “White Privilege” really mean?

It is the Left’s attempt to divert attention from the fact that they, and no one else, have virtually raped minority Americans, in education and economics, without relent for at least 50 years.

And every time someone uses W.P. toward me that is exactly how I respond.

Example, one of many, from How The Liberal Welfare State Destroyed Black America:

The results of welfare policies discouraging marriage and family were dramatic, as out-of-wedlock birthrates skyrocketed among all demographic groups in the U.S., but most notably African Americans. In the mid-1960s, the out-of-wedlock birth rate was scarcely 3% for whites, 7.7% for Americans overall, and 24.5% among blacks. By 1976, those figures had risen to nearly 10% for whites, 24.7% for Americans as a whole, and 50.3% for blacks specifically. And today, the numbers stand at 29% for whites, 41% for the nation overall, and 73% for blacks. In other words, the entire country is moving rapidly in the wrong direction, but blacks in particular have reached a point of veritable catastrophe.

The devastating societal consequences of family breakdown cannot be overstated. Father-absent families—black and white alike—generally occupy the bottom rung of America’s economic ladder.

Given the ultra-racist history of the Democrat party, it is simply impossible for me to believe that no one in the party understood this would happen. This was done on purpose and by design. Black Americans were solidly Republican before LBJ’s administration; the 1964 civil rights act passed by a Democrat Congress had in fact first been introduced into Congress by Republicans in the 1950s, when Democrats then voted it down decisively.

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