EFFORTS to refine Obamacare dross into gold are turning into self-parodies of liberal spin.

At a recent hearing conducted by the Virginia legislature, federal Health and Human Services official Joanne Grossie told lawmakers that people shouldn’t view the cancellation of insurance policies due to Obamacare as losing insurance. It’s really an “invitation” to get another policy, Grossie said.

“If you got one of the notices that your policy was going to be discontinued because it didn’t adhere to the law, it meant that now you could go into the health insurance marketplace,” she said. “So, I just want to remind you that you weren’t losing insurance; you were just losing that insurance plan and were now being invited to go into the health insurance marketplace.”

Gosh, that puts things in a whole new perspective! No doubt, the administration’s new logic can be applied to a wide range of situations in both politics and daily life.

Your wages haven’t been stagnant thanks to President Obama’s economic policies. You’ve merely been “invited” to live an increasingly frugal lifestyle. You weren’t fired from your job. You were “invited” to look for other employment opportunities. Your spouse didn’t divorce you. You were merely “invited” to return to the single life.

You didn’t … well, you get the idea. That federal officials offer farcical answers in response to serious questions shows this administration’s disdain for, or cluelessness about, the general public. Remember, Obama promised that we could keep our coverage if we liked it. That invitation got lost in the maelstrom that characterizes the Obamacare fiasco.

Via The Oklahoman