The Narc in Your Next New Car

Guest Post by The Zman

For years, the insurance mafia has been trying to get people to voluntarily plug a driving monitor into their car, using the prospect of a “discount” as an inducement. Most people don’t fall for this because they understand that the “discount” is of a piece with advertising that promises you’ll save “up to 20 percent” but actually save you nothing or very little – while always paying more.

Well, your next new car may come standard with the driver monitor already plugged in. Embedded, actually – which means you can’t remove it. Or say no thanks to it. If you buy the car, you buy the embedded narc.

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The Mafia is Disappointed . . . in Millennials!

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The insurance mafia just conceded the obvious – that sssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety systems are dangerous – and then faulted people for disabling them.

A PSA created by the Liberty Mutual “family” – listen to it here – says that many drivers are “not embracing”  technologies such as Lane Keep Assist, Automated Emergency Braking – and so on – “due to their distracting sounds and lights.”

Italics added.

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Mafia Profiling

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Have you noticed that what you’re forced to pay in car insurance premiums – an outrage in itself – also bears almost no relation to what you’ve actually done as a driver?

More precisely, to what you haven’t done as a driver.

No claims filed against you. No “accidents.” You pay (and pay). They collect.

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A Bit Less for Luca

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Insurance against potential damage usually costs more in actual damage – to your wallet.

The insurance company is betting on this being true. Insurance – from the perspective of the insurance company – is all about not paying but being paid.

By you – to them.

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Riding Dirty Daydreams

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Lately I have been giving serious thought to “riding dirty” – without insurance. Just cancelling all of it.

The savings would be considerable – equivalent to eliminating my monthly electric bill as well as my monthly  Internet bill and a portion of my monthly food bill.

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What We’re Up Against

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The following is an example of the Augean Stables that will have to be mucked out before there is any hope for a rebirth of liberty in this country. It was submitted by what I fear is the typical American nowadays – the reflexive authoritarian, moral illiterate and market economics ignoramus EPautos readers refer to as a Clover (more here).

The subject matter is mandatory insurance. In this case, car insurance. But the principle applies generally (its acceptance is the reason why we now have mandatory health insurance and probably soon mandatory life insurance, with much more to come, if the principle is not identified and rejected) and so is of general interest.authoritarian lead

“As you stated 35 thousand dollars is not enough anymore but at least 35k goes toward the injured party. Car insurance is a competitive business. Insurance companies do not make thousands of dollars off of you. If Libertarians were right that car insurance companies make a fortune off of you then wouldn’t you think Eric would open his own insurance company and make millions of dollars? Eric my insurance for my car is about $580 per year with $300k coverage. Only a fraction of that bill goes toward liability. Eric that is far from getting rich off of me due to the costs that insurance companies have but as Eric says, an imbecile never did understand finances. I also pay extra so that I am covered up to a million dollars if I cause harm to others. I am not like a Libertarian and make the innocent go bankrupt and lose everything when you hit them. If we had your world a guy can be stopped at a stop light and lose everything he has. Eric that is why I do not want a Libertarian society. I know, you enjoy harming the innocent.”


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