C02 “Plumes” and Contrails…

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The same people who insisted that “masks” would prevent the emitting of viral material – even from people who weren’t sick – also insist that high-voltage electric batteries powering high-output electric motors will prevent the emitting of carbon dioxide.

As if that were necessary.

An inconvenient but central truth about “masks” is that they are made of material that is porous to viral material, which is so minuscule in size it easily passes through the gauzy fabric and certainly bypasses the devices entirely by escaping via the sides. This can be demonstrated by observing smoke exhaled by a person wearing a “mask.” And, of course, the whole exercise is based on a false premise – that of perpetual contagiousness. Continue reading “C02 “Plumes” and Contrails…”

Chem or Contrails?

Eric Peters Autos

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane!

It’s not Superman.

But it is something. The question is  . . . what?

Many of you have seen it, too. And then not seen it. Some days, there’s nothing in the sky but blue and some clouds and – up high – commercial jets at cruising altitude, their passing marked – briefly – by a thin white condensation trail, or contrail. It’s very cold at 30,000 feet. The hot exhaust stream (mostly water vapor) of the aircraft’s jet engines condenses as it cools, hence the thin white-looking trail. We’ve all seen this. And we’ve all seen how quickly these contrails dissipate after the jet has left the area.

You have probably also seen something else that may in fact be something else. A sky criss-crossed by lines that do not dissipate but spread out, creating what look like lines of artificial clouds that gradually blend into one another. They remain in the sky for hours, long after the jet that left them has left the area. It is claimed that these aren’t condensation trails at all but rather chemical trails, containing  . . . something that isn’t the normal byproduct of jet exhaust. Continue reading “Chem or Contrails?”