Will the Rich Be the Only Ones Able to Reproduce in the Future?

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Infertility is skyrocketing and if the trend continues, most couples may require reproductive services to conceive by 2045
  • Potential reasons for this trend include vaccines that impair fertility, endocrine-disrupting chemicals and electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures
  • The number of children born worldwide dropped 50% between 1960 and 2018. Many countries also saw shocking birth rate decreases following the rollout of the COVID shots
  • Infertility affects 1 in 6 people globally. In the U.S., fertility problems affect 9% of men and 11% of women
  • A single in vitro fertilization cycle can cost between $15,000 and $30,000, and since your chances of conceiving is only 29% after the first cycle and 43% after six cycles, it can get very expensive. As a result, we may be moving into a future where only the rich will have the means to reproduce

While the propaganda machine insists the world will face dire consequences due to overpopulation, the data actually point us in the opposite direction, as infertility among both sexes is skyrocketing.

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Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The World Health Organization began working on an anti-fertility vaccine in the 1970s, in response to perceived overpopulation. For 20 years, the WHO’s Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation worked with population control in mind
  • In 1993, the WHO finally announced a birth-control vaccine had successfully been created to help with “family planning.” The anti-fertility vaccine uses hCG conjugated (chemically bonded) to tetanus toxoid, used in the tetanus vaccine. As a result, a woman will develop antibodies against both tetanus and hCG
  • HCG is the first signal that tells the woman’s body she’s pregnant. In response to this signal, her ovaries then produce progesterone, which maintains the pregnancy to term. By combining hCG with tetanus toxoid, it causes this crucial pregnancy hormone to be attacked and destroyed by the woman’s own immune system
  • In 1995, the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine laced with hCG. Three million women between the ages of 12 and 45 had by that time already been vaccinated. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries
  • Also in 1995, the Kenyan government launched a WHO tetanus campaign under the guise of eradicating neonatal tetanus. An investigation found the vaccine given to girls and women, aged 15 to 49, contained hCG, and evidence suggests this was an intentional population control agenda

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” is the fourth vaccine-related documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It tells the story of an intentional infertility vaccine program conducted on African women, without their knowledge or consent.

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These vaccines are designed to reduce the number of humans on the planet, and they are working.

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