Dead Mall Stalking: One Hedge Fund Manager’s Tour Across Middle-America – Part 2


Continued from Part 1…

Malls are bearing the brunt of changes in retail, but they’re only the canary in the coal mine.

Let’s start with a simple premise; commercial real estate (CRE) will change more in the next decade than it has in the past hundred years. Anyone who thinks they can fully foresee how it will evolve is lying to you. The only certainty is that highly leveraged real estate investors and lenders will be obliterated as current models evolve faster than anticipated.

Continue reading “Dead Mall Stalking: One Hedge Fund Manager’s Tour Across Middle-America – Part 2”

Dead Mall Stalking: One Hedge Fund Manager’s Tour Across Middle-America – Part 1


For the past few years, most retailers have struggled. Of course, it’s easy to blame, but it is only one of many causes. At the same time, for us hedgies living in major cities with luxury malls, there is confusion about the problem itself – my mall is crowded and people are shopping. After having debated with friends endlessly on what the real root of the problem is, I decided it was time to actually go investigate. Every city has its own story and the local mall is the nexus of that story.

In my mind, the only way to get real answers was a 4-day, 1,500 mile meandering road-trip through the lower mid-west, where we planned to hit as many malls and take as many meetings with facility managers and brokers as we could organize along the way. Besides, when an asset class like mall real estate is down 90% in a few years’ time, a different viewpoint can create huge upside.

Continue reading “Dead Mall Stalking: One Hedge Fund Manager’s Tour Across Middle-America – Part 1”


I thought it might be challenging finding enough pictures of dead or dying malls to make this post worthwhile. To my chagrin, it was as easy as taking a credit card from a baby. After completing this post I’m more convinced than ever that a retail collapse tsunami is headed our way. There are so many malls on the verge of collapse that I could have posted 300 more pictures without blinking an eye. There are entire websites dedicated to dying malls. The funniest part is that banks across the country are carrying the loans on these dead malls on their books at 100%. The Mall owners pretend to collect rent and make loan payments and the banks pretend they will get paid off.

Please add your own dead or dying mall stories or pictures.


Somewhere, Friedchickenlaquesha is crying.

JC Penney, Dixie Square Mall

Belz Factory Outlet Mall

Rolling Acres Mall

Columbus City Center

Dixie Square Mall

Promenade Mall – Never opened



 Somewhere in Virginia


Westminster Mall, Denver


Vacant Blockbusters litter the land

Regina Canada

Lincoln Mall, Illinois










Highland Mall, Austin


Bedford Mall, New Hampshire

Scottsdale Mall, Indiana

Metro Center Mall, Phoenix

Universal Mall, Michigan