Stucky QOTD: Do Do DO Do Do …. what, exactly?

Today’s question comes by way of Robert Gore’s article HERE   where he takes us on a whirlwind tour starting with King George and ends with Obamacare (and a delicious American Smorgasbord of shit sandwiches in-between) … while discussing how the The Evil Witch of Kankles escaped prosecution, and eventually asks the question;


That’s all I want to know. What are you DOING? Why?  Because I’ve run out of ideas. Maybe someone here can inspire me.

But, many of you can’t follow instructions.  The key work is DO. Look it up if you must.

—If you just want to complain, bitch, or moan about shit, then kindly just STFU.  Plenty of other posts for that fun activity.

— That also applies to you Preppers. Spare us the stories and endless lists of shit ya got.  If prepping was doing then they would call you Doers, but it’s not and, so, you are called Preppers, not Doers. Got it?  Soooo, Hillery escapes scot-free and you go out and buy another box of ammo or can another ten jars of rabbit asses in pickle juice — c’mon, really, what the fuck does that have with DOING anything about Hillcunt?

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