Pure Joy


Ms. Freud Gets a Touching Letter From A Mom With a Downs Syndome Child

A while back I went to a Downs Syndrome Conference held at Princeton University where Ms. Freud sponsored a booth.

It was a truly wonderful event which touched my soul. Not all, but most DS children are so very loving and without guile. I got so many hugs I thought I was at a Hugs Convention. More than once those children left a tear in my eye.

So, yesterday, we received a hand-written letter from one of the moms we met at that conference. I am copying it here, exactly as it is written, word for word, without editing (except for the underlined part at the end).

She is asking us to help her child. We will. I am not asking any of you to do the same …. although I think a few of you might want to. We have generous folks here at TBP.

My main reason for sharing this is to encourage folks … especially to those who may find themselves in a difficult situation right now. Because if a person with Downs Syndrome can find a way to “make it” …. then, surely, you can also!

“See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” —— Matthew 18:10


Dear Dr. xxxxxxx,

We met you at a Down syndrome conference. You also signed Michael’s guest book.

March 21, 2015 is World Down Syndrome Day. An organization on Long Island is hosting an art exhibit at an art gallery at a vineyard. Michael did paintings for posters and bookmarks.

NADS used to print bookmarks for their members to distribute in October in their communities for DS Awareness Month. When NADS stopped printing them, Michael picked up the slack.

DS organizations print them and give them out at Buddy Walks and pit them in New Parent Packs. Parents print them for their children to take to school. Public libraries and bookstores give them away for free.

This is Michael’s newest project. He wants to send a bookmark master sheet and samples to every DS organization in the USA. There are several hundred!

He wants to get them mailed in January. He needs Forever Stamps or a Visa Gift Card to use at the Post Office. If you can help, Michael will send you a limited edition poster with the artwork. The posters are large, suitable for framing. They advertise the art exhibit on Long Island, in March and April. The posters are being sent to Barnes & Noble, local art museums and Manhattan art galleries that show Outsider Art.

Last year a customer purchased a Visa Gift Card online with her credit card to pay for an illustration job. Gift Card Mall sent Michael an email first [email protected] Then Gift Card Mall snail-mailed the Visa Gift Card to him. Michael Johnson, 823 Elmwood Ave #2, Evanston IL 6202-4353. It worked well! It was safe and convenient.

Michael is 42. He supports himself with his art. He doesn’t receive SSI or Medicaid. He paints every day and he loves it. He is still learning new things

Happy New Year.


The mom included four bookmarks and a postcard featuring Michael’s art.

He has a website;  http://www.artistmichaeljohnson.com/

He is also featured here; http://www.loveandlearning.com/michaelpage.shtml

Here is some of his artwork;