Ongoing Durham Probe and Sussman Trial Brings Uncomfortable Spotlight On Hillary Clinton

Originally posted at BoomerMindset.comMichael Sussman, a one-time employee of law firm, Perkins Coie and former representative for Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee is currently on trial, being charged in the long-going Durham probe.

A quick refresher, John Durham was appointed in 2019 to investigate the original FBI investigation on Trump’s campaign, known as “Crossfire Hurricane”. As a result, the “Mueller Report” was launched and took an astoundingly stupid amount of time and money to conclude with no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion and exonerate Trump.

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I thought by trawling Huffpo CNN, MSNBC and other liberal sites every week that that would be enough to keep me informed on how the other half lives. That and just avoiding most day to day human (oxymoron?) contact with these whack jobs in their native habitats. Apparently I was wrong.

Usually I just skim headlines on various left wing sites and I never delve into the comments sections because I don’t enjoy headaches and I have no time to hang around and ridicule the snowflakes. That changed on election night, the next day actually since it was after midnight for me. I tuned in to MSNBC and CNN after Trump had reached the magic 270.

Continue reading “IT’S ALL UPHILL FROM HERE”