Cracks in the Imaginarium

Via Visayas Outpost

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends.

We’re so glad you could attend; come inside, come inside! 

There behind the glass stands a real blade of grass,

Be careful as you pass, move along, move along!

-Emerson, Lake & Palmer


With the vortex of events swirling around us in ’22, I marvel at recent discussions about Mass Formation Psychosis and Cognitive Dissonance in public forums.  They are such quaint, Covidian-era notions just six months later.  The lies and obfuscations have moved beyond them with warp speed to the point that if you take a vacation, you’ve missed everything.  Each moment is more bizarre than the last.  That is because the Imaginarium never rests, as it must always always keep your awareness glued to the show.  When MonkeyPox failed to excite, we were given BabyFormula-Crisis.  When that started wearing thin, we were given School-Shooter Extreme, which must be at least in Season 7 by now.  To quote Morpheus, “You think that’s air you’re breathing?”  It is hard to keep track.

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In a Dark Wood

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Behold the photo (above) showing President “Joe Biden” getting his booster shot of the Covid-19 “vaccine,” with the news media clustered to the left of what is apparently a stage-set built in a larger chamber. Do you possibly ask yourself: why bother to build a set for this event in or under the White House somewhere — including even fake daylit windows — when there are any number of actual rooms in the White House perfectly suited to holding this grand event in real daylight? What is going on here?

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