Civil disobedience

Via The Lonely Libertarian

Okay, it’s going on 4 weeks of school and I have yet to turn in the Cute Chicks’ registration forms. Even though I get daily calls from Administration and notes from their teachers, I’m just not that motivated. As a matter of fact, the more they push, the less compliant I feel. Why? you may ask. Well, I’ll tell you…

First, they’ve gone to schools in this district since we moved here in ’99, lived at the same address, had the same phone number, God, I’ve even had the same momvan; but every damn year, I fill out the same damn forms, and I don’t understand why they can’t save it, print it, send it home for corrections if needed. I spend the better part of a day filling out forms I fill out every year.

Second, the main form has gotten ridiculously intrusive in a year when 30,000+ illegal alien kids are attending school with no personal records at all. Not only that, but the school districts are REQUIRED to admit them without any info and aren’t allowed to ask for it. However, I get harassing phone calls and notes, the latest of which informed me that “without registration information, your daughters will not officially be registered students of *ISD and will be considered truant. Please return the forms filled out  in entirety to be legally compliant.” FUCK. YOU.

When we started here, the basics needed were shot records (don’t get me started), birth certificate (you know, legal citizen), and proof of county residency. That was it, and you’re in. This year, I filled out FIVE federal forms on race, citizenship, migrant status, homelessness, and school lunch qualification. Each one required Social Security Numbers for both girls and guardians. How do illegals do this? And the main registration form, the one I’m disobediently holding, requires SSN, legal address, mailing address; my SSN, and the make, model, color and license plate of my vehicle plus driver’s license number if I plan on driving on campus to drop off and pick up, their dad’s same info, and the car info and DL number of any friend or family member who could ever possibly drive their vehicle on school grounds. So far, I’m holding out on all the driver info, none of their fucking business, and SSN numbers. When it comes to race, I leave it blank to cause more work. At the bottom of every form asking for race, there’s a note informing you that school personnel will “observe the child and make an assessment of race”. I’m so tempted to send them to school in black face.

So, my protest, as soon as every illegal alien “kid” provides this info with all their illegal alien family members’ driver info and SSNs, I’ll come into compliance.

Fuck Obama.