German Humor

Germans aren’t known for their humor ….. which is weird because you all have Stucky, and I can be a funny motherfucker at times.

Background: So, the Green Party introduced a bill to adopt a  “Campaign for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual diversity, Self-Determination and against Homo and Trans-phobia in Brandenburg” as well as “Giving equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Two-spirit, Queer, Questioning) people in Brandenburg

Enter Steffen Königer of Germany’s new Alternative for Germany party.

Königer opened his speech “Dear Ladies and Gentleman…” and then took the complete list of 60 possible genders which has been adopted by Facebook, and proceeded to name each one in a salutation which lasted over 3 minutes.

Sehr  kommish!!  (very funny).