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Bill Clinton Took 2 Previously Undisclosed Trips Abroad With Ghislaine Maxwell

Via ZeroHedge

As the world awaits the trial of Jeffrey Epstein ‘madame’ Ghislaine Maxwell, the Daily Mail reported Friday – citing information revealed in a forthcoming podcast – that President Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” (the private jet belonging to the deceased billionaire and convicted pedophile) during a trip to Taiwan, Japan and China. At some point during the trip, Clinton and Ghislaine were joined by billionaire Ted Waitt.

During the trip, Clinton and Maxwell met various foreign dignitaries, and even promised a small donation to help combat AIDS in China.

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The Internet Thinks It Uncovered Ghislaine Maxwell’s Reddit Account – And Predictably Imploded

Originally Posted at FMShooter – Authored by Jon Hall

In a bizarre “blink and you may have missed it” moment earlier this week, Ghislaine Maxwell – long-time Epstein associate and accused ringleader of his sex trafficking operations – was thrust back into the Internet’s attention after her arrest by the FBI early last week. The sex-trafficking Maxwell is accused of saw girls as young as 14 into Epstein’s mansion.

Prosecutors also alleged that between ’94 and ’97, Ghislaine “assisted, facilitated and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18“.

In yet another “blink and you may have missed it” moment, the internet uncovered a very popular Reddit account that may have been run by Maxwell herself. In a Twitter post on July 8, Joe Leonard posted about a Reddit account with the moniker, MaxwellHill.

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Maxwell Didn’t Kill Herself By Getting Arrested

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

Ghislaine Maxwell was caught in New Hampshire. Jeffrey Epstein’s partner-in-crime is now in U.S. custody in the darkest of all places, the Southern District of New York (SDNY).

The first thing on everyone’s mind should be, “Which faction actually has her and how long will she survive?”

I can’t answer those questions but it doesn’t hurt to run out a few scenarios, all of which, at this point, are pure speculation. When Epstein was arrested the same questions hung in the air.

Was this the Deep State getting a hold of him to shut him up? Was this Donald Trump trying to tie up a ‘loose end?’ Or was Trump and new Attorney General William Barr putting operational tempo on their opponents forcing Epstein into a potentially explosive situation?

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FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislaine Maxwell

Via The Babylon Bee

BRADFORD, NH—Following the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell for sex abuse charges, the FBI is taking no chances in keeping her safe while she awaits trial. Sparing no expense, the FBI has hired top-notch Italian bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli.

“It’s-a me, Clintonelli!” said the world-renowned bodyguard arriving at the prison.

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