History is our Only Road Map to the Future

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Many people hated history class because they said it was just about a lot of wars and killing people. That was true of modern history, particularly, for they were teaching events – not how or why they took place in the broad context. History is so much more. It is a catalog of our dreams, inspirations, trials, successes, and failures. Yet history is also a road map to the future, for you will see that given similar circumstances, human nature will respond the same way no matter what culture or century.

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The Collapse of a Nation Takes 13 years

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it to others. This legal maxim is certainly not new. All of those who go to law school are never taught that this maxim was, according to my research, first stated by Julius Caesar in 63BC during the trial of the Cataline Conspiracy, which was the alleged scheme to over through the government no so different from the allegations against Trump in the January 6th event they have called an “INSURRECTION” to desperately try to apply the 14th Amendment that was written concerning the American Civil War.

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Guest Post by Steve N.

TO those who don’t know history and are destined to repeat it:

Like the human tendency of this:

“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”John Adams

Little do you know, John, how pleasantly wishful yet pathetically unwise this kind of thinking is.

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