In Real Life, Sportsball Doesn’t Matter

by Uncola via

I received a text from my kid at college today that said:

Reading the morning the paper and see that since Jan 26, George Orwell’s 1984 book has become the # 1 best seller on Amazon due to Kellyanne Conway coining the term “Alternative Facts” which they say is Orwellian. I still remember doing an analysis on that book.  Crazy how it’s making a comeback.

Indeed.  It is definitely crazy how it is making a comeback

Anyone who doesn’t have their head inverted way up into their rectum knows that Kellyanne was referring to the bias of the mainstream corporate media and the facts they choose NOT to tell; which is a form of censorship. Fortunately, I no longer have to worry about this kid who, in high school, did start to drift a little toward the land of snowflakes.  It took a lot of effort to open the eyes of my young ones through the years, but today, they understand how a mere six corporations, and a little over 200 media executives, control 95% of all news and entertainment.

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And Jill Came Tumbling After…

by Uncola via

It was morning drivetime in the city and Jill’s mind was racing. She navigated her Cadillac Escalade recklessly from the far left lane into the far right, before coming to a full stop on the exit ramp.  Looking ahead over the multi-colored rows of stalled traffic, she could see the stoplights one half-mile forward at the top of the incline, like tiny dots of red ink splashed upon the cerulean sky.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she said as she stamped her right hand onto the top of her steering wheel three times.

She felt a familiar sense of panic envelope her as she leaned over to glance at herself in the rearview mirror.  “Bad hair day”, she muttered as she carefully readjusted the rhinestone circle hair pin that was now coming loose above her right ear.   With that tightened again and back in its place, she checked her lipstick by squinting her eyes slightly, leaning her head backwards a little and smacking her lips before the mirror with a pop.

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Guest Post by The Zman

If you had asked me about immigration 30 years ago, I would have shrugged and said it was a good thing for the country. My family, like most everyone I knew, came over from the old country. It was not until I reached adulthood, living in New England, that I became aware of people who traced their roots to the colonial times. Even so, I was trained in the American mythology about a nation of immigrants, so I just assumed immigration was mostly a good thing, when I bothered to think about it, which was not often.

It was only after I came to know recent migrants that I started changing my mind about the topic. The people, who had recently gone through the system, had very different ideas about it than Americans born here. More important, they had no illusions about the state of the population in the old country. Talk to recent migrants and they will be happy to tell you that most of the people they left behind should stay over there. The recent migrants left the old country for a reason.

Continue reading “Immigration”

Declining Education – part 2 (How to fix it)

FORWARD – I should have known I would be called out in my last article for not actually ending it. Fine, lets have some fun.


The problems our educational system are incredibly complex, with several issues stemming from policies that seemingly are unrelated, but all end up leading back to our future voters.


For example: Two parent households had a single main bread winner, which meant one could stay home and ride herd on the children. As pay dropped for the single earner, the other had to go to work. Now both are out of the house, kids are left to their own devices. Parents begin to divorce in greater numbers, with financial concerns cited as the #1 cause of divorce. Schools are now being asked to raise children in addition to educating them. They do so with the rod and it hurts feelings. Eventually the state steps in, and turns all education centers into touchy-feely daycares. As kids get dumber, colleges struggle with incoming students. In order to make everyone feel special, Congress loosens the restrictions on lending, which lets a flood of idiots into college. Now the higher education also has to gut their quality to help raise these gentle souls up to be the useless consumers we all know they can be.


And still they bitch about their feelings.

Continue reading “Declining Education – part 2 (How to fix it)”

Population Decline in Industrial Countries Requires Immigration?


The United Nations projects that over the next 50 years, the population in the industrialized world (US-Europe-Japan) will DECLINE, not expand. The population is suffering from growing old and the youth are so burdened with taxes they are not getting married (marriages off by 50%) and are not having children. The decline in birth rates and the migration of people from the outer regions into the old core is typical.

The UN is now supporting immigration to keep the pension funds alive. They have stated that immigration now “require[s] comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.”

Immigration During an Economic Decline Is Insane!


According to the BBC, the German government has admitted that there have been almost 500 attacks on homes intended for asylum seekers this year. Politicians are clueless when it comes to managing an economy. In the USA during the 1840s, in the middle of the State Sovereign Debt Crisis, gun battles took place in many areas against the Irish who were blamed for the rising unemployment and taking jobs from citizens since that was the major wave of Irish immigration during the mid-19th century.


While politicians are lining their pockets and playing for Nobel Prizes, the reality of their actions are very different. This is what happens when lawyers rule government. They know how to write laws and then expect people to obey even when their laws go against common sense and economics.

You cannot legislate morality. Violence will rise in Europe as the economy turns down. This is going to be a very rough two years ahead.


If you are allowing close to 1% of your existing population to come into your country as immigrants on an annual basis, and they are mostly poor, uneducated, and Muslim, your country is screwed. The socialist countries of Europe will be bankrupted, as crime and violence increase dramatically. Norway, Germany, and Sweden have written their own death warrants.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

The questions on the topic of immigration, as we’ve seen in the United States, are challenging to answer even at the best of times. The situation becomes orders more complex when millions of refugees or migrants are seeking asylum from civil war, poverty, and other terrible conditions.

It is the latter situation that Europeans find themselves grappling with: after many series of escalating incidents, the refugee crisis facing Europe has been described as the worst since World War II.


Worse Than Hitler

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Even the formerly august New York Times grants that Donald J. Trump has ignited a voter firestorm of grievance against a dumb show election process that rewards a craven avoidance of real issues. Immigration is actually a stand-in for the paralysis, incompetence, overreach, and bloatedness of government generally in our time — but it is a good doorway into the larger problem.

Immigration is a practical problem, with visible effects on-the-ground, easy to understand. I’m enjoying the Trump-provoked debate mostly because it is a pushback against the disgusting dishonesty of political correctness that has bogged down the educated classes in a swamp of sentimentality. For instance, Times Sunday Magazine staffer Emily Bazelon wrote a polemic last week inveighing against the use of the word “illegal” applied to people who cross the border without permission on the grounds that it “justifies their mistreatment.” One infers she means that sending them back where they came from equals mistreatment.

It’s refreshing that Trump is able to cut through this kind of tendentious crap. If that were his only role, it would be a good one, because political correctness is an intellectual disease that is making it impossible for even educated people to think — especially people who affect to be political leaders. Trump’s fellow Republicans are entertainingly trapped in their own cowardliness and it’s fun to watch them squirm.

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Hispanic Student Asks; “White man, why are you giving away your country?”

This is one for the hard drive, folks.



White Man: Why Are You Giving Away Your Country?

Christopher De La Viña, American Renaissance, April 23, 2015

A Hispanic student wants to know.


As a child in public schools and now as a graduate student in history, I have learned one thing to be true about the United States: It is a white country. The founders were white, white men established its core principles and political system, and white men and women built the nation into what it is today.

Even before I became aware of the importance of race, I never thought this was “racist” or unfair; it was simply a fact. America has always been a white country and always should be. Why, then, are white people giving away their country?


Immigration and assimilation

My maternal great-great grandfather had a saying in Spanish about the immigrants who began coming to the United States after the 1960s. In English it would be: “Their stomachs are in America, but their hearts are in Mexico.” This perfectly sums up the attitudes of immigrants from most Third-World countries.

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Pictorial Essay: GERMAN SUICIDE

So, I’m sitting here this morning eating an omelet with farm fresh eggs I bought at the farmer’s market on Saturday (such bright yellow yokes!!), to be followed by a cup of coffee and a peach-blueberry cobbler I made last night.  In the background the teevee is humming, tuned to Al Jazeera, when suddenly I almost threw up in my mouth.

I can’t find the video.  Basically, it was a story of African refugees in Germany.  They put on a play about their plight …. doing their African jigaboo dances (is that raayycisss?) to a mostly elderly white German audience, and in front of a big sign “Willkommen” … “welcome”, of course. Like the picture below. Welcome???

These people??


Who start making demands for Free Shit the MOMENT they step foot on German soil?

Story accompanying below picture — “As activists accuse the German and Austrian governments of failing to take adequate care of refugees arriving from North Africa and the Middle East, some are taking matters into their own hands: by inviting the migrants to live in their homes.” —– here;

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All this crap about our neighbors to the South overwhelming our borders with their kids …. and today Kuntsler talks about ISIS ….. well, I’ve wanted to post this for a while, and now seems like a good a time as any. I’ll be brief, and let the vids do the talking.

1)  Immigration (of which I is one) is a two-edged sword. A certain amount can improve a country, while too many can destroy it. That’s right. Too many immigrants can overwhelm a country, and destroy its culture. I do not know what that percentage is, but I am sure we are approaching it.

2)  If it is true that a 2.1 fertility rate is required to maintain a population, and a rate less than that means the population (or, culture of that population) disappears, and if all of white Europe has a fertility rate less than 2.1 ……….. is it not true that white Europe is a generation or so away from becoming extinct?

3) And what about white USA? Should you be worried about this fact?

Deaths of white people outnumbered births for the very first time in US history, the Census Bureau revealed Thursday. Several demographers have pointed out that no other racial group in the US experienced a similar drop. Such a natural decrease within the white population is the first of its kind and was not even observed in the US during wars or Depression, the Washington Post reported. “ —————

The Head Nigger In Chief wants to give blanket amnesty to everyone, and allow moar and moar to enter this country. What? Me worry? Am I a Rayciss?  El Coyote may have the last laugh, and that’s one reason I am nice to him.