The Trump/Putin Summit Is the Worst Thing Ever Until the Next Worse Thing Ever

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Trump/Putin Summit Is the Worst Thing Ever Until the Next Worse Thing Ever

Here’s a secret everyone knows: this Trump/Russia/Treason thing is nonsense. The Russians will do whatever they can to destabilize our country, and have been trying since long before Teddy Kennedy actually did collude with the Reds against Ronald Reagan. Of course they want to destabilize us. They’re Russians. But now we are getting a ration of insanity about it from a bunch of people who only discovered that Ivan is bad news about the same time Stumbles McMyTurn lost. When they are yelling that Donald Trump’s press conference was (Pearl Harbor + 9/11) x 1,000,000, forget about raising any legit grievances with Trump’s performance. We’re not playing their game.

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Don’t Get Played; Get Woke to the Outrage Scam

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Don’t Get Played; Get Woke to the Outrage Scam

So what are we supposed to be outraged about today? There’s always something, and it’s always the worst thing in the history of ever. And it’s almost always a scam designed to manipulate you into obeying the liberal elite.

That’s the real outrage.

My friend and fellow Townhall columnist Derek Hunter has a new book out designed to help you detect and defeat this shameless grift, Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood. It’s essential reading because the sooner we can get people woke to the con, the sooner people will stop falling for this nonsense.

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