Hall of Shame: Targeting the Kids

Guest Post by Tessa Luna

hall of shame targeting the kids

Story at-a-glance

  • Betrayal of kids is one of the harshest aspects of the not-so-great reset
  • For now, the aspiring masters have succeeded at tricking the upcoming generation into “raging for the machine”
  • Today’s propaganda techniques show an uncanny similarity to the propaganda techniques in the USSR
  • The quest to use education as a brainwashing tool is a very old quest that has been practiced by the state, corporate and theological powers for a long time
  • The kids of today may be additionally impacted by a significant toxicity burden, and their lack of tolerance for disagreement or nuance may be at least in part a result of their damaged health

Out of all elements of the not-so-great reset, one of the hardest thing to bear is what is being done to the kids.

Kids in Masks

I am in New York. I still see kids casually walking around in masks. Masks are kind of “normal” to wear nowadays where I am at.

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