Moon Landing Deniers – Here’s Your Proof

Guest post by: aka.attrition

Moon Landing Deniers – Here’s Your Proof

The internet has all the video proof you need. Just a quick search and I found so many videos that absolutely prove we went to the moon. Why keep on about missing stars and dust on the lander when a simple search will give you the answers.

For example, here we see videos of astronauts on the moon. There is no way this could be faked. Not even Quentin Tarantino would have thought of putting a stumble in the frolicking, not just once, but multiple times. And how would you fake that slow-mo jumping? You can’t because the Chinese only invented wire work much later in cinema and they weren’t part of NASA.

Apollo 17 Moon GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Potemkin Launch Pads

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Part of the beauty of Trump ordering NASA to get a woman on the move was the woman part- sheer political genius. Every major film about space exploration over the past ten years has featured women as the captains, the inventors, the alien experts, the physicists and the engineers. Anybody who gets in the way of the upcoming You Go (to da Moon!) Girl narrative is asking for a career ending take down. That may be why Colonel Walrus stepped aside last week knowing that A) we never went to the Moon and B) you can’t go back where you never went even if you have a chick in the pilot’s seat.

And so the gaslighting of America begins in earnest. Expect five years of dissembling and blowing smoke to emerge from whatever office houses the PR arm of St. NASA.

“The development of the rocket that is supposed to launch the Artemis astronauts, like most major exploration efforts in NASA history, is over budget and years behind schedule.”

Aren’t they always?

But wait, there’s more…

“Will people be celebrating down here, or will a few lucky representatives mark the occasion on the moon? It’s not an impossible future; after all, they’ve been there before. But it is by no means guaranteed.”


Via The Atlantic

The Fraught Effort to Return to the Moon

Buzz Aldrin moves equipment on the moon.

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