This little propaganda press release from the government/mainstream media mouthpieces is a beauty. Based on the headline, the mindless masses see that consumers are spending at a healthy pace. All must be well. The first sentence declares this was the highest rate of spending since November. Of course that is unequivocally false, since last month the propaganda peddlers reported a 0.4% increase in spending. But wait, they only over-reported last month’s increase by 100%. Their bad. The increase was really only a pitiful 0.2%, and not a strong 0.4%. Guess what will happen next month? The 0.3% reported increase will be adjusted back to 0.1% and the media will report the strongest growth since November again. Do you get it?

Did you notice why consumer spending surged in January? Your heating bill and health insurance premiums surged. Yes. Paying more due to Obamacare and the record cold caused by global warming is considered a positive economic development by your government keepers. We also know for a fact that real wages are stagnant or declining, so any increase in spending is happening using debt. That is wonderful for the debt peddlers on Wall Street and in the government (student loans, Ally Financial), but not so good for the average person.

The last couple sentences of this fabulous economic release is that inflation has only grown by 0.9% in the last year. That’s precious. Have your expenses only grown by 0.9% in the last year? I didn’t think so. Hurry up and turn on CNBC to watch Liesman and Cramer be exhilarated by this fabulous consumer data.

Consumer spending rises 0.3% in February

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) – Consumer spending in the U.S. rose in February at the fastest rate since November as Americans spent more on health care and utilities, but purchases of durable goods fell for the third straight month in a negative sign. Spending climbed 0.3% last month on a seasonally adjusted basis, the Commerce Department reported Friday. Partly offsetting the gain, however, was a reduction in rate of spending in January. Spending increased at a 0.2% clip in the first month of the year instead of 0.4% as previously reported. Personal income also rose 0.3% in February. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had forecast a 0.3% gain in spending and a 0.2% rise in income. The U.S. savings rate edged up to a four-month high of 4.3% from 4.2% in January. Inflation-adjusted disposable income, meanwhile, jumped 0.3% to mark the biggest advance in five months. Also, inflation as gauged by the core PCE price index posted a slight 0.1% increase in February, and it’s up just 1.1% over the past 12 months. The overall PCE index also rose 0.1% last month and its climbed 0.9% in the past year, offering further evidence that inflation remains muted.
Here is a link to the government propaganda report:

When I go to the charts and peruse the data, I find these interesting factoids:

  • Real disposable personal income per person in the U.S. is currently $37,010. That is using the bastardized under-reported inflation figures from the BLS. Even using that joke of an adjustment, real disposable personal income per person is 1.5% below what it was in May of 2008.
  • Bernanke’s ZIRP is the gift that keeps giving to senior citizens as interest income is $158 BILLION lower now than it was in May 2007. All the grandmas out there eating cat food know who to thank.
  • When the crisis hit in 2008/2009 people began to come to their senses and the savings rate spiked to 6% – 8%. Now the masses are either broke or delusional, as the savings rate is near record lows at 4.3%.
  • Personal income has risen by $430 billion in the last year and $85 billion (20% of total) of that is government transfers (SS, Medicare, SNAP, Vet benefits, Medicaid, unemployment). Only in Orwellian America is the redistribution from producers to non-producers considered income.
  • Less than 50% of the increase ($211 billion) is from private industry wages. Who needs jobs when the government is distributing the cash?
  • Laughably, the government drones say that you spent less on gasoline, natural gas and electricity this February versus last February. Anyone who gets a heating bill every month knows that is not true.

It gets tiring poking holes in the propaganda spewed at us every day, but I’ll keep trying.




The Bureau of Lies and Shams issued their latest Orwellian data report this morning. They declared that inflation was only up .1% in February, despite the massive jump in food prices. Here is the MSM regurgitation of the BLS bullshit propaganda. A real journalist might verify the numbers to see if they pass the smell test.

Consumer prices edge up in February as food prices jump

Last month’s 0.1% increase driven by biggest spike in food costs since 2011

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Consumer prices in the U.S. rose slightly in February because of higher food and housing costs, but overall inflation remained quiet, according to the latest government figures. The price of food jumped 0.4% — the largest gain since September 2011 — because of higher costs of meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. Still, food prices have only risen 1.4% over the past year.The cost of energy fell 0.5% as lower gasoline costs offset increases in fuel oil and natural gas. High demand for home heating fuels boosted prides during a very cold month.

The drones at the BLS declare that energy prices plummeted in February due to lower gasoline costs. Let’s look at a handy dandy chart of the actual price of gasoline over the last three months. Well looky here. The average price of a gallon of gasoline on February 1 was $3.26 per gallon. The average price of a gallon of gasoline on February 28 was $3.45 per gallon. And the trend was straight up during the entire month. My handy dandy calculator says that gasoline ROSE by 5.8% in February. The BLS says gasoline prices fell dramatically. Do you believe the BLS drones or your pocketbook? How can they get away with these blatant lies? Oil rose from $97 per barrel to $102 per barrel. That is a 5.1% increase. Natural gas prices spiked from $5 to over $6 during February before settling back around $5. The average price was easily up 10% over the prior month. How stupid do our government keepers think we are?

Even the BLS contention that food prices went up .4% in February is a lie. That is a 4.8% annualized rate. Let’s see the reality. Pork is up 43% since the beginning of the year. Beef is up 8%. Coffee is up 75%. Corn is up 13%. Wheat is up 12%. Soybeans are up 8%. Cocoa is up 12%.

These are the price changes in the real world, not in the BLS world of manipulation and deception.

The CPI is a fake number issued by the STATE and designed to keep the sheep docile and compliant. In reality true inflation is running above 5%. You know it and I know it. Will the faux journalists in the MSM report the truth? Hell no. They are paid to peddle lies and propaganda by their corporate bosses.









Is anyone really in control in Ukraine?

Do you think the captured MSM will be reporting that Obama and McCain are supporting nationalist thugs and rejecting a democratic vote in the Crimea? Just look at Egypt for your answer. We support a military dictator who overthrew a democratically elected leader and is now ruling the country with an iron fist. Free speech is outlawed and everyone must bow down to the dictator. Obama wishes he had the same power.

Guest Post by Dmitry Orlov

[While everyone is concentrating on the referendum in Crimea, let’s not lose sight of what’s happening in the rest of (formerly independent) Ukraine. As we already know, the government in Kiev is dead broke; the aid that is forthcoming from the US is barely enough to cover its debt to Russia’s Gazprom, for natural gas. Ukraine’s bond yield has spiked to 50% while $15 billion of these bonds mature and have to be rolled over this year.

A lot has been made of the Russian and Belarussian troops massing all around Ukraine and in Crimea, but so far little has been heard of the state of the military within Ukraine itself. But now it appears that Ukraine’s military (which has never been involved in any armed conflict anywhere and is poorly trained and poorly armed) is mostly on the Russian side already, and, in any case, not willing to follow orders from Kiev. It also appears that the National Guard goon squads being hastily organized by the government in Kiev may be effective at intimidating civilians, but that they won’t be much of a military force.

This information comes from a well-positioned source. There is a Spanish-speaking air traffic controller working at the Borispol International Airport in Kiev, who has been tweetting in Spanish and giving a blow-by-blow account of the goings on in the air and on the ground, along with some useful commentary. What follows is a summary of some of the recent tweets. Many thanks to Francisco for putting it together.

Here is what I see as the best case scenario for Ukraine: Russian and Ukrainian militaries fraternize and merge without a single shot fired, followed by a joint mop-up operation against the nationalist thugs. Once the nationalists’ ability to intimidate the populace is neutralized, the country can be reorganized, ideally as a federative structure that supports local languages, dialects and cultures.]

The Ukrainian military are by and large refusing to follow orders from he government. Many if not the majority of them are incredibly angry. Some generals have openly declared that they will not follow orders from some foreign-imposed government. The chief of the Air Force is a major problem for the government: so far he has flatly refused to fly any missions at all, and has grounded all the planes. He says that he will not follow orders except from a freely elected governent. Until such a time, he will follow only his own orders.

In this ATC’s opinion, this attitude within the military is a good thing, because there would already be lots of casualties had they had followed their orders. It looks like at least half, and probably more, of the military feels much more affinity toward their Russian colleages than towards the Ukrainian Nationalists who are nominally in power.The government is frantically trying to recruit and organize a National Guard, with whatever western help they can get. There is no equipment or money in the country.

The problem with this National Guard is that it’s being recruited based on an ideology of nationalistic bigotry and hatred rather than any useful aptitude. The people in Kiev are much more afraid of the nationalists and the National Guard being created than of the military. It appears that the sentiment towards the Russians is in general very friendly, that most Ukrainians consider Russians to be their brothers. The exception is the ultra-nationalistic faction, which superficially seems to be gaining a lot of power through intimidation.


Don’t you just love the bullshit spin title to this MSM article. You’re not getting a fucking raise because the temperature is going up. The idiot writing this story can’t even pick up a calculator and realize the weighted average increase in heating the average home in the country was 9.8% higher than last year. The last time I checked you still need natural gas to power air conditioners in 49% of homes in the country. The price is currently 14% HIGHER than last year at this time. Where is the cost savings?

The MSM is nothing but a mouthpiece for the  assholes running this country. Next week Yellen will get up in front of a bunch of  paid off MSM faux journalists who will lob softball question at her. She will blather on about her fear of deflation. Meanwhile we are getting fucked up the ass with energy, food, health insurance, tax, and education inflation. But, at least our real wages are going down. We got that going for us.

You’re getting a raise in May — sort of

With spring’s arrival, Americans can shed layers — and spending

By Quentin Fottrell


Nick Dykstra, a liquid fuels technician with Michlig Energy Ltd., delivers propane to a rural residence near Princeton, Illinois,

When spring arrives, many Americans might feel like they got a pay raise. That’s because the cold weather and a storm of other factors jacked up heating bills for many households, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Average prices for U.S. households heating primarily with propane are expected to end up 54% higher this winter than last year, while expenditures for homes using heating oil will be 7% higher, natural gas 10% higher, and electricity 5% higher, according to “ March Short-Term Energy Outlook ” by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Persistently cold weather east of the Rocky Mountains and along the northeast drove up demand for all heating fuels, depleted inventories, and helped raise prices, the report found, but household propane prices experienced an especially high spike.

The reason for the propane spike? Damp corn in the Midwest. “Propane is used to dry corn crops and, last year, the Midwest had a particularly large and wet corn harvest,” says Sean Hillen, economist at the U.S. Energy Information Administration. “It got cold and stayed cold. People couldn’t get enough propane into the region fast enough and prices went through the roof.” Propane prices more than doubled from $2.08 per gallon in September 2013 to $4.20 by the end of January. He estimates that Midwestern homes using propane had winter heating costs of around $2,212, which were $759 higher than October estimates.

The good news: Just 4.5% of the 116 million homes in the U.S. use propane and 7% of homes use propane in the Midwest, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, while 49% of homes use natural gas and 39% use electricity. But this winter has also been much longer for most households. Between October and the end of February, the number of heating days was 13% higher than last winter — and 10% above the 10-year average.

This winter has been the coldest in four years, according to data released Thursday by the government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In fact, the average temperature in the U.S. during the 2013/2014 winter season was 31.3 degrees, one degree below the 20th-century average, the NOAA found.

“Natural gas is almost always the cheapest form of heating,” says Jeff Rogers, president of the Energy Audit Institute, an energy-audit training and certification company in Springfield, N.J. That, he says, has a lot to do with its relatively small carbon footprint. Around 10% of natural gas is used up during the generation and transmission process before it reaches consumers versus a loss of 60% to 65% for electricity, according to the Alliance to Save Energy, a non-profit coalition of industrial, technological and energy corporations. “Consumers are effectively paying for all that wasted energy,” Rogers says. “Whenever you’re buying a piece of meat, you’re paying for the whole cow. The same is true for electricity and natural gas.”


Shockingly, she doesn’t work for Fox, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC, or CBS. Their faux journalists are nothing but highly paid whores for the corporate fascist state. They are teleprompter reading robots. They have no journalistic integrity. They are entertainers and mouthpieces for their corporate entities. RT may be a tool of the state, but at least they allow their journalists to speak their mind.


Here is the blaring headline in the MSM:


New home sales hit five-and-a-half year high in January


The Wall Street shysters and CNBC bimbos are ecstatic. Of course, maybe we should examine the facts within the Census Bureau report:

  • There were 34,000 new homes sold in the entire country in January. There are 75 million homes in the country.
  • Of these 34,000 new homes “sold” in January, 10,000 were actually built. A contract can be cancelled for a nominal penalty amount. When housing went south for Toll Brothers, the cancellation rate exceeded 30%.
  • There were 32,000 new homes sold last January.
  • The median price has fallen by 7% since April.
  • New home sales are pacing 70% below 2005 levels, 40% below levels in the mid-1980’s when mortgage rates were 12%, and 25% below levels in the mid-1960s.
  • Mortgage purchase applications fell last week to the lowest level since 1995. Do mortgage applications fall to a 19 year low if housing is going gangbusters?

The MSM is spinning a yarn to keep the ignorant masses sedated. Do these charts reflect a strong recovering housing market? Housing has begun its 2nd collapse in the last 8 years.


Don’t you find it fascinating there are absolutely NO stories in the MSM about the January Effect this year. Trust me. If stocks were up as of the end of January there would be hundreds of screeds from these faux journalists spouting how stocks almost always finish the year higher when January finishes higher. They use these stories to lure more muppets into the Wall Street web of deception and lies.

Well, January is over and the Dow was down 4.5% and the S&P 500 was down 2.7%. So where are all the MSM stories about the January effect? NADA. Nothing. The silence from the pundits and talking heads is deafening. Do you need any more proof that the MSM is nothing but the cheer leading section for the ruling class and their only function is to spew slanted propaganda?

I’ll keep looking for a January Effect article in the MSM, but I guarantee you if I see one it will be written to discredit the January Effect and tell the muppets to buy, buy, buy.


The headline from the MSM this morning was that consumer spending was really strong in December after a fantastic November.

Consumer spending rose a seasonally adjusted 0.4% last month, the Commerce Department said. Economists polled by MarketWatch had forecast a 0.2% gain. The advance in December follows an upwardly revised 0.6% increase in November. The pace of spending in the last two months of the year marked the strongest back-to-back gain since the first two months of 2012.

The lead into this story makes it sound like the consumer is healthy and doing fantastic. You have to go over to Zero Hedge to find a chart that says it all.


Does this chart show a healthy consumer? It shows me we’ve entered a world of pain. Buried in the propaganda spewed by the corporate legacy media is the FACT that real disposable income FELL in December. The consumer had to delve into their dwindling savings to create that STRONG spending in December and November. The savings rate was 5.1% in September and plummeted to 3.9% by December. Last December the savings rate was 8.7%.

Do the oligarchs realize their propaganda doesn’t pass the smell test? They desperately want the ignorant masses to believe consumer spending was strong in November and December. We know for a fact that retail sales absolutely sucked in November and December from the Commerce Dept report from two weeks ago. Sales declined at auto dealerships, furniture retailers, electronics stores, and home stores. We know for a fact that virtually every large retailer in the country has reported dreadful sales and profit results for their Christmas season. Wal-Mart issued a profit warning today. Target issued one two weeks ago. Macys, Sears, and JC Penney are closing stores.

A critical thinking individual might wonder how consumer spending could be really strong if every major retailer is reporting horrific results. Luckily for the oligarchs, critical thinking is a skill not used too much in this country. Edward Bernays’ students of propaganda in the government and MSM know this and utilize our ignorance to the max.

The MSM story mentioned that the increase is being driven by spending on services. Now we are getting to the truth. The average American is ramping up their consumption in Obamacare premiums, utility bills, tolls, sewer fees, and the myriad of other government driven costs. The average American is dipping into their savings to pay for the massive Obamacare premium increases. I guess that doesn’t make a good headline on

Going to the actual data reveals a few more interesting tidbits about the strong consumer:

  • Total personal income, before inflation, in December was 1% below last year.
  • Total wages, before inflation, were up by a whole .6%.
  • No need to worry. Government entitlement transfers soared by $53 billion over the last year.
  • Bernanke did his part by making sure senior citizens and savers didn’t earn one nickle more than last year in interest.
  • You’ll be happy to know that even though wages barely budged, the government syphoned  off an additional $100 Billion of your money in taxes versus last December.
  • Disposable income was 2% lower than last December, before inflation.
  • Americans spent $400 billion more this December than last December by drawing down savings and borrowing. They didn’t spend this at retailers. They borrowed for 7 years to essentially rent new cars, paid more for food, energy, rent, tuition, and Obamacare premiums.

Does this present a picture of a strong consumer? My favorite piece of data from the government website is at the very bottom. It is Real per capita disposable income. It takes into consideration inflation and the fact that the US population grows by 2.2 million people per year. This info paints the real picture of the American consumer.

The real disposable personal income per person in this country was $36,877 in December. It was $38,170 last December. That is a 3.4% decline. And remember, that is using the hugely understated CPI. Now for the really good stuff. The real disposable personal income per person was $37,584 in May of 2008. We are now almost six years later and disposable income per person in this country is still lower than it was in 2008.

Obama proclaimed all the great things he had accomplished in his five years in office. If unemployment has plummeted and the economy is booming at 4%, how can this be so? It can’t. You’ve been fed a fake storyline. It’s like the American Dream. You have to be asleep to believe it.

And anyone peddling the storyline that 2014 will be better is a knave or a fool – or works for CNBC. Over 1.2 million people just got booted off  the long-term unemployment rolls. The SNAP program will be doling out $5 billion less of your tax dollars in 2014. The stock market appears to be a tad shakey. Obamacare premium increases will be pounding those employed. Small businesses will not be hiring. Retailers are firing thousands of employees. Energy prices will set new records. Droughts in the West will result in higher food prices. Home prices will fall as home sales stagnate.

Sounds like a recipe for a great 2014. The storyline has been played out. The people don’t believe anything the oligarchs say. We have been lost in a blizzard of lies, but we can see the truth off in the distance if we look hard enough.


You don’t see Obama’s pliant MSM talking too much about the fact his State of the Union, which was on 13 stations, drew the lowest rating of any presidential state of the union address in history. The country does not care what the lying son of a bitch has to say. They know he is the teleprompter president who makes promises and never delivers. He’s an empty suit. There is no substance, intelligence or integrity. He is a complete and utter failure. This was his fifth state of the union address and the ratings have fallen every year, from 32.5% in 2009 to 20.7% this week. The graph looks like the inverted chart of the number of people leaving the workforce and number of people signing up for Obama’s most successful program – SNAP.

Obama was on 13 stations and attracted 33 million viewers. I’m sure only a fraction of that number watched more than 15 minutes of the kabuki theater. The Grammy Awards were on the night before and attracted 28 million viewers on one station. Last year’s Super Bowl got a 46% rating and attracted 108 million viewers. Duck Dynasty regularly attracts over 11 million viewers on a crappy cable channel. American Idol gets 13 million viewers a couple times per week.

The country is no longer listening to the savior. He is nothing but a bloviating windbag. This is another sign that the ruling class and the peasants are getting closer to conflict. The people no longer care what the talking heads in the legacy media are saying. Their ratings are also at all time lows. No one trusts the corrupt snakes in Congress. Their approval rating is lower than syphilis. No one trusts the Wall Street shysters, as the average person is out of the market. The disconnect between the ruling class and the plebs has never been wider. Time is growing short. There will be further financial turmoil, boiling anger, violence and eventually war. The ruling class isn’t using their NSA surveillance and DHS arming of police forces around the country for nothing. They know what is coming.

The tuning out of the public to the lies and propaganda being spewed by Obama, lowlife captured politicians and the corporate media is a sign of coming retribution for the guilty and presumed guilty. There will be blood.

State of the Union, Jan. 28, 2014

Networks Combined Household Ratings No. of Households No. of Viewers (P2+)
CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, Azteca, Fox Business, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Al Jazeera America, Galavision, Mun2, UNI* 20.7 23,949,843 33,299,172
Source: Nielsen
*Tape delay.

Below is a historical look at past State of the Union addresses.

Historical State of the Union Addresses

Date Networks Combined Household Rating Combined No. of Households Combined No. of Viewers President
2/12/2013 FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Azteca, UNI, MFX, CNBC, CNN, Fox Business, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Current, Centric, GALA 21.8 24,767,047 33,497,607 Obama
1/24/2012 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, TEL, TF, UNI, CNBC, CNN, FBN, FOXNC, GALA, MSNBC and MUN2 24 27,569,423 37,752,613 Obama
1/25/2011 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, TEL, UNI, CNN, Centric, CNBC, FOXNC, and MSNBC 26.6 30,871,688 42,789,947 Obama
1/27/2010 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, TEL, UNI, CNN, BET, CNBC, FOXNC, MSNBC 29.8 34,182,725 48,009,595 Obama
2/24/2009* ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC, TELEMUNDO, UNIVISION 32.5 37,185,000 52,373,000 Obama
1/28/2008 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC, TELEMUNDO^, UNIVISION 24.7 27,702,000 37,515,000 G.W Bush
1/23/2007 ABC, CBS, FOX**, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC, TELEMUNDO**, UNIVISION ** 29.6 32,968,000 45,486,000 G.W. Bush
1/31/2006 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC 26.9 29,578,000 41,699,000 G.W. Bush
2/2/2005 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC 25.2 27,699,000 38,382,000 G. W. Bush
TELEMUNDO, TELEFUTURA 6 660,000 1,050,000
1/20/2004 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, CNBC, FOXNC, MSNBC 28 30,286,000 43,411,000 G. W. Bush
1/28/2003 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, CNBC, FOXNC, MSNBC 38.8 41,447,000 62,061,000 G. W. Bush
1/29/2002 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, CNBC, FOXNC, MSNBC 33.6 35,547,000 51,773,000 G.W. Bush
2/27/2001* ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC 27.6 28,201,000 39,793,000 G.W. Bush
1/27/2000 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC 22.4 22,536,000 31,478,000 Clinton
1/19/1999 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, FOXNC, MSNBC 31 30,700,000 43,500,000 Clinton
1/27/1998 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN, CNBC, FOXNC, MSNBC 37.2 36,513,000 53,077,000 Clinton
2/4/1997 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN 28.4 27,600,000 41,100,000 Clinton
1/23/1996 ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, CNN 29.6 28,400,000 40,900,000 Clinton
1/24/1995 ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN 29.5 28,100,000 42,200,000 Clinton
1/25/1994 ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN 32.9 31,000,000 45,800,000 Clinton
2/17/1993* ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN 44.3 41,200,000 66,900,000 Clinton
Source: Nielsen


Greenwald: US, British media are servants of security apparatus

Published time: December 27, 2013 22:23

Journalist Glenn Greenwald condemned the mainstream media during an address at a German computer conference on Friday and accused his colleagues of failing to challenge erroneous remarks routinely made by government officials around the globe.

Thousands of attendees at the thirtieth annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg packed into a room to watch the 46-year-old lawyer-turned-columnist present a keynote address delivered less than seven months after he started working with former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.

Revelations contained in leaked documents supplied by Snowden to Greenwald and other journalists have sparked international outrage and efforts to reform the far-reaching surveillance operations waged by the NSA and intelligence officials in allied nations. But speaking remotely from Brazil this week, Greenwald argued that the media establishment at large is guilty of failing significantly with respect to accomplishing its most crucial role: keeping governments in check.

When Greenwald and his colleagues began working with Snowden, he said they realized that they’d have to act in a way that wasn’t on par with how the mainstream media has acted up until now.

We resolved that we were going to have to be very disruptive of the status quo — not only the surveillance and political status quo, but also the journalistic status quo,” Greenwald said. “And I think one of the ways that you can see what it is that we were targeting is in the behavior of the media over the past six months since these revelations have emerged almost entirely without them and despite them.”

[W]e knew in particular that one of our most formidable adversaries was not simply going to be the intelligence agencies on which we were reporting and who we were trying to expose, but also their most loyal, devoted servants, which calls itself the United States and British media.”

It really is the case that the United States and British governments are not only willing but able to engage in any conduct no matter how grotesque,” Greenwald said. Nevertheless, he added, journalists tasked with reporting on those issues have all too often been compliant with the blatant lies made by officials from those governments.

Halfway through his remarks, Greenwald recalled a recent quip he made while being interviewed by BBC about the necessity of a functioning media in an environment where government officials can spew untruths to reporters without being questioned.

[A]t one point I made what I thought was the very unremarkable and uncontroversial observation that the reason why we have a free press is because national security officials routinely lie to the population in order to shield their power and get their agenda advanced,” recalled Greenwald, who said it is both the “the goal and duty of a journalist is to be adversarial to those people in power.”

According to Greenwald, the BBC reporter met his remark with skepticism.

I just cannot believe that you would suggest that senior officials, generals in the US and the British government, are actually making false claims to the public,” he remembered being told on-air.

It really is the central view of certainly American and British media stars, that when — especially people with medals on their chest who are called generals, but also high officials in the government — make claims that those claims are presumptively treated as true without evidence. And that it’s almost immoral to call them into question or to question their voracity,” he said.

Obviously we went through the Iraq War, in which those very two same governments specifically and deliberately lied repeatedly to the government, to their people, over the course of two years to justify an aggressive war that destroyed a country of 26 million people. But we’ve seen it continuously over the last six months as well.”

From there, he went on to cite the example of US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who earlier this year made remarks to Congress that were quickly proved false by documents leaked to Greenwald by Mr. Snowden. The very first National Security Agency document he was shown, Greenwald said, “revealed that the Obama administration had succeeded in convincing court, a secret court, to compel phone companies to turn over to the NSA every single phone record of every single telephone call.”

Clapper “went to the Senate and lied to their faces…which is at least as serious of a crime as anything Edward Snowden is accused of,” Greenwald added.

But DNI Clapper aside, Greenwald said that the established media continues to reject the notion that government officials spew lies. Snowden’s NSA documents have exposed those fibs on more than one occasion, he noted, yet reporters around the world continue to take the word of officials as fact rather than dig from the truth.

Their role is not to be adversarial. Their role is to be loyal spokespeople to those powerful factions that they pretend to exercise oversight,” Greenwald said.

But as the US, UK and other governments continue to feed the media lies, Greenwald said their operations are far from being single-pronged. The US “knows that its only hope for continuing to maintain its regiment of secrecy behind which it engages with radical and corrupt acts is to intimidate and deter and threaten people who are would-be whistleblowers and transparency activists from coming forward and doing what it is that they do by showing them that they’ll be subjected to even the most extreme punishments and there’s nothing that they can do about it,” he said. “And it’s an effective tactic.”

Ironically, he added, those nations are “fueling the fire of this activism with their own abusive behavior.”

Meanwhile, NSA reform may not happen as quickly as Greenwald, Snowden and others have hoped; despite a series of considerable victories for privacy advocates as of late, a federal judge in New York said moments before Friday’s address that the surveillance policies exposed by those leaks are not in violation of the US Constitution. The American Civil Liberties Union sued DNI Clapper in June after Greenwald and others wrote that the government was compelling telecoms for telephony metadata pertaining to millions of Americans. But District Judge William Pauley wrote on Friday that “Whether the Fourth Amendment protects bulk telephony metadata is ultimately a question of reasonableness.”

And while Judge Pauley and proponents of that program and similar surveillance operations continue to call the NSA’s efforts imperative in America’s war on terror, Greenwald said at Friday’s conference that their intention is much more sinister than stopping another 9/11 from occurring.

The NSA’s goal, Greenwald said, is to “ensure that all forms of human communication . . .are collected, monitored, stored and analyzed by that agency and by their allies.”