The Career-Advancing LIES of Corporate Journalists

Guest Post by CCRider

Have you been incensed watching these legacy”journalists” bald-faced lie on matters of national import time and time again only to find themselves elevated in the corporate hierarchy? Recall the outrageous lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that caused the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocents or the Trump-Russian collusion farce they crammed down our throats for two years? Think of the list of offenders: David Frum, Wm Chrystal, Jonah Goldberg, Nicolle Wallace. Did any of them pay a price for their deceitful lies?

In this segment of Glenn Greenwald’s System Update, he exposes these liars for the immoral shills they are and points out the now obvious fact: Not only did they not pay any price for their evil chicanery, but were rewarded and elevated for doing so. In this discussion, they are exposed and vilified as only Greenwald can do.

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