Obongo S.O.T.U. Bingo Results

Admin posted the below Obongo Bingo Card.  More free shit … estimates are $320 BILLION more Obongo taxes …. buying votes from the 509 Neegrows in Amerika who still don’t like him … which is exactly what BINGO means — Buying Ignorant Neegrows, Go Obama!!


HERE ARE THE RESULTS  (193 total hits out of 6,553 words)

“B” Column (80 hits)

Energy —————— 2

I or Me —————— 56  (47 “I” / 9 “me”)

Investment ———— 1

Children —————- 18

Inequality ————– 3

“I” Column (8 hits)

Compromise ———– 0

Balanced —————- 0

God ———————– 3

Fair Share ————— 2

Access ——————– 3

“N” Column  (62 hits)

Education ————— 4

Middle Class ———— 1

“Free Shit” ————– 4,855 implied hits

Work Together ——— 0  (but there were 57 “work”)

Special Interests ——- 0 

“G” Column  (12 hits)

Deficit ——————— 3

Affordable —————-2

Regulations ————– 1

Infrastructure ———- 5

Recovery —————— 1

“O” Column (31 hits)

Internet ——————- 3

1% ————————— 1

Health ——————— 8

Jobs ———————— 19

Responsibility ———– 0

Other Words of Note

America —————— 75

Families —————— 24

World ——————— 22

Economy —————– 18

Business —————— 13

Terror ———————- 9

War ————————- 7

Crisis ———————– 5

Secret Coded Message

“Fuck You Whitey” ———— 181  (This took me a while. You have to lay out the speech on a grid, 675 lines x 300 lines, then count every 4th letter across, then go two lines straight down, and then take the first letter to the left. Be sure to thank me!)

A special ‘shout out’ to the biggest most fucking audacious lie in the speech … it takes real fucking Moochelle-like testicles to say this shit with a straight face.

“Since 2010, America has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and all advanced economies combined. Our manufacturers have added almost 800,000 new jobs. Some of our bedrock sectors, like our auto industry, are booming.

And the hall cheered.  God fucking help us!