The Countries Polluting The Oceans The Most

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A fascinating new discovery. 

Especially interesting to Christians is how this relates to the Great Flood of Noah’s day.  The fact of the matter is the utter impossibility of covering the entire earth, even 40 cubits above the highest mountain, with water from the sky above.  Can’t be done … even with the so-called (and, unproven) canopy of “water vapor” that supposedly surrounded the earth in Noah’s time.

However, the Bible says that the flood started like this; — “the same day were all the FOUNTAINS OF THE GREAT DEEP broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”

If the “fountains of the great deep” refers to this massive underground ocean …. how did the author of Genesis know about that??


Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over

Earth is like an onion: Layers

After decades of theorizing and searching, scientists are reporting that they’ve finally found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth’s mantle — a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over. This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface water actually came from within, as part of a “whole-Earth water cycle,” rather than the prevailing theory of icy comets striking Earth billions of years ago. As always, the more we understand about how the Earth formed, and how its multitude of interior layers continue to function, the more accurately we can predict the future. Weather, sea levels, climate change — these are all closely linked to the tectonic activity that endlessly churns away beneath our feet.


The Oceans Are Dying

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I am an admirer of Dahr Jamail’s reporting. In this article, Oceans In Crisis, Jamail tells us that we are losing the oceans. He reports on the human destruction of the oceans. It is a real destruction with far-reaching consequences.

That fact is indisputable.

From my perspective the human destruction of the oceans is yet more evidence of the ruinous nature of private capitalism. In capitalism there is no thought for the future of the planet and humanity, only for short-term profits and bonuses. Consequently, social costs are ignored.

Capitalism can work if social or external costs can be included in the costs of production. However, the powerful corporations are able to block a socially functioning capitalism with their political campaign contributions.

Consequently, capitalists themselves make the capitalist system dysfunctional. We may have reached the point where the external costs of production are larger than the value of capitalist output. Economist Herman Daly makes a convincing case that this is the fact.

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