“The Whole Planet Is A Pot, And We’re All Frogs”

Authored by Ugo Bardi via The Seneca Effect blog,

The lockdown in China: if the powerful are doing something that looks stupid, it’s because whatever they’re doing IS actually stupid

I received several comments on my post “The Shanghai Lockdown: a Memetic Analysis,” and I think that some were so interesting to be worth reproducing in a full-fledged post. The first comment comes from an anonymous commenter living in China. It seems to me believable, and also consistent with my interpretation.

In practice, the Chinese were (and are) not the only one who are conditioned by factors such as avoiding a loss of face.

Italians did the same during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.

There seems to be an enormous psychological problem that when you discover that you have been conned, you don’t want to admit that. It makes little difference if you are Chinese, Italian, or another nationality.

There follows a comment by “Mon Seul Desir” on which I fully agree. So much that I used it in a condensed version for the title of this post.

When something looks insane, most likely, it IS insane.

Continue reading ““The Whole Planet Is A Pot, And We’re All Frogs””

Planet Lockdown: A Documentary

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The film Planet Lockdown explores this unprecedented time in history, speaking with epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and other experts to uncover the real motives behind the increasing totalitarian control taking over the globe
  • Dr. Scott Jensen, a family doctor and former member of the Minnesota Senate, received an email from the Department of Health that coached him to use COVID-19 as a diagnosis incorrectly
  • The notion of asymptomatic spread turns virtually anyone you meet or encounter on the street into the enemy or a threat, furthering fear and control
  • The artificially imposed state of incoherence that’s been enacted during the pandemic is described as a torture tactic, designed to get people to submit to vaccine passports and COVID-19 shots
  • Many of the experts in the film bring up the Nuremberg Code, which is being violated as people are forced to get experimental shots
  • Civil disobedience, boycotting businesses that are requiring vaccine passports, participating in rallies and fighting illegal mandates in court are ways that everyone can get involved in protecting freedom

Prior to 2020, if you heard the term “lockdown” you might think of something that happens in a prison — not in a free society. This mechanism of control has since become commonplace — not among prisoners but among the free — with repercussions that are only beginning to be understood.

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