The Top 10 Most Overlooked Preps You Need to Get ASAP

Via Survival Sullivan

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Part of being prepared means having the right supplies, tools and equipment to face whatever disaster befalls you head on. While it is true that the more you know, the less you need, having the right stuff close at hand sure helps!

The less you have to fashion, build, scavenge or improvise in a crisis, the better. You might say that being forced to improvise is a symptom of lack of preparation, but I digress.

No matter how carefully you lay in supplies and how religiously you pour over your list, some things will typically fall through the cracks. Items big and small that are crucially important in all kinds of situations may be forgotten or ignored because you did not anticipate a need for them or just because you plain forgot them. No matter what reason they were omitted, you need to correct this deficiency and grab them pronto!

In today’s article, I’ll list the top 10 preps I see otherwise diligent preppers overlooking, and tell you why they are important.

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Rude Awakenings – Nightstand Preps for Late Night Emergencies

Via Survival Sullivan

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When the time comes to tuck tail and turn in for the night, most of us instinctively understand that we, as humans, are more vulnerable. Beyond the veil of sleep, our senses are eliminated or greatly reduced.

Since time began, predators have roamed the dark, seeking sustenance when the prey is ripe for the taking. In response, to better face an unexpected threat in the wee hours, most make it a point to set a few tools handily by the bedside; weapons, light, a phone. This is smart, but fewer will anticipate other crises that may rouse us from a sound sleep demanding instant action.

The master bedroom is the default and natural “safe room” in the home for most, owing to the fact that we will be either defending or striking out from that room when responding to a late night noise or emergency. It makes sense to pre-position certain items for easy reach and employment as soon as we shake the sleep from our eyes, and do so in a consistent way so that we can rehearse to improve our chances during a live event.

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The violent result of mixing warm and cold air masses set it’s sights on the Pacific Northwest last Tuesday and the result put me in the frame of mind of Calvin and his tiger Hobbes. I no longer watch the news or weather on teevee so I was clueless as to what was about to unfold but it mattered not one bit.

I woke up Tuesday morning about 11:00am and things seemed pretty normal. I let the dogs out and went about my normal pre-work routine. When I got out of the shower I felt a gust of wind hit the house and the dogs started their alarm bark. When I let them in I saw that a recently drained rain barrel had blown over and startled them. Wind is normal this time of year.

I bit later I looked out the front window to see a 150 foot tall Ponderosa Pine bent over about 40 degrees. I’ve lived here for 22 years and I’ve seen that tree sway mightily but never like this. I left for work and except for a few light branches and whirlwinds of leaves everything was normal. Upon arriving at work I learn that a big wind is coming. I thought it was already here but I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.