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We as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions!

Democracy Quotes for the People, by Libertas Bella

Democracy Quotes

  • “Speak up, speak often and don’t worry about those that at this point cannot understand as they can never un-hear what we tell them.” – Ron Paul
  • “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” – Winston Churchill
  • “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams

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New Design: Tucker Carlson + Democracy Quotes for the People

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
– George Carlin

Before we dive into the democracy quotes, consider this very important stuff I’ve written.

Long has mankind grasped at the ideal form of government. The first was pelting unpopular tribesmen with rocks. (This form of governance is still implemented in certain parts of the world today.) We eventually realized that government could become far more efficient if we sharpened our rocks before throwing them, and then a bunch of ancient Greeks got bombed off a vat of wine and came up with democracy. The morning after they wished they had invented aspirin and blue Powerade instead.

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Murray Rothbard: New Design + Quotes on Libertarianism, Economics, and Freedom

Picture an anarchist. Right away you will conjure up a vision of some red-mohawked terror wearing fraying black skinny jeans, a leather jacket with the logo of some terrible indie band safety-pinned to its back, and garish facial piercings. He’s preparing to throw a Molotov cocktail at a Tires Plus, the ultimate symbol of The System.

You wouldn’t picture Murray Rothbard, an ebullient Austrian School economist wearing a smile and a dandy bowtie. The founder of anarcho-capitalism spread his ideals through books and lectures rather than crudely fashioned incendiary devices, and we salute him for it.

Rothbard’s economic theories are uniquely accessible. Rather than smash readers in the face with wall after wall of statistical analyses, the New Yorker presented series of intuitive axioms which, if followed, lead to a stark conclusion: Our country needs a massive and opaque government about as much as a Tires Plus needs something hurled through its window. Continue reading “Murray Rothbard: New Design + Quotes on Libertarianism, Economics, and Freedom”

Hans-Herman Hoppe: New Design + Quotes on Liberty, Freedom, Government

“Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.”

People who disparage Hoppe have already bought into the utopia that has been relentlessly advertised by the powers that be. In their books, we absolutely can’t do without a strong authority to solve all our problems for us.

When such problems persist, it is the direct result of the authority not having been made strong enough. Hans-Herman Hoppe’s utopia doesn’t revolve around a supposition that problems aren’t inevitable.

He simply wants a world where people endure whichever problems have been prescribed to them by God, and lead their lives without being forced to forfeit anything in the interest of a nonexistent greater good.

Do you have to agree with every word Hoppe has ever uttered in order to take inspiration from his work? Not at all.

That is a vile standard to hold any public thinker to, and certainly not one that any propagandist for statism would ever pass.

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