On Fishing, Friends, and Hidden Treasures Found

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


Life is hard as it is. Too many rough roads to travel. Too many chains to untangle. But no matter how cruel the world may be, life becomes less hard when you got a good friend.

– Unknown


True friends say good things behind your back and bad things to your face.

– Unknown


In the late nineteen-forties, three young men graduated college, packed their gear into a Willy’s four-by-four and took a road trip into the Canadian wilderness where they built a log-cabin. They felled trees by hand and used nineteenth-century tools to construct the cabin of such quality, it was shared by multiple generations of their three families over the next five decades.

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Headed to Penn State to help move number 2 son home for the summer. Also, transporting number 1 son up there to see his girlfriend’s graduation. Picked him up at the airport on Wednesday night at 11:30 pm. He was able to see both his grandmothers and all his friends in one whirlwind day. After the seven hours of driving today, I get to drive to Delaware County tomorrow morning and pick up my mother to bring her to her 80th birthday surprise party. Then Mother’s day on Sunday. And I used two vacation days to accomplish all this fun.

I will be out of electronic touch after 8:00 am today. At least it is pouring ran. That always makes seven hours of driving much more enjoyable. You are on your own. No Friday Fail.