“Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.

The narcissist has to condition his human environment [other people] to refrain from expressing criticism and disapproval of him, or of his actions and decisions. He has to teach people around him that any form of disagreement, however mild and minor, throws him into frightful fits of temper and rage attacks and turn him into a constantly cantankerous and irascible person.

If you wish to sever your relationship with the narcissist, stop providing him with what he needs. Do not adore, admire, approve, applaud, or confirm anything he does or says.

Disagree with his views, belittle him, reduce him to size, compare him to others, tell him he is not unique, criticize him, give unsolicited advice, and offer him help. In short, deprive him of the grandiose and fantastic illusions, which holds his personality together.

The narcissist is a delicately attuned piece of equipment. At the first sign of danger to his inflated false self, he will quit and disappear on you.”

Sam Vaknin, Malignant Self-Love

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become an adult, I have put away childish things.”

1 Corinthians 13:11


“Often the narcissist believes that other people are ‘faking it’, leveraging emotional displays to achieve a goal. He is convinced that their ostensible ‘feelings’ are grounded in ulterior, non-emotional motives. Faced with other people’s genuine emotions, the narcissist becomes suspicious and embarrassed. He feels compelled to avoid emotion-tinged situations, or worse, experiences surges of almost uncontrollable aggression in the presence of expressed [genuine] sentiments.

Narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence. Narcissists damage and hurt but they do so offhandedly and naturally, as an afterthought. They are aware of what they are doing to others — but they do not care.”

Sam Vaknin, Malignant Self-Love


“In the narcissist’s surrealistic world, even language is pathologized. It mutates into a weapon of self-defence, a verbal fortification, a medium without a message, replacing words with duplicitous and ambiguous vocables. When narcissism fails as a defense mechanism, the narcissist develops paranoid narratives: self-directed confabulations which place him at the center of others’ allegedly malign attention.”

Sam Vaknin


“The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside.”

Sam Vaknin

“The sadistic narcissist perceives himself as Godlike, ruthless and devoid of scruples, capricious and unfathomable, emotion-less and non-sexual, omniscient, omnipotent and omni-present, a plague, a devastation, an inescapable verdict.”

Sam Vaknin

“Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.”

Sam Vaknin

“The main condition for the achievement of love is the overcoming of one’s narcissism. The narcissistic orientation is one in which one experiences as real only that which exists within oneself, while the phenomena in the outside world have no reality in themselves, but are experienced only from the viewpoint of their being useful or dangerous to one. The opposite pole to narcissism is objectivity; it is the faculty to see other people and things as they are, objectively, and to be able to separate this objective picture from a picture which is formed by one’s desires and fears.”

Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

“For the most part people are not curious except about themselves.”

John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent