Shout It Out Girl! Feminists Declare Having STDs a ‘Privilege’

Hat tip Francis Marion

Good God the world has gone utterly mad. Now that we’re two-weeks in, did you know that April is apparently “Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Awareness Month”?

No? We didn’t think so.

Well, it’s time to get the word out to a larger audience and, in order to do that, feminists are instructing all those afflicted with STIs to be loud and proud about it. Yes, anyone infected with an STI needs to shout it out to the world. Because doing so is a “privilege.” Newsbusters uncovered the cringe-worthy campaign that seeks to combat the “stigma” surrounding STIs with a sense of warped pride:

In light of STI Awareness Month, some feminists took to issuing a Twitter hashtag campaign #ShoutYourStatus,where women can declare they have an STI because…courage or something.  Yes, there’s actually an entire page devoted to “…the amazing reason women are telling the world they have STIs.”  The #ShoutYourStatus campaign was a creation of writer Ella Dawson, along with social work student Kayla Axelrod, freelance writer Britni de la Cretaz, and writer/activist Lachrista Greco Their goal is to promote a more open conversation about living with STIs.

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