Time Traveler Visits From America’s Glorious Socialist Future, Asks For Food

Via The Babylon Bee

JACKSONVILLE, FL—Eyewitnesses were dazzled by the appearance today of a disc of bright white light near the city’s Riverside area. They were even more amazed when a thin figure in a flannel shirt emerged from the circle of light and began to speak.

“People of the year 2020,” he said, “I am Fidel-Mao Rosenberg the 5th, from the People’s Luxurious Housing Commune #22, known to you today as ‘Kentucky.’ I come to you from the glorious future, the year 76 After Ocasio-Cortez, to bring you a message of… Hey, is that a McDonald’s!?!”

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The Death of Socialism

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Socialism is dying because governments have made promises they cannot keep. Now when people expect that they will be there, they suddenly find the promises have been constantly revised. They always point to the rich and how they will make them pay. Everything who thinks they cannot possibly be the rich cheer, but at the end of the day, their taxes never decline and the promised-land seems further and further away.

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Venezuela Praised For Achieving World’s First Zero-Hour Work Week

Via The Babylon Bee

CARACAS—Socialist Venezuela has received praise from various leftist groups across the globe for achieving the world’s first-ever zero-hour work week.

France was getting close with its 8-hour work week, but Venezuela blew it away by finally achieving a work week of just zero hours.

“Workers in oppressed America have to work 40 hours a week sometimes,” President Nicolás Maduro said in a press conference. “Here in Venezuela, you don’t work at all. There are no jobs. Also no food or money. Please send help.”

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The Socialist Fantasy

Guest Post by John Stossel

The Socialist Fantasy

Venezuela is a disaster.

Yet 20 years ago, it was the wealthiest country in Latin America. It still has the world’s biggest oil reserves. It should be a happy and prosperous nation.

But then Venezuela went socialist. Democratic socialist to be exact. They voted for it. Hugo Chavez promised the poor “social and economic reforms.” The majority of voters believed him.

So did many American leftists.

Model Naomi Campbell traveled to Venezuela to give Chavez a hug. She called him “a rebel angel.”

Michael Moore said that Chavez used oil money to “eliminate 75 percent of extreme poverty.”

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That’s A Hard Pass On Socialism, Millennial Suckers

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

That’s A Hard Pass On Socialism, Millennial Suckers

While the unkillable ideological cockroach that is socialism seems to be enjoying a resurgence primarily among stupid and/or evil millennials, there are three key groups who will oppose any such transition here in America. There are ex-military folks like me who served in the ruins of socialist countries and saw the way they poison a culture (and literally the land too – socialism is always an environmental atrocity).

There are folks, like my wife, who escaped from murderous socialist hellholes – wear your scummy Che t-shirt around her and she’ll cut you. And then there are the rest of the Normal Americans who are both aware of socialism’s 100 million corpse tally and who don’t particularly want a bunch of aspiring campus Castros taking power and telling bossing them around for eternity.

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