Guest Post by Southern Sage

The pandemic hoax is over. This is not and never was a “pandemic”. A pandemic is a disease that kills – repeat, kills – million of otherwise healthy adults and children, as in the Spanish Flu, the Black Death or the Plague of Justinian. Corona virus (Covid-19) is a serious public health threat in the same way many other diseases have been, from AIDS to Swine Flu, Hong Kong flu, and so one. Thanks to nincompoops (or corrupt evil bastards) like Fauci , Gates and Ferguson, our political leaders were panicked into adopting unnecessary and arguably counter-productive tactics that have wrecked our economy and likely saved hardly anybody.

If New York is any indication, ignorant government intervention cost thousands of lives. A targeted approach concentrating on public transport, large crowd events and the vulnerable (hospitals, nursing homes, people already suffering from serious health programs) would have cost a fraction of what was spent and would have been far more effective.

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