Things We Can Learn from the Past to Prepare

People who think preppers are crazy have obviously paid no attention in history class. There are so many things that’ve happened and continue to happen in this huge planet of ours, one would have to be crazy NOT to prep.

In today’s piece, I want to take a sneak peek into our troubled, bloody history and learn a few things. I won’t go into boring details, I’ll mainly be focused on the teachings we can extract. Hopefully, you’ll see this piece as refreshing and a break from boring how-to survival articles out there.

#1. Learn to live like they did during The Great Depression.

Many people, including myself, believe an economic collapse is very likely to happen. What happened in 2008 was just a dress rehearsal if you ask me, so to figure out what life would be life after such a collapse, let’s take a closer look at what people did during the Great Depression of 1929.

Among other things:

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What to Put In Your Blackout Box

Guest Post by Dan Sullivan from Survival Sullivan

The biggest reason everyone should prep has nothing to do with asteroids hitting the Earth or the possibility of World War 3. It’s all about being ready for small-scale disasters that are already happening every year in the US and other nations.

Blackouts are one such category. Due to the aging of the U.S. power grid, the number of partial blackouts has increased, and so has the number of average minutes per year that the average American spends in the dark. In times like these, people flock to the nearest supermarket to buy everything they can get their hands on. You really don’t want to be a part of that crowd and risk a good beating or worse, to not find the supplies you need.

Stockpiling food and water is beyond the scope of this article, so I want to talk about something the concept of a “blackout box” or a “lights out box”. This is something you should put together in case of power outages, EMPs and for times when there’s an issue with your house’s electrical wiring.

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