It’s that time of year again, where I ask for monetary support to keep this site running. I notice other alternative media sites are constantly begging for donations. I know it’s annoying to me, so I will only make this one post for the year and let the chips fall where they may.

I’ve needed financial support to keep this site alive since it was attacked by some outside entity (Google???) trying to silence our message two years ago. With the indispensable Man With No Name protecting TBP from attacks, the site has run like a well oiled machine for the last two years. The ads generate enough to pay for some of the costs, but you smart monkeys tend to block the ads. It’s only when a major article gets onto other sites do the ads generate decent revenue. And it’s a lot of work on my part to generate those nickels and dimes.

I’m clearly doing something wrong when it comes to generating donations. I received $12,000 in 2014 during the year of the great denial of service attack. My visitor count went up by 40% in 2015 to 6.1 million. Somehow donations fell to $11,000. I guess I attracted a bunch of new cheapskates. So far this year, the visitor count is up another 15% and the donations, as you can see from the donate-a-meter are tracking at about $10,000.



Grumpy Fuckers Coffee Shop Cardiff

A coffee shop has opened in Cardiff for people who hate mornings.

Grumpy Fuckers’ Coffee Shop opened its door yesterday and was overwhelmed by demand.

Manager Clive GrimGrits told WalesOnCraic:

“I had to get up at 5am to get the bastard shop open. I hated it. Most people are still sleeping at that time. We opened the shop at 6am and by 7am, we’d already sold out of ‘Fuck You Frappuccinos’ as well as our ‘Piss Poor Tea’. Every fucker who came in had a face on them like a slapped arse so I closed the shop at 8am so I could go home and get some proper sleep like most people do.”

One customer said that she would visit the coffee shop again, despite everyone bumping into each other and not saying a word.

“It was perfect for me. I could just sit there, thinking how shit my life is and how I hated going to work. They guy next to me was asking whether they did any cooked breakfasts but the manager told him to fuck off and get a life. Everyone was grumpy, which was fine because we were all grumpy together.”


Hat tip Avalon


This isn’t exactly the scene at my house today. It’s 74 degrees and I have the air conditioner on, as at least three dozen family, friends and neighbors will descend upon the Quinn household in about two hours. The cases of beer and bottles of liquor have been bought. The feast will include:

  • Roast beef
  • Meatballs & Sausage in sauce
  • Pulled pork
  • Tomato Pie
  • Chicken fingers for the kids
  • Shrimp Tartlets
  • Cheese dip
  • Broccoli casserole
  • Philly soft pretzels
  • Cakes, cookies, eclairs for dessert

I raised none of this food myself. I didn’t slaughter the cows or the pigs to make this meal. It’s likely GMO produced food is included. I’ll still try to enjoy myself. The party is likely to go on until the wee hours of Christmas morning, and it’s possible I wake up in this condition.

I’ll pretty much be out of touch for most of the next 48 hours as tomorrow we have another feast at my sister’s house. My Christmas present will be the 6 millionth visitor to TBP which will happen tomorrow. Not bad for a two bit blog I started six years ago so I could post my articles without having them censored or edited.

It’s been a wild ride, with three versions of TBP, denial of service attacks, the loss of two of my biggest supporters, and the friendship of hundreds of people I’ve never met in person. TBP is a big dysfunctional family that fights, makes up, and fights some more. I’ve learned so much from all the contributors and commenters over the years. I appreciate everyone’s efforts to make this place a learning experience for everyone that stops by. I also appreciate all the donations I’ve received over the years to pay the costs of running this place.

The list of people I’d like to thank personally is endless, but I’d like to give a big thank you to the Man With No Name who rescued this site from attack back in 2014 and has kept it safe and smooth running since then. He’s doing God’s work, as Lloyd Blankfein would say.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, because 2016 is going to be a doozy.

“Now Stucky Now Muck!
Now, Llpoh and SSS!
On, T4C! On, Indentured Servant!
On, Gayle and Jimski!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!”


It seems you shit throwing monkeys do buy shit for Christmas. You’ve bought $5,000 worth of shit in December so far through the Amazon button, netting TBP $300 in revenue. Jeff Bezos is feeling the pain. 

The rest of you cheap bastards need to buy something for your mothers, wives, or kids.

bb – buy something for little bb.

SSS – buy a Golf for Dummies book.

Stuck – buy a book on how to sell a house.

Llpoh – buy a book on how to not get bit by a poisonous snake in Australia.

Bea – buy a book explaining freefall speed.

If you block the ads, here is the link:



I’m able to run a report of everything that has ever been sold through my Amazon button. Below are the most popular books all-time among TBP readers. Based on this list, TBP attracts highly educated, fact seeking, skeptical thinkers who distrust authority.

I’ve read most of these books. If you want to change hearts and minds give one of these to the unaware this Christmas, in hopes they will wake up and join the rest of us in our crusade to find truth in this untruthful society.


A record amount of shit was flung on TBP last month. Yesterday produced the 2nd highest daily visitor count in TBP history at 32,000 visitors. The daily average topped the 18,500 mark, the highest monthly average in TBP history. The total visitor count of 555,000 for the month was up 50% over last November. We surpassed the 5.5 million mark for the year and should end the year above 6 million. There isn’t much different about the site versus last year, so I’d attribute the 50% increase in visitors to the worsening of our economic, social, political and global outlook. More people realize they are getting lied to by politicians, bankers, government drones, and the dying corporate media. They are seeking the truth elsewhere and are ending up here. We’ll keep the shit flinging and see what 2016 brings. Thanks for your support and the commentary stream that is often better than the articles posted.


I take no part in this made up bullshit. Black Friday was a disaster for retailers. Small business Saturday was surely a bust, as there are virtually no small businesses left. Now the hoopla for cyber-Monday, as if you won’t be able to buy anything on-line at any time for a low price. It’s all a joke. Retail sales will be terrible this year, as the ongoing recession deepens.

So on that note, don’t forget to use my Amazon Button on the right side of the page if you are going to buy shit you don’t need. TBP will get 6% of every transaction.

For those who block the ads and don’t see the Amazon button, here is the link:


October turned out to be another record setting month for TBP. We had 562,000 visitors. This blew away the previous record of 537,000 in August. We had the highest single day visitor count of 35,000. We averaged 18,100 visitors per day. The October figure was 41% higher than last October. Year to date we are averaging 35% more visitors than last year.

There are a number of factors. I think the diversity of views, with Stuck, Hardscrabble Farmer and a number of other contributors, makes the site interesting and fresh. But, to tell you the truth, I think the surge in visitors is a true reflection of how bad things are getting in this country and the world. More people are realizing the mainstream media and their government are lying to them. They are seeking the truth in the alternative media.

I think this is a positive sign and will eventually lead to a tipping point for our society. I wish it weren’t true, but bad shit is coming our way and we better have our eyes open. In the meantime, realize that your commentary is being read by more and more people every day. We can change minds and hearts.

We will hit the 5 million visitor count on Tuesday. Yippee!!!!


We’ve been knocking on the door all year. TBP had 494,000 visitors in March and reached the mid 480k range three other times this year. I like big round numbers and I’ve been waiting for us to break the 500,000 visitor count for a single month. We finally did it in August. We chopped through the door and burst through the 500,000 level, finishing with 537,000 visitors.

Continue reading “500,000”


The stock market isn’t the only place making all-time highs.

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. TBP ended up with the highest daily visitor count in its six year history yesterday. We had never broken the 30,000 mark. Yesterday we ended up with 31,800 visitors.

I can slave over an article for ten hours and get a lukewarm reception.

Yesterday, I wrote one paragraph, added some paragraphs from John Hussman’s weekly letter, gave the post a scary title – Panic Before Everyone Else Does – added a funny gif of a deer eating popcorn, and walla – I’ve got a viral article.

I guess I should give every post a scary title or put a cute gif in every post in order to become a huge success.

I’ll just keep running and see what happens next.