A Most Consequential Presidency

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

A Most Consequential Presidency

Trump has also changed the character and composition of the GOP, making it more of a working- and middle-class party. Where George H.W. Bush sought to build a “New World Order” with America as global hegemon and George W. Bush preached a global crusade for democracy “to end tyranny in our world,” Trump is all-in on “America first.” Bush transnationalism belongs to yesterday.

As Donald Trump is about to be nominated for a second term, how his presidency has already altered the orientation of his party is on display.

Under Trump, the GOP ceased to be a party of small government whose yardstick of success was how close it came to a balanced budget.

Trump signed on this spring to $3 trillion in deficit spending to rescue the economy from a depression into which the government had shoved it to control the spread of the coronavirus. He is prepared to spend a trillion dollars more.

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Doug Casey on Why This Election Could Be the Most Important Since the US Civil War

Via International Man

US Election

International Man: The hysteria surrounding COVID-19 and the government lockdown has completely changed in-person interactions.

How do you think this will impact the way that Americans cast their vote in the presidential election?

Doug Casey: It’s a very bad thing from Trump’s point of view. For one thing, it’s severely limiting the number and size of his rallies, which he relies on to keep enthusiasm up.

More people are staying at home and watching television than ever before. And unless they glue their dial to Fox, they’ll gravitate towards the mainstream media, which is stridently anti-Trump. People who are on the fence hear authoritative-sounding talking heads on television, and it naturally influences them away from Trump.

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Time For Trump To Start Kicking Aspiration

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Time For Trump To Start Kicking Aspiration

Sure, we elected Donald Trump in part because America found itself on Flight 93 with Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and her creepy coterie of commie comrades angling to seize the cockpit, but that was only part of it. But besides electing him for what he would prevent, we voted for the most improbable conservative candidate in the history of ever because of what he promised to do.

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Why You Should Be Optimistic About Trump Winning

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Why You Should Be Optimistic About Trump Winning

When there is something that I really want to be true and things are leading me to believe that it is true, the lawyer and soldier in me both compel me to look for why I might be wrong. After all, confirmation bias exists – you want to believe that what you want is what actually is. Just look at Twitter. It’s a veritable orgy of liberal confirmation bias, though a gross, icky orgy like you might have seen at an after-party on a Bulwark cruise.

I really want President Donald Trump to be reelected. There are a lot of reasons, including my liking the Constitution, enjoying economic prosperity, and not wanting to be ruled by the sinister leftist Geppettos who are holding the strings that make their gropey, weird old Pinocchio dance. And I think Trump will win.

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Trump Cancels 2020 Election Over Coronavirus Concerns

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In real news that totally actually happened, President Trump has announced that in the interest of public safety, the 2020 presidential election has been canceled.

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The Three Main Reasons Trump Can’t Lose 2020 – Dispelling Nonsense-Polls & Wishful-Thinking

Authored by Joaquin Flores via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Cutting through the media noise and outright nonsense in assessing the upcoming election is going to be a necessity for anyone who wants to know what’s truly afoot.

Back in October, Moody’s Analytics assessed their confidence that Trump will win in 2020. While yet another impeachment fiasco has been advanced by Democrats, this time going as far as a vote in the lower house, Moody’s has not issued any change in their assessment. That’s probably because this impeachment charade is being seen for what it is.

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Only 3 ways to stop Trump 2020

Guest Post by Thaisleeze

Living on the opposite side of the world to the USA I am obliged to follow American politics as a stone thrown into the Washington swamp sends ripples that reach this far. With less than a year to go until the next presidential election it is time to assess the current political landscape.

Trump of course is the focus of massive media noise. This must be ignored if a rational analysis is to be produced. 2016 proved that opinion polls must also be ignored. As things stand today Trump holds the following chips in his stack:

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Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that

Via Marketwatch

President Donald Trump has a love/hate relationship with polls, surveys and predictions. He loves the ones that paint him in a positive light, and, of course, he hates all those “fake” ones that don’t.

He’s going to absolutely adore this one.

According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.

In fact, his Electoral College victory could very well be wider than the 304-227 margin over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

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Trump’s Great Gamble

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Trump's Great Gamble

Like the Russian army carting off German factories after World War II, the Great Arsenal of Democracy was looted by its postwar allies and adversaries alike. The weapon Trump is using to stop this looting is tariffs…

President Donald Trump’s reelection hopes hinge on two things: the state of the economy in 2020 and the identity of the Democratic nominee.

The further left the Democrats go to select their candidate, the greater the probability Trump wins a second term.

Thus Trump got good news this week.

The verbal flubs of Joe Biden reached critical mass. They are now so numerous and egregious they have begun to call into question whether Biden, who turns 77 in November, is really up to a year of campaigning, followed by four years of leading the nation in the world.

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Trump Says The Things You Can’t Say

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Trump Says The Things You Can’t Say

As I sit in an airport lounge, the CNN feed on the big screen (mercifully silent and utterly ignored except by me) has a chyron reading “POLITICS OF HATE: TRUMP USING RACISM AS A POLITICAL STRATEGY IN NEW RHETORIC.” His “hate crime” was pointing out that Democrats have failed our inner city citizens and that lib pols need to stop doing such a terrible job. You would think that if Trump actually was a racist he’d be demanding Dems do even worse – assuming that’s possible – but it’s all just a bogus distraction and making sense is not a consideration. It’s a lie to shut people up.

Specifically, people who don’t vote Democrat.

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Democrats for Trump, 2020

Guest Post by Fred Reed

They’re going to do it, I tell you: The whole touchy-feely do-gooding ratpack of Microaggression worriers, reparations freaks, weird sexual curiosities, race hustlers, bat.-Antifa psychos, and egalitarian enstupidators of universities. They are going to elect Trump. Again.

Washington, where I shortly will be for a bit, is crazy. It has not the slightest, wan, etiolated idea of what is going on in America. The Democrats are fielding as candidates a roster of middle-school clowns and unflavored tapioca. Are they secretly in Trump’s pay? Like Clinton with her “Deplorables” suicide line?

Probably the Russians are behind it.

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Well, Trump Just Won in 2020

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Well, Trump Just Won in 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty good about the election after last week’s two-day Democratic clusterfark, and the president has got to be feeling pretty good too, since he just won it. Oh, we have 17 more months of media pimping of whichever commie candidate is currently the least embarrassing, but the debates made it very clear that Trump is going to be POTUS until Ric Grenell is on the victorious GOP ticket in 2024.

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Five reasons Trump won’t win in 2020

The Trump derangement syndrome is strong in this screed. This guy hates Trump with a passion. He uses the same discredited pollsters who gave Crooked Hillary a 99% chance of victory in 2016 as his proof. Absolutely no one can predict the 2020 outcome with any semblance of certainty. It will mostly depend on the economy in November 2020.

Guest Post by Tim Mullaney

Say one thing for senior citizenhood, as my own approacheth: You have time on your hands. Witness the crowd waiting for hours Tuesday outside Orlando’s Amway Center in the rain to hear a 76-minute speech containing nary a coherent thought. By a president who will lose the re-election campaign he kicked off last night.

There. I said it. And, yes, I did refer to “President Hillary Clinton” in 2016, when I was ready to call that race.

But I’ve got five reasons why Donald Trump is going to Florida for good in 2021. If you think they’re wrong, tell me why at @timmullaney on Twitter, or in the comments. If you cite 2016, remember Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million — and see the second reason, below.

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Trump’s Way To Victory

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Trump’s Way To Victory

Ignore the battlefield prep from the mainstream media – Donald Trump is the odds-on favorite for reelection against whichever weirdo, loser or mutation the Democrats finally pick as their nominee. The leaked polls purportedly showing Trump deep underwater to Floppy Joe and Bernie Stalin and that has-been furry from Texas are about as reliable as the ones the placed Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit in the White House. She’s now stumbling around the woods guzzling from a queen-sized goblet of Trader Joe’s Chardonnay while The Donald is racking up the greatest streak of conservative victories since Ronald Reagan – maybe even Cal Coolidge.

Trust the Trump.

Trust his instincts, which are uncanny. He gets the media in a way the media cannot get itself. He knows how to use it, he knows how to exploit it, and he knows how to beat it. Ask yourself – “Who is setting the agenda?” Is it the whiny Democrats? Is Pelosi driving the discussion? Are the pinkos out in Iowa?

Nope. It’s Trump.

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