At the White House, March 10, 2020, Reconstructed

Guest Post by Jeffrey Tucker

We still don’t know precisely what caused Donald Trump to flip in his position on the coronavirus. On March 9, 2020, he was tweeting that people die of the flu all the time and no one should freak out about it. On March 11, two days later, he went the other direction, promising to use the “full power of the Federal Government to deal with our current challenge of the CoronaVirus!”

Various writers have drummed up a range of reasons. Deborah Birx reports that Trump shifted because a friend died. Jared Kushner says that he simply listened to reason. Mike Pence says he was persuaded that his staff would respect him more. As I’ve written, “No question (and based on all existing reports) that he found himself surrounded by ‘trusted advisors’ amounting to about 5 or so people (including Mike Pence and Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb).”

Regardless, something was set in motion on March 10th. Two days later, we got travel restrictions, then the emergency declaration and all power granted to the National Security Council, the invocation of the Staford Act, and finally the full lockdowns of all public and private venues.

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Trump – Master of the Seen – Vandalizes U.S. Economy

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

Government intervention into the market is always, and without fail, the wrong response to an economic problem. Politicians justify their intervention with ‘saving jobs,’ ‘dealing with a crisis’ or simply, ‘because I can.’

They only focus on the ‘seen’ and ignore the ‘unseen’ effects of their policies, selling them to voters on that basis alone. This is the first rule of economic analysis.

The great Frederick Bastiat described this in his seminal work of 1850, ‘That Which is Seen, and That Which is Unseen”

No discussion of the secondary or tertiary effects is allowed.

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Drudge, Coulter Trash Trump Over “Fake Veto” As Base Rages

Trump just lost a huge chunk of his base by signing this budget busting, Democrat loving, abortion of a spending bill. Kiss the mid-terms goodbye. The Dems will regain the House and his Potemkin Wall will be dead. Sorry oh great Orange savior, banning transgenders from the military will not make us forget what you just did.

Only the most naive brain dead Trumpeteers will continue to believe this is part of your master 16D chess plan to save America. I judge people based on their actions, not their words. You’re just another bloviating politician who promises one thing and delivers a pile of shit to the American people. You’re finished.

Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter took to Twitter on Friday after President Trump “begrudgingly” signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package – after threatening to veto it hours earlier over the “800,000 DACA recipients” which Trump said were “totally abandoned by the Democrats,” and the lack of funding for the “BORDER WALL.”

Trump spent around 30 minutes on Friday doing his best to convince his base that, gosh dangit, he was “forced” to sign the bill in order to fully fund the military.

In response to Trump bemoaning the legislation, claiming “I will never sign a bill like this again,” pundit and author Ann Coulter – a harsh critic of Trump whenever he strays from campaign promises, tweeted “Yeah, because you’ll be impeached.”


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