Via Townhall

Ceiling Shattered: Trump Surges to 41% Nationally

Via Breithbart

GOP Candidate Donald Trump Campaigns In South Carolina

Proving once again that many of America’s political pundits are paid to shape public opinion through wishful thinking (disguised as analysis), Monmouth University just released a national poll showing that all this PunditSpeak about Donald Trump having a ceiling of support around 20%… No, 25%… For sure, 30%… is nonsense.

Monmouth has The Donald obliterating the competition nationally with 41% support.

In this particular poll, Trump’s closest rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), sits at just 14% support. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) trails with just 10%; Ben Carson plummets to single digits with 9%. From there it just gets embarrassing: Jeb Bush (3%), John Kasich (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Carly Fiorina (2%), Mike Huckabee (2%), and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)(2%).

In this particular poll, Trump is surging. In mid-October the billionaire businessman sat at 28%. Cruz and Rubio both jumped +4 points. Carson lost -9.

A full 65% of primary voters believe Trump has the right temperament to be president. Thirty percent of those polled would be enthusiastic with Trump as their nominee, with 37% saying they would be satisfied. Only 12% would be dissatisfied, and 16% would be upset.

Despite a month of the worst media coverage imaginable, Trump’s favorability rating improved from 52% to 61%. His unfavorable rating dipped from 33% to 29%. In favorability, Trump beats Cruz (58%), Rubio (55%) and Carson (57%).

The Monmouth poll cannot really be written off as an outlier. A CBS/New York Times poll released a week earlier showed Trump at 35% with Cruz in second with 16%. In fact, the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll getting all the attention today, the one with Cruz only -5 points behind Trump (27% to 22%), appears to be the real outlier.

In the Real Clear Politics poll of national polls, Trump enjoys 31.4% support, with Cruz a full -15 points behind with 16.3%.

Either way, in a 14 person race, Trump is obliterating second place with anywhere from 30% to 41% support. If he was anyone other than Trump, this race would be considered long over.

Will Elites Blow Up the GOP?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

“Buchanan, if you ever hear of a group getting together to stop X, be sure to put your money on X.”

So, Richard Nixon told me half a century ago, after he had been badly burned in just such a futile and failed enterprise.

It was the Cleveland Governors Conference of 1964.

Sen. Barry Goldwater had just defeated Gov. Nelson Rockefeller in the final and decisive winner-take-all primary in California.

As the story is told, Stu Spencer, Rocky’s man in California, had come to his candidate and said, “Governor, I think it’s time to call in the Eastern establishment.”

To which Rocky replied, “You’re looking at it, buddy. I’m all that’s left!”

Rocky was cooked. But then the panicked Republican governors gathered in Cleveland — Rockefeller, George Romney of Michigan, William Scranton of Pennsylvania — to plot a path to deny Goldwater the nomination he and his conservative insurgents had won.

Nixon was invited, and, according to Romney, privately urged him to get into the race. Nixon denied it.

The governors, and Goldwater himself, suspected Nixon was pushing Romney onto the tracks to derail his bandwagon. And, presumably, after Romney had been run over, the convention, to heal the bleeding wound, would turn to a centrist compromise candidate — Nixon.

Continue reading “Will Elites Blow Up the GOP?”

Meet the Malignant Narcissist

Remind you of anyone?

Guest Post by Jesse

“A personality disorder characterized by grandiosity; an expectation that others will recognize one’s superiority; a lack of empathy, lack of truthfulness, and the tendency to degrade others.”

“Narcissism becomes particularly malignant (i.e. malevolent, dangerous, harmful, incurable) when it goes beyond mere vanity and excessive self-focus. Malignant narcissists not only see themselves as superior to others but believe in their superiority to the degree that they view others as relatively worthless, expendable, and justifiably exploitable.

This type of narcissism is a defining characteristic of psychopathy/sociopathy and is rooted in an individual’s deficient capacity for empathy. It’s almost impossible for a person with such shallow feelings and such haughtiness to really care about others or to form a conscience with any of the qualities we typically associate with a humane attitude, which is why most researchers and thinkers on the topic of psychopathy think of psychopaths as individuals without a conscience altogether.”

“There is nothing about the man that is service-oriented. He’s only serving himself.”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Did Trump F**k Up?

Question:  Did The Donald just jump the shark? Is his POTUS run basically over?

Aaaaargh!  Another Trump post???!!

Yup.  Because I think this could be the beginning of the end.  I just now watched this highlight clip of what they say was a 90 minute bizarre rant.  I’m not a big Trump supporter, but even so,  this just leaves me shaking my head.

I mean really ….. WHAT THE FUCK??? Has he lost his mind?



Did Trump Campaign Just Jump The Shark? Likens Ben Carson To Child Molester

Even some of his most ardent supporters are shaking their heads and wondering what motivated Donald Trump during what was a bizarre 90-minute rambling display of attack against his GOP rivals to take it several steps further by linking Dr. Ben Carson’s earlier life struggles to that of a child molester.

Continue reading “Stucky Q.O.T.D. —– Did Trump F**k Up?”

Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Trump vs. Jeebus

Christians and The Donald have brought the culture war to disposable paper Starbucks cups.

You see, previous Starbucks paper cups had these images on them;

Snowflakes! Ornaments! Snowman!  These are all things that keep Christ in Christmas!!  How dare Starbucks remove them! They are waging WAR on Christianity!  Dontchya know that Jeebus died for snowflakes and snowmen??

Continue reading “Stucky Q.O.T.D. —- Trump vs. Jeebus”

5 Stories the Media Missed While Obsessing over the #StarbucksRedCup

Guest Post by Claire Bernish

(ANTIMEDIA) U.S. Inc. — When billionaire presidential hopeful Donald Trump inexplicably decided this week that boycotting Starbucks over the ‘de-Christmas-ization’ of their ubiquitous red holiday coffee cup was somehow a matter of national importance, the internet exploded — and American mainstream media fanned the flames.

People from every conceivable walk of life suddenly found themselves with a reason to rise up against the establishment coffee chain and scream in indignation about this newly-neutral — and cheerlessly Grinch-ified — affront to humanity. As if this inane insanity over an innocuous paper cup weren’t an embarrassing enough commentary on the U.S.’ populace’ lack of priorities — by Wednesday morning, the corporatocracy ever-so nobly answered the outrage: Dunkin’ Donuts unveiled its decidedly cheerful, appropriately Christmas-ized version of its holiday cup.

Yes, indeed. Starbucks’ apparent war on Christmas has now fully morphed into a de facto corporate Battle of the Paper Cups. People immediately responded by declaring their undying allegiance to either Team Grinch or Team Santa, conveniently ignoring the fact that these mega-corporations just figured out their most lucrative holiday marketing strategies — weeks before Thanksgiving even crossed people’s minds.

But the passion these warring coffee cup factions have managed to muster is indisputably misplaced, especially considering the bevy of pertinent issues that directly affect us all and are inherently more deserving of outrage. Though the month isn’t yet halfway behind us, there are already myriad concerns in need of your immediate attention — and none have anything whatsoever to do with a commercialized holiday that’s still well over a month away.

Here are five things exponentially more deserving of your indignation than a paper cup — no matter its design (or lack thereof):

1. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Continue reading “5 Stories the Media Missed While Obsessing over the #StarbucksRedCup”


Guest Post by Eric Peters

Free people don’t look for “leadership.” But that’s what every candidate for the presidency – regardless of partei – is offering to give them.leadership lead

Such people deserve what they will get.

They have, after all asked for it.

Most Americans do not know what the German word, fuhrer means.

It does not mean “Hitler.”

It means, leader.

Hitler was Der Fuhrer; the leader.

The Germans of the Hitler era loved having a leader. Being led.

And leading, too.

They even had an expression for it: fuhrerprinzip, the leadership principle. You obeyed your superiors and your subordinates obeyed you in turn – with the leader (Der Fuhrer) at the apex of the pyramid.

Americans today are like the Germans were.

Ready for a leader.Great Dictator image

And to be led.

The one requires the other.

This sickness in man was – is – not unique to Germans. It is a canker humanity picked up somewhere from ape to now that itches and comes to the surface regularly, pustulating and red. Germans (Prussians, to be precise about it) were particularly afflicted but the disease is easily spread.

Continue reading “FuhrerPrinzip”


In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I pondered possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy. In Part 3 I will focus on the economic channel of distress which is likely to be the primary driving force in the next phase of this Crisis.

There are very few people left on this earth who lived through the last Fourth Turning (1929 – 1946). The passing of older generations is a key component in the recurring cycles which propel the world through the seemingly chaotic episodes that paint portraits on the canvas of history. The current alignment of generations is driving this Crisis and will continue to give impetus to the future direction of this Fourth Turning. The alignment during a Fourth Turning is always the same: Old Artists (Silent) die, Prophets (Boomers) enter elderhood, Nomads (Gen X) enter midlife, Heroes (Millennials) enter young adulthood—and a new generation of child Artists (Gen Y) is born. This is an era in which America’s institutional life is torn down and rebuilt from the ground up—always in response to a perceived threat to the nation’s very survival.

For those who understand the theory, there is the potential for impatience and anticipating dire circumstances before the mood of the country turns in response to the 2nd or 3rd perilous incident after the initial catalyst. Neil Howe anticipates the climax of this Crisis arriving in the 2022 to 2025 time frame, with the final resolution happening between 2026 and 2029. Any acceleration in these time frames would likely be catastrophic, bloody, and possibly tragic for mankind. As presented by Strauss and Howe, this Crisis will continue to be driven by the core elements of debt, civic decay, and global disorder, with the volcanic eruption traveling along channels of distress and aggravating problems ignored, neglected, or denied for the last thirty years. Let’s examine the channels of distress which will surely sway the direction of this Crisis.

Channels of Distress

“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party. The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability –  problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe


South Park Rapes Donald Trump

You still like South Park now?

If you’re a celebrity who’s hot in the news, there’s a better-than-even chance you’ll wind up getting made fun of on “South Park.”

But the long-running comedic cartoon went to extreme lengths when it brought Donald Trump on as a character on Wednesday night’s episode. Trump got raped… literally.

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Image Credit: Comedy Central

The episode “Where My Country Gone” started off by making fun of Trump’s immigration policies, particularly by mocking his promise to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

The episode imagined the billionaire as the leader of Canada, where he forced the Canadians to leave for the U.S. or kill themselves.

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Image Credit: Comedy Central

Continue reading “South Park Rapes Donald Trump”


Drink THE FIRST TIME and the FIRST TIME only:

1. A candidate invokes the memory of Saint Reagan.

2. A candidate mentions Hillary’s emails.


3. Hugh Hewitt hurls a douchey gotcha question at Trump.

4. Trump – or any of the other candidates – insults or threatens one of the moderators. Beer chaser if it’s Tapper or Bash, and the candidate rips liberal-ass CNN in the process.

5. Trump brags about his wealth or his poll numbers, or mocks the low poll numbers of an opponent.

6. A candidate pledges to stand with Israel.

7. Carly Fiorina makes a joke about her own face.

8. A candidate claims a positive relationship with a minority. We’re keeping this rule in every debate. (So far we’re one-for-one: Kasich said he had a gay friend in the first debate.)

9. Anyone mentions Kim Davis or the “War on Christians.”

10. A candidate says he’ll stand up to Putin.

11. Trump derides someone for being a “lightweight” or having “low energy” or “low enthusiasm.”

12. Anyone mentions Tom Brady or Deflategate.

13. Anyone calls Black Lives Matter a “hate group,” argues that BLM or Barack Obama have endangered the lives of police, or pulls a “What about black-on-black crime?” line.

14. A candidate mentions the founders. Double shot if it’s Rand Paul.

15. Carson invokes the Bible as an authority for something that has nothing to do with the Bible, like tax policy.

16. A candidate says, “I’m the only person on this stage who…” Double shot if it’s Carson saying something like, “I’m the only candidate who’s had his hands inside a human thorax.”

17. Anyone mentions Hitler, Nazis or Neville Chamberlain. Includes related imagery, e.g. “ovens.”

18. A candidate stumbles over what to call ISIS/ISIL, or mispronounces the name of a world leader.

19. Anyone mentions the Governator or makes a Terminator-themed joke, e.g. “To illegal immigrants, I say, Hasta La Vista.”

Drink EVERY TIME you hear:

20. “Anchor babies.”

21. “Thug.”

22. “Leading from behind.”

23. “All lives matter.”

24. “Apologize for America.”

25. “Eye-ran.”

Take a shot of JAGERMEISTER if:

26. Anyone compares Kim Davis to Rosa Parks.

27. Any candidate is seen wearing a Blue Lives Matter bracelet.

28. A candidate offers an insincere paean to departed Rick Perry. Double shot if someone references his “smart glasses.”

Via Rolling Stone


Political Outsiders — The Coming Explosion

Guest Post by Monty Pelerin

political outsiders2

Political outsiders are the new thing in national politics. Outsiders dominate early polling in the Republican presidential primary. This phenomenon reflects also in the Democrat Party where Bernie Sanders, not a Democrat, is showing unexpected strength.

Why this phenomenon is happening and whether it can continue is perplexing the pundit class. As part of the Washington establishment they are too close to the problem to understand. Thus far they and establishment politicians have underestimated the political support of the outsiders. The elites believe that some strange anger is coming from “fly-over” country. The rubes, racists and other Neanderthals living outside of Washington are considered too dumb to understand the complexities and nuances understood and only manageable by the elite.

FLYOVERThis hissy-fit interpretation is likely invalid. The punditocracy considers the infatuation temporary. Before the parties choose their proper candidates, it is expected to be a footnote to the election. However the strength of the outsiders seems to be growing, not receding. Are we witnessing a real movement or just a fad? Is this the incipient version of a peasants-with-pitchforks movement in American politics? Time will provide an answer to these questions.

As the movement has gained strength, some doubts have begun among the intelligentsia. For now, some have shifted their focus to why this movement is happening. If it were only Donald Trump it would be easy to dismiss it as the cult of personality. Those most likely to believe such a theory would be the first to not see that it was just such madness that gave us our current messiah-in-chief. A Trump win is more plausible than an Obama win. Trump brings history, experience and accomplishments. Obama brought nothing but history and that he hid from the voters.

Ben Carson is closer to the Obama model except he has a goodness about him that Obama never conveyed. Yet Dr. Carson has limited managerial experience. Operating on the undersized brains of the political class is experience not needed unless Dr. Carson has discovered a way to do brain transplants on a large scale. Ostrich brains might be an improvement.

Continue reading “Political Outsiders — The Coming Explosion”

698K Native-Born Americans Lost Their Job In August: Why This Suddenly Is The Most Important Jobs Chart

Tyler Durden's picture

After the Fed admitted over a year ago that the US unemployment rate (which in 2012 was supposed to be a rate hike “threshold” once it hit 6.5% and is now at 5.2%) has become irrelevant in a country where a record 94 million people have left the labor force, and with the Fed poised to hike rates even though US hourly wages have not only not increased for the past 7 years, but for the vast majority of the labor force continue to decline, some have asked – is there any labor-related chart that matters any more?

The answer: a resounding yes, only it is none of the conventional charts that algos and sometimes humans look at.

The one chart that matters more than ever,has little to nothing to do with the Fed’s monetary policy, but everything to do with the November 2016 presidential elections in which the topic of immigration, both legal and illegal, is shaping up to be the most rancorous, contentious and divisive.

The chart is the following, showing the cumulative addition of foreign-born and native-born workers added to US payrolls according to the BLS since December 2007, i.e., since the start of the recession/Second Great Depression.

Continue reading “698K Native-Born Americans Lost Their Job In August: Why This Suddenly Is The Most Important Jobs Chart”