One need no more proof of just how sick  USA, USA, USA, We r #1111111!, is than the sudden fellating of Donald W. Trump by all the neocons, criminal Zionists such as Netanyahu, McCain and Graham and apparently now Brian Williams and Fareed Zakaria as well.  Gee, I guess international law was for suckers all along.  Nothing wrong with laying a big stinking pile on the US Constitution as well and undertaking a glaring act of war on a non-threatening, sovereign nation.  Nope, nothing at all wrong with it.  Move along folks.  Not only is it totally cool, but it’s admirable.  Finally Trump has become the leader of the Free World!, a Great Statesman!  

Doug Casey on the Coming Holy War

Via Casey Research

Justin: Doug, Turkey’s foreign minister recently said that “wars of religion” are coming to Europe. Do you think this could actually happen?

Doug: Well, human nature hasn’t changed in many thousands of years. And religion is important to the human animal. Perhaps it’s always been something that people were prone to fight about, but the historical record shows that religious wars only started with the invention of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Of course, these religions—which have always been at war with each other, and all other religions—are similar in that they believe in one god. Pagan religions were and are accepting of other people’s gods and beliefs.

The question is, which god is the right one? Should you believe in Yahweh, or Jesus, or Allah? Because it appears to me that they’re all very different, based upon what they say and what they have their followers believe. Islam and Christianity have been duking it out since the 7th century, and that’s unlikely to change. They both claim to have the one and only true god, but they’re very different gods—not at all the same one. So it’s an irreconcilable difference.

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I went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up to this bullshit. I was disappointed in Trump adding all those Goldman Sachs scumbags as his advisors. I was disappointed he supported Obamacare lite rather than repealing and replacing it. His tax plans look to be dead on arrival. Now, the guy who ran as a non-interventionist, like his two predecessors, has been co-opted by the neo-cons and the military industrial complex. Syria has never posed a threat to the security of the United States. They posed a threat to the Saudi pipeline to Europe. Assad didn’t gas those people. This was a false flag by the “moderate” rebels.

It becomes clearer by the day how powerful the Deep State has become. Trump is doing what he has been told to do. Bush, Obama and Trump must be brought into a room and told to obey their orders or they will be JFK’d. This attack on a sovereign nation without authorization from Congress is an act of war. Russia and Iran are Syria’s allies. The Chinese will support Russia. Trump may have just let the genie out of the bottle and this Fourth Turning is about to become bloody.

Donald Trump will get no support from this website henceforth. I judge people based upon their actions, not their words. His actions tell me everything I need to know about his character and integrity.

Trump Unleashes Military Strikes: 59 Tomahawk Missiles Hit Syria

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Update: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds to US missile strikes on Syria – This “will resonate not only in Damascus, but in Tehran, Pyongyang and elsewhere”

*  *  *

As previewed earlier tonight, the United States fired a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria on Friday morning in retaliation for this week’s alleged chemical weapons attack against civilians by the Assad regime, U.S. officials said. It was the first direct American assault on the Syrian government and Donald Trump’s most dramatic military order since becoming president. According to NBC, only tomahawks missiles fired, no fixed wing aircraft involved, for now.

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Putin Responds: Syria Strikes “Cripple US-Russia Relations”; Deploys Cruise Missile Frigate To Syria

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Responding to Trump’s unexpected military attack on Syria in which 59 cruise missiles were launched (of which only 23 allegedly hit their target), Russian President Vladimir Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

The Kremlin spokesman insisted that “the Syrian army doesn’t have chemical weapons,” saying this had been “observed and confirmed by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, a special UN unit.”

The Russian president said he sees the US missile strikes as an attempt to distract attention from civilian casualties in Iraq, Peskov added.

“This step deals significant damage to US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state,” Peskov said and added that the US has been ignoring the use of chemical weapons by terrorists and this is dramatically aggravating the situation, in Putin’s opinion.

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Dogs of War: Fight to the Death

by Uncola via

And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Ate by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;

Mark Antony, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, III.i

Last week, on April Fool’s Day, I read how the month of March 2017 was a “turning point” for Hillary Clinton as she, once again, challenged Donald Trump on Twitter and made three public speeches where she encouraged her former foot soldiers to:  “Resist, persist, insist, enlist”.  Upon reading those words, I was reminded of the little girl in the movie “Poltergeist” who said:  “They’re baaack”.

Yes, they’re back like “Ate”, the Greek goddess of discord and vengeance.  Well, actually, in truth, they never really left.

In William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, the main character isn’t Caesar.  On the contrary, the story is mostly about everyone else.  If prose could be equated to cuisine, then “Julius Caesar”, although the Bard’s shortest play, was, nevertheless, a veritable feast; an exotic, psychological buffet of torn loyalties, political treachery, honor, patriotism, friendship, intrigue, tragedy, and revenge.

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Why Is Kim Jong Un Our Problem?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

“If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will.”

So President Donald Trump warns, amid reports North Korea, in its zeal to build an intercontinental ballistic missile to hit our West Coast, may test another atom bomb.

China shares a border with North Korea. We do not.

Why then is this our problem to “solve”? And why is North Korea building a rocket that can cross the Pacific and strike Seattle or Los Angeles?

Is Kim Jong Un mad?

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Yes, Let’s Allow The Syrian People To Decide For Themselves

undefinedIs common sense beginning to creep into US policy in the Middle East? Last week Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that the longer-term status of Syrian President Assad would be “decided by the Syrian people.” The media reported this as a radical shift in US foreign policy, but isn’t this just stating what should be obvious? What gives any country the right to determine who rules someone else? Washington is currently paralyzed by evidence-free rumors that the Russians somehow influenced our elections, but no one blinks an eye when Washington declares that one or another foreign leader “must go.”

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Couldn’t Hit an Elephant

Couldn’t Hit an Elephant

“They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.”

Those are purported to be the last words of General John Sedgwick, spoken as he observed distant Confederate troops during the 1864 Battle of Spotsylvania in Virginia. (Historians debate as to whether these were his very final words or amongst his final words, but there is no debate as to whether he then received a mortal bullet wound to his face.)

Going back a bit further, British Prime Minister Lord North commented in 1774, with regard to the rebellious American colonies, “Four or five frigates will do the business without any military force.”

Later, in August of 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II (the last German emperor and king of Prussia) stated to German troops, “You will be home before the leaves fall from the trees.” He wasn’t alone. The phrase “The war will be over by Christmas” was a common one in Britain in 1914, often repeated by journalists and politicians.

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April Fools: The Emperor’s Fine Apparel

by Uncola via

Whenever I fire up the internet on my desktop, my browser automatically defaults to, because reviewing the headlines there is a perfect way to understand what Big Brother wants John Q. Public to believe.   According to Pew Research, MSN is the third most popular news website on the interwebs.  Even when considering news aggregate sites like Drudge, MSN still obtains several times the page views, although as Politico has reported, the Drudge Report remains the leading source of referral traffic for many of the top news organizations in the country.

As most of you know, MSN (Microsoft Network) news stories, similar to Drudge, will link to an entire array of online media sources ranging from mainstream outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, Fox News, NBC, ABC, et al; but Drudge will venture slightly more into the foreign press including websites such as The Daily Mail, which Wikipedia labels as a tabloid; and will point more often to the Alternative Media which the Mainstream Media has characterized as “fake news”. These “alternative” news sources would include websites such as Zero Hedge and

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Are America And China Destined For War?

Authored by Harry Kazianis via The Stratgeic Culture Foundation,

In his recent book The Improbable War, professor Christopher Coker explains that it is “of vital importance that the possibility of a conflict between China and the United States continues to be discussed.” Coker’s rationale for this is simple: “If the United States and China continue to convince themselves that war is too ‘improbable’ to take seriously, it is not they but the rest of the world that may ultimately pay the price.”

It would seem the good professor’s wish is about to be granted. We are about to be treated to what surely will be a media blitz over what can only be described as the most comprehensive book to ever tackle the question of not only whether a US-China war is possible, but what steps Washington and Beijing can take to avoid such a calamity.

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God Bless the Right-Wing Social Justice Warriors

God Bless the Right-Wing Social Justice Warriors


“Invent a weapon,” Jordan Peterson said on Tuesday, “and your enemies will have it within one generation.” He was talking about Gamergate feminist Brianna Wu, who was learning the hard way that YouTube’s Restricted Mode was hurting the gays it was supposed to protect. You may be thinking, “Wu who?” right now, but you should be saying, “Woo-hoo!” because Peterson’s observation is profound. Not only are the bots turning on their creators, we are too. We’ve taken Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and turned it into our guidebook. We are the Social Justice Warriors now, and we’re way better at it than they ever were.

Right now, a man in a MAGA hat is suing a bar in New York called The Happiest Hour for booting him out solely because he loves Trump. Getting kicked out of bars is pretty common for people in MAGA hats above the Mason–Dixon line. The old right would venerate the entrepreneur and quietly take the high road out of the bar. Not anymore. Since the lawsuit was announced, Trump supporters have been flooding the bar. One MAGA woman was just paid $150 to get lost.

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Breakfast Club: Dining with Friends

by Uncola via

There is a group of us who meet on Saturday mornings for breakfast.  We are four white men; college educated professionals who know each other through a shared involvement and patronage of a community organization.  Our group is comprised of one in their mid-thirties, two in their forties and me as the sole quinquagenarian of the group.

During our weekend morning meal encounters, I will usually try to steer clear from political conversations. However, more often than not, it seems our discussions do drift into politics.  The thirty-something and one of the fortyish gentlemen identify as liberal and the other quadragenarian claims to be a Republican, yet he seemed to favor Hillary Clinton in the last election.  All of them hate Donald Trump, so, this leaves me as the lone racist, fear-motivated, close-minded, privileged, conspiracy-oriented, and deplorably conservative Caucasian at our table.

The following is a condensed summary of my recollection of our conversation from this previous Saturday and it is predominately paraphrased.   As a final qualifier, and as a matter of course, I will admit the ensuing review is recapitulated through the lens of my personal perspective.  This means, although my breakfast companions would likely reject my forthcoming conclusion(s) below, at the same time, I believe they would agree that the subsequent dialogue is narrated accurately, and with the topics arranged (for the most part) in the correct consecutive order of our actual conversation.

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From Nuisance to Threat: The High Cost of Truth

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I am convinced that the US, and probably the entire Western world, that is, the American Empire, has entered an era in which respect for truth does not exist in public and private institutions. We have been watching this develop for some time. Think, for example, back to August 3, 2002, a recent time in terms of our present predicament, but a time prior to political consciousness of anyone younger today than 33 years old. In the summer of 2002, the world was being prepared by propaganda for a US invasion of Iraq. On August 3 of that year, the prestigeous British publication, The Economist, summed up the consensus of ruling opinion in two sentences: “The honest choices now are to give up and give in, or to remove Mr. Hussein before he gets his [nuclear] bomb. Painful as it is, our vote is for war.”

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Is McCain Hijacking Trump’s Foreign Policy?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

“The senator from Kentucky,” said John McCain, speaking of his colleague Rand Paul, “is working for Vladimir Putin … and I do not say that lightly.”

What did Sen. Paul do to deserve being called a hireling of Vladimir Putin?

He declined to support McCain’s call for a unanimous Senate vote to bring Montenegro into NATO as the 29th member of a Cold War alliance President Trump has called “obsolete.”

Bordered by Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania, tiny Montenegro has a population roughly that of D.C., and sits on the western coast of the most volatile peninsula in Europe.

What strategic benefit would accrue from having Montenegro as an ally that would justify the risk of our having to go to war should some neighbor breach Montenegro’s borders?

Historically, the Balkans have been an incubator of war. In the 19th century, Otto van Bismarck predicted that when the Great War came, it would come out of “some damn fool thing in the Balkans.” And so it did when the Austrian archduke was assassinated in Sarajevo June 28, 1914 by Serbian ethnonationalist Gavrilo Princip.

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Is a Korean Missile Crisis Ahead?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

To back up Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis’ warning last month, that the U.S. “remains steadfast in its commitment” to its allies, President Donald Trump is sending B-1 and B-52 bombers to Korea.

Some 300,000 South Korean and 15,000 U.S. troops have begun their annual Foal Eagle joint war exercises that run through April.

“The two sides are like two accelerating trains coming toward each other with neither side willing to give way,” says Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, “Are (they) really ready for a head-on collision?”

So it would seem.

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“This Is Watergate”: Trump Accuses Obama Of Wiretapping The Trump Tower

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President Trump on Saturday morning alleged that his predecessor Barack Obama had “wired tapped” the Trump Tower before Election Day, tweeting the accusation without however providing evidence so far.

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” he wrote.

“Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire tapping” a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” he added in subsequent tweets. “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”

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