US vax rates dropping overall; US public trusts no “scientist” or group promoting “vaccination”; military officers call for DoD accountability; 2/3 of Germany backs farmers; more states stand w/ Texas

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

These and other signs of mass RESISTANCE have the WEF and WHO and “our free press” bemoaning the “disinformation” that they claim is putting all of US “at risk” (when that’s what THEY’VE been doing)

Why did Ursula van der Leyden, the foremost Eurocrat, just tell the WEF that their “main concern” these next two years is NOT climate change, or “conflict,” but DISINFORMATION?

Why did the WHO’s top dog, “Dr.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, just warn that its “global pandemic agreement” is now “at risk of falling apart,” because of the disinformation—“fake news, lies and conspiracy theories” —warning of its dangers?

From Agence France-Presse (AFP), printed in The Guardian:

Global pandemic agreement at risk of falling apart, WHO warns

The accord, aimed at preventing another health catastrophe, is losing momentum due to ‘lies and conspiracy theories’

January 22, 2024

Plans for a global pandemic preparedness agreement risk falling apart amid wrangling and disinformation, according to the chief of the World Health Organization, who has warned that future generations “may not forgive us”.

Continue reading “US vax rates dropping overall; US public trusts no “scientist” or group promoting “vaccination”; military officers call for DoD accountability; 2/3 of Germany backs farmers; more states stand w/ Texas”

Misinformation is the #1 concern at WEF: A concise guide on how to stop it

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The World Economic Forum has identified misinformation as the #1 most important concern of attendees. Predictably, they didn’t invite me to speak about how to put a stop to it. Here’s my list.

Here’s my concise guide on how world governments can stop misinformation.

The examples listed here apply to the COVID vaccine, but the general principles are applicable to all types of misinformation:

Continue reading “Misinformation is the #1 concern at WEF: A concise guide on how to stop it”


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Every single time.

Via ZeroHedge

Watch: Globalist WEF Speak Complains ‘X’ Is “Toxic, Scary”, Musk’s Policies Are “Problematic”

Authored by Steve Watson via,

The globalist Davos confab has gotten underway and they’re already talking about how evil Elon Musk and X is, with one guest complaining that the platform formerly known as Twitter is “toxic” and now it’s new name is “scary”

Continue reading “THAT FACE”

Cheers to You, WEFers of Davos!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“I have decided to unilaterally rebrand Disease X! It is now Disease DIC! Debt Implosion Cover-up”Edward Dowd

The nabobs and panjandrums of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet up at Davos, Switzerland, the next several days to lay plans for their next assault on humanity. This year’s theme is “Rebuilding Trust.” Did you just blow your coffee through your nose? The outfit that coordinated the world-wide Covid-19 response (that perhaps birthed the very concept of Covid-19 itself), and especially pushed mRNA vaccines on the credulous global public — this gang of super-wealthy, super-connected, super-important celebrity punks, poohbahs, pricks, and predators wants a cuddle.

Continue reading “Cheers to You, WEFers of Davos!”


So now we know. If the Venusians had just stopped driving SUVs, ate fake meat and bugs, lived in 15 minute city gulags, switched to solar and wind power, drove EVs, and owned nothing, they would have defeated climate change and would still be happy to this day.