Just kidding. Let’s see if legalizing marijuana is a good idea.

Some background first. Who started the War on Drugs and coined that phrase? Ronald Reagan? Nope. Jimmy Carter, who suggested decriminalizing possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana? Not likely. It was Richard Nixon in 1971 who declared the War on Drugs and added that it was Public Enemy Number One. Nixon also created the Drug Enforcement Administration, then known as the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, and assembled a commission to study drug use. Ironically, one of the conclusions of the Nixon Commission was “the private use of marijuana in one’s own home should not be illegal.”



On July 30, 2008, news reports announced that a political odd couple had introduced legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives which proposed ending federal penalties for people carrying less than 100 grams, about 3 1/2 ounces, of marijuana. This bill was co-sponsored by uber-liberal Democrat Barney Frank from Massachusetts and ultra-libertarian Republican Ron Paul from Texas.   The bill remains stuck in committee. In other words, DOA.


An average joint of marijuana, according to pro-pot National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), weighs 4/10 of a gram. So Frank and Paul advocated that if you carry “less than 100 grams” of Mary Jane, you are “limited” to carrying the equivalent of about 250 joints of marijuana. Oh, the horror. You can throw a helluva pot party with 250 joints.


So the issue of legalizing of marijuana has been around for quite some time. The focus in this discussion will be to see whether or not it makes ECONOMIC sense to legalize marijuana.

There is no consensus on how many REGULAR pot smokers are out there. USG figures put the number at 14-15 million. Sites that advocate legalization put the number at anywhere between 20 and 40 million and note that half of the population has at least tried marijuana once. That’s 155,000,000 people. The higher figures make sense from the legalization lobbies’ viewpoint. Just like advocates for the homeless, the higher the number, the greater the problem and the more urgent the need to fix it by government action. According to the pro-potters, legalize marijuana, and you have fixed the problem and will garner BILLIONS AND BILLIONS  in federal and state revenues by taxing marijuana heavily like alcohol and cigarettes.

Uncle Scrooge 


It won’t work that way. The Mexican drug cartels are fiercely protective of their drug profits, so protective that they’ve moved some of their marijuana cultivation into the U.S. itself. They grow the marijuana here, and, like the marijuana smuggled across the border, ship it to the HUNDREDS OF U.S CITIES where the distribution of marijuana is mostly controlled by people working for those cartels. They have the marijuana distribution networks so wrapped up that the other major importers of marijuana (Canada, Colombia, and Jamaica) somtimes sell their product to the Mexican cartels. And yes, the distribution networks are largely populated by illegal Mexican aliens.

The Mexican cartels are growing marijuana on large tracts of land in California, Oregon, and Washington, with intelligence indicating that they also plan to set up cultivation areas in Michigan, Arkansas, and North Carolina. According to a Washington Post article published in October 2009, the Mexicans protect their U.S. cultivation areas with trip flares, fish hooks dangling at eye level, punji stick pits, guard dogs, and trip wires linked to grenades, shotguns, and other explosives. Miles of PCV pipe have been laid in these areas for irrigation in times of dry weather so that 2-3 crops can be raised year round. And yes, most of the labor in these cultivation areas is illegal Mexican aliens.

This just in.  Add Wisconsin to the list.  On August 11, 12 men were arrested for running a huge marijuana cultivation and processing operation in the Nicolet National Forest near Green Bay.   200 pounds of marijuana were found in the processing plant, and a large cache of weapons, including assault rifles, was also seized.  The names of the men arrested were Adalberto Valencia, Raul Juvenal, Javier Navarro ………… oh hell, you get the point.  All were obviously upstanding Polish-Americans just trying to get some extra beer money for the Packers games.  Read about it here.…/12-arrested-in-bust-of-marijuana-operation

vince lombardi


Is anyone getting the uneasy feeling that the Mexicans will NOT be raising a white flag of surrender should the USG legalize marijuana?

White Flag of Surrender Image


In fact, just the opposite will happen. The Mexicans may at first deal with legalization of marijuana by simply undercutting the price of heavily taxed weed on the legal market. That should be easy to do, given the track record of the USG for screwing up everything it touches and the fact that the Mexican traffickers aren’t paying any taxes on their dope. If it does play out this way, you can kiss those billions of dollars in marijuana tax revenues good bye.

However, if the Mexicans sense they are losing their customer base and profits start to tank, they will react harshly. Violent crime will skyrocket, and this time the victims won’t be members of a rival drug gang. It will be the people involved in the legal cultivation, distribution, and sale of marijuana. And it won’t make a whit of difference whether those victims are public or private employees. The cartels will view those people as every bit of a threat to their drug profits as the members of a rival cartel. So when you pick up the morning paper to read about the latest dumping ground for people murdered by the traffickers, the location won’t be Juarez or Tijuana, Mexico. It will be Oakland and Chicago. Not good.


Many may be saying at this point, “Hey, I don’t favor the total legalization of marijuana, but don’t Barney Frank and Ron Paul have a good idea in trying to change the federal laws for POSSESSION of marijuana?” Actually, no. Note that only federal penalties would change, but the bill doesn’t attempt to change state penalties. So if you get caught by ICE officers at Miami International or the Arizona border with 3 and 1/2 ounces of MJ or less, no harm, no foul, right? Wrong. Your’e still in violation of Florida and Arizona law, so off you go to the custody of the Miami Airport Authorities or the Arizona State Police. The only thing the Frank/Paul bill would accomplish is a tiny reduction in required arrests by federal law enforcement authorities, most of which would be shifted to state law enforcement officers. Granted, many states may change their possession laws (all are well below the 100 grams in the Frank/Paul bill) to match the federal law. But it’s an ironclad guarantee there will still be state fines for simple possession.

How about all those arrests for marijuana-related offenses, 847,000 in 2008, cited constantly by NORML and other pro-pot organizations as needlessly costly (NORML says “billions” with no stats to back it up) to our law enforcement budgets and unnecessarily damaging to the lives of millions of our citizens? Time to break out a photo of Congressman Joe “You Lie” Wilson of South Carolina.

Joe Wilson You Lie photo

NORML is grossly covering up the true picture. What NORML doesn’t tell you is that 90% of the arrests, or 762,000, are almost all “catch and release” for simple possession (the remaining 75,000 arrests are for “manufacture” or “sale”). In states where most of the arrests are made, such as California and New York, it’s almost like getting a speeding ticket. You get a citation to appear in court, show up, pay your fine ($100 in both California and New York), and off you go. California really puts the hammer down if you’re caught with 28.5 grams (over 70 joints worth) or less ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. Then you get 10 days in jail and a $500 fine, which is the NORML equivalent of waterboarding. New York gives you three shots if you have 25 grams (60 joints) or less: first offense, $100 fine; second offense, $200 fine; third offense, $250 fine and maybe up to 5 days in jail if the judge is in a really cranky mood. It doesn’t get any more draconian than that. I’d be willing to bet that states like California and New York MAKE money, not lose, off the fines they collect for marijuana possession.

Memo to NORML. Over 1,000,000 people are arrested for drunk driving every year. When someone fails or refuses roadside tests, they are arrested, cuffed, taken into custody, and jailed. 100%. Not 10% as in marijuana cases, 100%. Convicted DUI offenders pay enormous fines, lose their drivers license for 90 days or more, have to take mandatory alcohol abuse courses, and on and on. 2nd and 3rd offenses start to involve serious jail time in some states. And alcohol is a legal drug. NORML thinks smokers of an illegal drug are being dumped on and uses outright propaganda to mislead the public about marijuana laws unnecessarily clogging up the court system.

Some factoids in closing. Nobel Prize winner and cat lover Paul Krugman was my advisor on the economic analysis.


1. Every year, 200,000 people enter drug rehabilitation centers for marijuana addiction (it is estimated that 4,300,000 people are addicted to marijuana). Average cost for inpatient treatment is $7,500 and may go up to as high as $75,000 for stays over 30 days. Simple math tells you that a minimum of $1.5 BILLION is spent annually to treat marijuana addiction. I’m sure all of these addicts pay cash on the barrel head for their treatment, and, according to Krugman’s infallible analysis, legalizing marijuana will certainly decrease the number of addicts. Costs for rehab will plummet, he believes, saving the addicts hundreds of millions in out-of-pocket expenses. Krugman insists that addicts will use this money to send child-support payments to their battered ex-wives.

2. 12% of all the fatal accidents involving a driver of an 18-wheeler are caused by the driver being high on marijuana. Krugman advises that legalizing marijuana will make this 12% drop to 0%, so let’s move on. Nothing to see here. These fatal accidents are totally cost free. “Good Lord,” Krugman told me, “Do I have to spell out every obvious detail. Everyone has to die from something!”

3. Every year, 2,000,000 people try marijuana for the first time. 62% of this group is under the age of 18. According to Krugman, if we legalize marijuana, this 62% will fall dramatically, perhaps disappear altogether, because everyone knows that kids just like to do forbidden stuff. He knows for a fact that kids certainly don’t smoke or drink because tobacco and alcohol are legal. It’s just not fun. Further, he states, if the snotty little brats fool us and marijuana use increases among underage teenagers, they’ll probably all mellow out and grow up to earn their PhD in nuclear physics from MIT. “It’s so clear,” Krugman insisted, “that these young potheads will solve America’s energy problems overnight. Am I the only person who can see this?”

Paul Krugman for president 2012. Legalize marijuana now.

Rep. Barney Frank's bill would radically curb federal penalties for personal marijuana use.
–Bob Dylan’s Latest Hit from His Album, “Bet You Were Thinking Something Else”
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August 14, 2010 7:50 pm

Gemini—-You fucking duplicitous hypocritical pussy. Trying to build the cover to slide in the back door and team with SSS and me because you KNOW of the ass whipping in store for you. TOO FUCKING LATE. You have already staked out your territory with the losers. Tough shit. No crying to your mommy, you fucking bed-wetter. I hope you take the needle out of your arm long enough to read this sacred post, you hopeless addict. I bet you can’t wait to knock off your next liquor store or gas station so you’ll have enough cash to pay for your next fix. Drug-users are why this country eats shit. Why do you think we have the massive problems with the spics? Drugs. Drugs breed crime, violence. And you advocate that shit? Are you out of your fucking mind? Why don’t you just advocate murder, kidnapping, and baby-raping? The fucking prisons are crammed with criminals who committed VIOLENT crimes while under the addiction of drugs. Do you actually think a teen is going straight to heroin or crack cocaine without first using reefer? Hell no. They ALL begin with reefer and then go to the hard drugs, needles. Drug users are a fucking worthless blight on humanity and advocating the legalization of drugs in our society is an irresponsible breach of any conceivable acceptable standards for behavior in a civilized society. A final word–if you want to lock ass with me—BRING IT!!!

August 14, 2010 8:47 pm

For the record, hemp and marijuana are members of the same family but two very different things. Nobody gets high on hemp, it doesn’t have THC in amounts that will produce a high.

I don’t know if legalizing pot would be a good thing but I DO wish it could be used by prescription. I have a friend, a disabled Vietnam Vet, who I’ve seen suffer terribly. He’s used it for relief but got busted and is now looking at jail time even though he’s never harmed anyone by its use.

August 14, 2010 8:51 pm


I tried to warn you about Smokey’s lethal .50 caliber sniper rifle. He made an excellent point when he said, “Do you actually think a teen is going straight to heroin or crack cocaine without first using reefer? Hell no. They ALL begin with reefer and then go to the hard drugs, needles.”

Statistics overwhelming support that statement, but the actual stat is not quite “all.” Marijuana is a true gateway drug to the hard drugs. 80% of all hard drug users started with marijuana (I don’t have a breakdown by age groups, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the percentage was even higher among teenagers). NORML has no counter for this stat and just says it’s meaningless. Some arguement.

Somewhere and somehow along the line of a marijuana smoker’s experience who segweyed to hard drugs, someone convinced them that “if you like smoking joints, try this shit.” That someone is usually a dealer or working for a dealer, but could even be a friend. The first few tries are likely to be free, but once you keep asking for more (meaning you are hooked), the free shit stops.

You and Sparrowhawk appear to have dodged this bullet. Millions of others haven’t.

August 14, 2010 9:05 pm


You said, “I don’t know if legalizing pot would be a good thing but I DO wish it could be used by prescription. I have a friend, a disabled Vietnam Vet, who I’ve seen suffer terribly. He’s used it for relief but got busted and is now looking at jail time even though he’s never harmed anyone by its use.”

Where do you live (just your state would be fine)? Do you have any further details about the bust of your friend? Cuffed and jailed? How much weed was involved? Anything you’d care to share about this incident would be appreciated.

August 14, 2010 9:40 pm

Making drugs illegal infringes on human freedom and liberty. Of that there is no doubt. However. To legalize drugs would require a shift in our entire social and criminal structure. We as a society long ago abandoned the need for persons to be accountable and responsible for the outcomes of their actions. To legalize drugs we would need to make people once again responsible for the outcomes of their actions. For instance if you are a heroin addict and cannot hold a job. You starve and wuld receive no support whatsoever. If you steal to support a habit you get a hand cut off. Etc. Obviously we wil never revert to making persons responsible for their actions, so drugs must remain illegal. However there is no doubt that laws making actions where there are no victims illegal impinge on human liberty. That society does not have the balls to punish outcomes, but instead tries to prevent outcomes is the root problem.

August 14, 2010 10:24 pm

SSS: He lives in Ohio. He was pulled over with a single joint. Went to jail for the night where he had a mini stroke. Got fines and probation. Just got busted again with a single joint in the house. Court date coming up.

August 14, 2010 11:20 pm


That doesn’t sound right, begging your pardon, but I’m not disputing your statements. Ohio is a state which has decriminalized marijuana. When did this happen? Here’s a blurb from the Ohio state laws in If you read the summary, Ohio is at least, if not more, lenient than California and New York.

Ohio: Summary
Decriminalized? – Yes. Possession of less than 100 grams is a civil citation, punishable by a $100 fine, not criminal charges.

As i explained in my article, 100 grams (3 1/2 ounces) is 4 times the amount allowable in both CA and NY. And in Ohio it IS a speeding ticket (civil citation).

August 14, 2010 11:31 pm


Please take the left flank. Smokey is on the right. We are starting to beat the heathens into retreat. Take no prisoners.

August 15, 2010 12:20 am

Saying maryjewwanna is a gateway drug is warped thinking.

Repeat over and over; correlation is not causation.

Example: It is a known fact that everyone who has eaten a banana has died therefore, bananas cause death.

Anectdotal: I was a medium to heavy pot smoker for six years. Never did anything more than that. Better yet …. never wanted too. And, I know hundreds of people with similar stories.

Maryjewwanna leads to hard drugs = load of shit.

August 15, 2010 6:23 am

StucKin NJ sticks a banana up SSS’s butt. This is getting good.

August 15, 2010 12:21 am

SSS – I would love to legalize all victimless crimes. Society is too soft and will not require people take responsibility for the outcomes of their action. If we would let nature take its course, all heroin addicts would die. That is politically impossible to sell. We can’t allow addicts to die, we must save them from themselves! What horseshit. But there it is. So we must therefor keep drugs/prostitution/etc. illegal. There is simply no other choice given political realities. If it were me I would change the whole system, which currently allows crime to flourish. We are simply too soft. The foolhardy need to be allowed their fate. It is unfortunate that the right thing to do cannot be done as it requires the whole system to be fixed. Which is why I despair for our youth. .

August 15, 2010 12:37 am

SSS: The first arrest was last summer; the other about a month ago. The police broke down the door, accused him of being a producer of drugs, took all the computers in the house after tearing the place apart. He has an attorney who believes most of the charges will be thrown out but still…

August 15, 2010 12:52 am


You said, “Correlation is not causation.” Dear Lord, give me strength. Smokey, hold your fire. Stucky is surrendering on an insanity plea.


You said, ” If it were me I would change the whole system, which currently allows crime to flourish. We are simply too soft. The foolhardy need to be allowed their fate. It is unfortunate that the right thing to do cannot be done as it requires the whole system to be fixed. Which is why I despair for our youth.”

Exactly. Now get the fuck out there on my left flank as I asked you and fire away at will.

August 15, 2010 1:23 am

Smokey you ignorant shit. I was keeping myself civil with SSS, but for you I will open the floodgates.
ALL drugs are bad? Is your world so black and white? You don’t justify murder? Don’t tell me your dick wasn’t hard when they hung Saddam, you fucking white trash racist flag waving chestthumper. Why not Tobacco too? Oh yeah cause it is actually addictive and we can make money off it. Why not alcohol? Oh yeah so redneck mouth breathers like you could get drunk before after and during your dog fights and circle jerks. Go back to beating your wife and kids, Stuck already destroyed your pathetic gateway drug argument so don’t bring it up again. If you do I will come in close and gut you like a deer.

August 15, 2010 6:28 am

Gemini obliterates Smokey. Blood everywhere.

August 15, 2010 1:52 am

LLPOH, you are an ice cold mother. For you I will need to rest first…

August 15, 2010 5:17 am

SSS – this fucking Blackberry slows me down. I got your flank.
Gemini – usually that is follwed by “what the fuck just happened”. I am only dangerous when calm.

To all of the pro legalization contributors – time to pull your heads out of your collective asses.I would love to legalize every vice and will do so as soon as we start executing drunk drivers who kill, start letting ODs die on the street without trying to revive the pricks, and start flogging the fucking thieves. That ain’t gonna happen tho. So the fuck the idea of legalizing drugs, as it would add one more layer of trash to our already crumbling society.

This issue cannot be viewed in isolation.

August 15, 2010 11:02 am

Bananas KILL!!!

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 15, 2010 11:44 am

I’m headed off for a Peach Festival in Willcox today. Smokey and LLPOH, pls provide covering fire. Your primary target should be Admin, who has obviously recovered from his flesh wounds and keeps lobbing funny picture hand grenades.


That seems like an over-the-top reaction by the police, but they had to have presented probable cause to a judge before they busted down his door and seized his computers. I don’t know what your friend may or may not have done to piss them off, but it seems as if we might not be seeing all pieces of the puzzle.

Later all.

August 15, 2010 12:44 pm

Disgusting Remark——FUCK YOU MONGOLOID TURD. You don’t contribute a fucking thing to this site, so spare me the fucking advice on what to post, asshole. Go fuck yourself, INBRED.

August 15, 2010 7:41 pm

I have spent some time thinking about how to address this issue. For some reason, some normally sane individuals lose touch with reality and go down the legalize pot path without giving any thought to the consequences. Although I have to say there a re some legalize pot advocates that are always totally clueless. You know who you are. So here goes.

Admin – how would your 30 blocks of squalor look if pot was suddenly both legal and less expensive? wow – that would be a giant step forward, I’m sure.

Anyone care to guess how you’d feel walking your family around any street corner in the country, and encountering a band of stoned youths? Would you feel safe?

Do we really want to make pot cheaper and more readily available for young people, given the 25% unemployment they are currently facing (a rate which has no end in sight)? Do you think that would be a benefit to them or society as a whole?

Do you really want the additional auto related deaths that would result from stoned drivers? How would you feel when the fucking bastard drivers walk free with a slap on the wrist?

Do you really think pot isn’t a gateway to harder drugs? Get real. All of your correlation is not causation arguments are full of shit. Sure, water doesn’t lead to heroin, but in a certain percentage pot does.

You can stick all of the crap about alcohol and tobacco being “legal” so why not pot up your asses where it belongs. Alcohol and tobacco cause a lot of damage, so lets debate whether they should be legal or not. The fact is they are not legal in many cases, are (supposedly) highly controlled (age/location/activity/etc. controlled), and so cannot be deemed entirely legal. So let’s add to our problems and legalize pot, too.

Again, I repeat, think about the state of America, and its prospects for the future. Is it really a good idea to increase social problems?

I do not advocate ending users to life. But I sure as hell don’t want to see pot being smoked on every street corner either. I am a libertarian, and would rather not have restrictions of any kind on personal freedom, but given that society currently does not require personal responsibility for actions and consequence, I cannot see any option but to maintain the current status on pot.

By the way, I used to be pro legalization. But I grew up and had kids, and matured. You pro legalizers might consider doing the same.

August 15, 2010 8:12 pm

Terrific post, LLPOH. In every case of those who are gung-ho advocates for legalization, see what song is sung when their daughter is maimed by a stoned driver running a light. Just look at all the MADD, the ladies campaigning for tough alcohol laws. Few of them gave a shit about alcohol until it was THEIR child that got killed by the drunk who had been ticketed eleven times for drunk driving. Marijuana used responsibly would be fine. The reality is that it WOULD NOT be used responsibly. There would be stoned individuals killing innocents on the streets. That is just a fucking fact. And there would be FAR more of that going on if pot was legal, because pot would be far more readily available, accessible than is now while it’s currently illegal.

August 15, 2010 8:34 pm

Let’s see. We’ve had comments involving sugar, corn syrup, skim milk, crappy diets, hemp, birdseed, paint and varnish, some true confessions, oxycotin, Portugal, the 19th Century, bananas, and a withering carpetbombing campaign of funny pictures.

I’m not sure if any minds were changed, but at least there was a modicum of entertainment. I noted that the word popcorn was used at least twice.

Hopefully, you’ve read LLPOH’s words of wisdom above.

I am………..signing off. SSS (my fingers are crossed)

August 15, 2010 8:38 pm

Smokey – that is my point. There would simply be too much downside to full legalization. The cops wouldn’t know whether to shit or go blind. There would be even more no go areas. Legalization would adversely affect the younger generation and would promote the downward spiral they currently face. Violent crime, auto crime, and property crime would all increase. There is simply no way that this wouldn’t go south in a big way.

August 16, 2010 8:36 am

SSS says he was at a peach festival yesterday

[imgcomment image[/img]

My agents followed SSS and took this picture

[imgcomment image[/img]

With his grandson

[imgcomment image[/img]

San Diego Marijuana Community
August 16, 2010 5:46 pm

SoCal Norml Reports- SDASA and Cannabis Institute attempt takeover!…

I found your entry interesting thus I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…

August 16, 2010 11:05 pm

Damn you, LLPOH.

“You can stick all of the crap about alcohol and tobacco being “legal” so why not pot up your asses where it belongs. Alcohol and tobacco cause a lot of damage, so lets debate whether they should be legal or not.”

That pretty much ruins the rest of my ammo, and I would like to see such a debate.

“given that society currently does not require personal responsibility for actions and consequence, I cannot see any option but to maintain the current status on pot.”

Fuck me running. Glad you waited for me to get some slicing and dicing in before dropping that bomb. I actually LIKE that argument.

With that, I will drop my promised firebomb, and retreat to my parents basement with a fat bag o chronic. Because frankly, it is easier to get stoned than to fight for your right to do so.

August 17, 2010 1:24 am

I have always been against POT users in general and I have never used drugs in my life but I now have come to terms with the idea of making pot legal It really wouldn’t hurt anyone its not already hurting and it would really give California a massive jump over other states economically and it could help more people prevent from losing there homes by creating more state jobs. I am seeing all of my friends suffer terribly due to the fact there is no economy at the bottom (small businesses) My values have shifted from concerning myself with other persons and there activities and values to My own survival and I believe I am not the only one.
I feel the same way about gambling now, There are Indian casinos everywhere! wouldn’t it be nice if a registered and regulated store, sport bar etc could have say 2 or three slots etc it might save his business and spread the gambling money spent in a casino to more small businesses in California in turn help more families.
I am aware there are many problems that will stem from all these ideas, but that’s where heavy regulations come into play on equipment and licensees there again causing more jobs to arise like special equipment added at the manufacturing level to allow the state to monitor the statistics and intake of the machines at a state facility and creating more jobs for different purposes, I am fairly sure POT and gambling will some day be legal here in California anyway, but it could save our economy if done much sooner.
Are personal and individual life values more important than our own survival? that’s a really big sacrifice for Californians.
What are Your thoughts on all of these topics?
Rod Wolcott

August 17, 2010 6:58 pm

Sprouty (Rob Wolcott)

I’m not signed in, so I won’t go into any detail on your post now. Plus I’m cooking supper tonight (pork chow mein………..mmmmmmmmmmmmm, tasty).

This will give you time to go find a suit of armor and start digging a deep foxhole. You’re going to need it.

August 17, 2010 7:48 pm

Sprouty—You are obviously a nice person. Just a cautionary note about this site. There are some people who post here, who, unlike me, sometimes lose their composure. You need thick skin, and sometimes innocent bystanders here get caught in the crossfire. Some callous people even use foul language here. Although my manners on this site are always impeccable and I avoid confrontation at all costs, I realize that all people are not like me. Even F bombs have been known to fly here, not that I’ve ever stooped to such deplorable antics.

August 17, 2010 8:16 pm

Gemini – pretty funny!

Sprouty – First I recommend you read all the posts above. Then I suggest you get ready to duck, as you could find yourself stepping into the shitstorm. SSS/Smokey/ and I have the middle and both flanks covered on this one.

Smokey – what gives with the benevolent disposition? Sic ’em.

August 17, 2010 8:42 pm


Sadly, in my attempt to thwart SSS, I may have inadvertently given him a iron clad rebuttal. Private cultivation, and money spent by government to prevent it, would offset any revenue generated. They would have to send crews out monthly to pull plants along every road in the state.

As for slots…. I fully support peoples right to give their money away. Preferably to me.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 17, 2010 9:02 pm

The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops, Hebrew “kaneh-bosm” B, extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.

August 17, 2010 10:15 pm

The definition of freedom is being able to relax in the secure comfort of your own home without the threat of some psychotic wanna-be Rambo punk cop kicking your down your door and blasting away at the first person or pet that moves.

I don’t smoke, but I’ll fight for the rights of those who do.

The Flower

[imgcomment image[/img]

What a bogart!

August 17, 2010 11:52 pm


Are you dug in? Armor on? Let’s roll.

You said, “but I now have come to terms with the idea of making pot legal It really wouldn’t hurt anyone its not already hurting and it would really give California a massive jump over other states economically and it could help more people prevent from losing there homes by creating more state jobs.”

It took me hours to stop crying over this statement. My God, the inhumanity of it all. Jesus, the weeping and gnashing of teeth just won’t stop.

Listen, Shitstick Sprouty. You live in the 5th largest economy on the fucking planet, and you, meaning Californians collectively, have totally fucked everything up over the past 30 years. You LOVE to say, “If it happens, it happens in California first.” That used to be a compliment, but no longer. It should be, “If something can be fucked up, California will be WAY ahead of the federal government.” That’s tough to do, but the dickweeds in California have pulled it off.

You keep electing black gangstas like Wee Wiilie Brown and extra-terrestials like Jerry Brown to high political office in California (what is it about the surname Brown that attracts Californians). You keep sending fucksticks like Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi to DC to represent your state. You want sympathy over this voting track record?

You’ve got one of the most wonderfully diverse climates and resource bases on Earth. You advertise your climate and dump shit on deveoping your resourses. Block all mining efforts, on shore and off shore (I hope fucking Santa Barbara slides into the fucking Pacific). Block all efforts to build energy plants so you can create rolling brownouts and blackouts and blame it on Enron. Senator Diane Feinstein even proposed setting aside over 2 million acres in the Mojave Desert, one of the best places in the country to develop solar power, to protect the fucking desert fucking tortoise. Meanwhile, you’re cutting water supplies to the farmers in the San Joaquin Valley. Goddamnit, man, do you like to eat? The voters in California are certifiably insane.

You said something about legalizing marijuana to give California a “massive jump over other states economically.” Why don’t you just legalize every fucking vice, including all illegal drugs, and see how that works out for you. That will fix your stupid state’s fiscal irresponsibility for sure.

Face it, Sprouty. California Dreamin has turned into California Screamin. Your state is a joke.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 23, 2022 1:41 am

Dope clogs up human brains and makes people progressively stupid so it should not be smoked, esp by youth. If someone does use it, they should be disqualified from receiving any Welfare, Medicare or Medicaid.