How to start a war and lose an empire

Guest Post by Dmitry Orlov

A year and a half ago I wrote an essay on how the US chooses to view Russia, titled The Image of the Enemy. I was living in Russia at the time, and, after observing the American anti-Russian rhetoric and the Russian reaction to it, I made some observations that seemed important at the time. It turns out that I managed to spot an important trend, but given the quick pace of developments since then, these observations are now woefully out of date, and so here is an update.

At that time the stakes weren’t very high yet. There was much noise around a fellow named Magnitsky, a corporate lawyer-crook who got caught and died in pretrial custody. He had been holding items for some bigger Western crooks, who were, of course, never apprehended. The Americans chose to treat this as a human rights violation and responded with the so-called “Magnitsky Act” which sanctioned certain Russian individuals who were labeled as human rights violators. Russian legislators responded with the “Dima Yakovlev Bill,” named after a Russian orphan adopted by Americans who killed him by leaving him in a locked car for nine hours. This bill banned American orphan-killing fiends from adopting any more Russian orphans. It all amounted to a silly bit of melodrama.

But what a difference a year and a half has made! Ukraine, which was at that time collapsing at about the same steady pace as it had been ever since its independence two decades ago, is now truly a defunct state, with its economy in free-fall, one region gone and two more in open rebellion, much of the country terrorized by oligarch-funded death squads, and some American-anointed puppets nominally in charge but quaking in their boots about what’s coming next. Syria and Iraq, which were then at a low simmer, have since erupted into full-blown war, with large parts of both now under the control of the Islamic Caliphate, which was formed with help from the US, was armed with US-made weapons via the Iraqis. Post-Qaddafi Libya seems to be working on establishing an Islamic Caliphate of its own. Against this backdrop of profound foreign US foreign policy failure, the US recently saw it fit to accuse Russia of having troops “on NATO’s doorstep,” as if this had nothing to do with the fact that NATO has expanded east, all the way to Russia’s borders. Unsurprisingly, US–Russia relations have now reached a point where the Russians saw it fit to issue a stern warning: further Western attempts at blackmailing them may result in a nuclear confrontation.

The American behavior throughout this succession of defeats has been remarkably consistent, with the constant element being their flat refusal to deal with reality in any way, shape or form. Just as before, in Syria the Americans are ever looking for moderate, pro-Western Islamists, who want to do what the Americans want (topple the government of Bashar al Assad) but will stop short of going on to destroy all the infidel invaders they can get their hands on. The fact that such moderate, pro-Western Islamists do not seem to exist does not affect American strategy in the region in any way.

Similarly, in Ukraine, the fact that the heavy American investment in “freedom and democracy,” or “open society,” or what have you, has produced a government dominated by fascists and a civil war is, according to the Americans, just some Russian propaganda. Parading under the banner of Hitler’s Ukrainian SS division and anointing Nazi collaborators as national heroes is just not convincing enough for them. What do these Nazis have to do to prove that they are Nazis, build some ovens and roast some Jews? Just massacring people by setting fire to a building, as they did in Odessa, or shooting unarmed civilians in the back and tossing them into mass graves, as they did in Donetsk, doesn’t seem to work. The fact that many people have refused to be ruled by Nazi thugs and have successfully resisted them has caused the Americans to label them as “pro-Russian separatists.” This, in turn, was used to blame the troubles in Ukraine on Russia, and to impose sanctions on Russia. The sanctions would be reviewed if Russia were to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. Trouble is, there are no Russian troops in Ukraine.

Note that this sort of behavior is nothing new. The Americans invaded Afghanistan because the Taleban would not relinquish Osama Bin Laden (who was a CIA operative) unless Americans produced evidence implicating him in 9/11—which did not exist. Americans invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein would not relinquish his weapons of mass destruction—which did not exist. They invaded Libya because Muammar Qaddafi would not relinquish official positions—which he did not hold. They were ready to invade Syria because Bashar al Assad had used chemical weapons against his own people—which he did not do. And now they imposed sanctions on Russia because Russia had destabilized and invaded Ukraine—which it did not do either. (The US did that.)

The sanctions against Russia have an additional sort of unreality to them, because they “boomerang” and hurt the West while giving the Russian government the impetus to do what it wanted to do all along. The sanctions infringed on the rights of a number of Russian businessmen and officials, who promptly yanked their money out of Western banks, pulled their children out of Western schools and universities, and did everything else they could to demonstrate that they are good patriotic Russians, not American lackeys. The sanctions affected a number of Russian energy companies, cutting them off from Western sources of technology and financing, but this will primarily hurt the earnings of Western energy companies while helping their Chinese competitors. There were even some threats to cut Russia off from the SWIFT system, which would have made it quite difficult to transfer funds between Russia and the West, but what these threats did instead was to give Russia the impetus to introduce its own RUSSWIFT system, which will include even Iran, neutralizing future American efforts at imposing financial restrictions.

The sanctions were meant to cause economic damage, but Western efforts at inflicting short-term economic damage on Russia are failing. Coupled with a significant drop in the price of oil, all of this was supposed to hurt Russia fiscally, but since the sanctions caused the Ruble to drop in tandem, the net result on Russia’s state finances is a wash. Oil prices are lower, but then, thanks in part to the sanctions, so is the Ruble, and since oil revenues are still largely in dollars, this means that Russia’s tax receipts are at roughly the same level at before. And since Russian oil companies earn dollars abroad but spend rubles domestically, their production budgets remain unaffected.

The Russians also responded by imposing some counter-sanctions, and to take some quick steps to neutralize the effect of the sanctions on them. Russia banned the import of produce from the European Union—to the horror of farmers there. Especially hurt were those EU members who are especially anti-Russian: the Baltic states, which swiftly lost a large fraction of their GDP, along with Poland. An exception is being made for Serbia, which refused to join in the sanctions. Here, the message is simple: friendships that have lasted many centuries matter; what the Americans want is not what the Americans get; and the EU is a mere piece of paper. Thus, the counter-sanctions are driving wedges between the US and the EU, and, within the EU, between Eastern Europe (which the sanctions are hurting the most) and Western Europe, and, most importantly, they drive home the simple message that the US is not Europe’s friend.

There is something else going on that is going to become more significant in the long run: Russia has taken the hint and is turning away from the West and toward the East. It is parlaying its open defiance of American attempts at world domination into trade relationships throughout the world, much of which is sick and tired of paying tribute to Washington. Russia is playing a key role in putting together an international banking system that circumvents the US dollar and the US Federal Reserve. In these efforts, over half the world’s territory and population is squarely on Russia’s side and cheering loudly. Thus, the effort to isolate Russia has produced the opposite of the intended result: it is isolating the West from the rest of the world instead.

In other ways, the sanctions are actually being helpful. The import ban on foodstuffs from EU is a positive boon to domestic agriculture while driving home a politically important point: don’t take food from the hands of those who bite you. Russia is already one of the world’s largest grain exporters, and there is no reason why it can’t become entirely self-sufficient in food. The impetus to rearm in the face of NATO encroachment on Russian borders (there are now US troops stationed in Estonia, just a short drive from Russia’s second-largest city, St. Petersburg) is providing some needed stimulus for industrial redevelopment. This round of military spending is being planned a bit more intelligently than in the Soviet days, with eventual civilian conversion being part of the plan from the very outset. Thus, along with the world’s best jet fighters, Russia is likely to start building civilian aircraft for export and competing with Airbus and Boeing.

But this is only the beginning. The Russians seem to have finally realized to what extent the playing field has been slanted against them. They have been forced to play by Washington’s rules in two key ways: by bending to Washington’s will in order to keep their credit ratings high with the three key Western credit rating agencies, in order to secure access to Western credit; and by playing by the Western rule-book when issuing credit of their own, thus keeping domestic interest rates artificially high. The result was that US companies were able to finance their operations more cheaply, artificially making them more competitive. But now, as Russia works quickly to get out from under the US dollar, shifting trade to bilateral currency arrangements (backed by some amount of gold should trade imbalances develop) it is also looking for ways to turn the printing press to its advantage. To date, the dictat handed down from Washington has been: “We can print money all we like, but you can’t, or we will destroy you.” But this threat is ringing increasingly hollow, and Russia will no longer be using its dollar revenues to buy up US debt. One proposal currently on the table is to make it impossible to pay for Russian oil exports with anything other than rubles, by establishing two oil brokerages, one in St. Petersburg, the other, seven time zones away, in Vladivostok. Foreign oil buyers would then have to earn their petro-rubles the honest way—through bilateral trade—or, if they can’t make enough stuff that the Russians want to import, they could pay for oil with gold (while supplies last). Or the Russians could simply print rubles, and, to make sure such printing does not cause domestic inflation, they could export some inflation by playing with the oil spigot and the oil export tariffs. And if the likes of George Soros decides to attack the ruble in an effort to devalue it, Russia could defend its currency simply by printing fewer rubles for a while—no need to stockpile dollar reserves.

So far, this all seems like typical economic warfare: the Americans want to get everything they want by printing money while bombing into submission or sanctioning anyone who disobeys them, while the rest of the world attempts to resist them. But early in 2014 the situation changed. There was a US-instigated coup in Kiev, and instead of rolling over and playing dead like they were supposed to, the Russians mounted a fast and brilliantly successful campaign to regain Crimea, then successfully checkmated the junta in Kiev, preventing it from consolidating control over the remaining former Ukrainian territory by letting volunteers, weapons, equipment and humanitarian aid enter—and hundreds of thousands of refugees exit—through the strictly notional Russian-Ukrainian border, all the while avoiding direct military confrontation with NATO. Seeing all of this happening on the nightly news has awakened the Russian population from its political slumber, making it sit up and pay attention, and sending Putin’s approval rating through the roof.

The “optics” of all this, as they like to say at the White House, are rather ominous. We are coming up on the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II—a momentous occasion for Russians, who pride themselves on defeating Hitler almost single-handedly. At the same time, the US (Russia’s self-appointed arch-enemy) has taken this opportunity to reawaken and feed the monster of Nazism right on Russia’s border (inside Russia’s borders, some Russians/Ukrainians would say). This, in turn, makes the Russians remember Russia’s unique historical mission is among the nations of the world: it is to thwart all other nations’ attempts at world domination, be it Napoleonic France or Hitleresque Germany or Obamaniac America. Every century or so some nation forgets its history lessons and attacks Russia. The result is always the same: lots of corpse-studded snowdrifts, and then Russian cavalry galloping into Paris, or Russian tanks rolling into Berlin. Who knows how it will end this time around? Perhaps it will involve polite, well-armed men in green uniforms without insignia patrolling the streets of Brussels and Washington, DC. Only time will tell.

You’d think that Obama has already overplayed his hand, and should behave accordingly. His popularity at home is roughly the inverse of Putin’s, which is to say, Obama is still more popular than Ebola, but not by much. He can’t get anything at all done, no matter how pointless or futile, and his efforts to date, at home and abroad, have been pretty much a disaster. So what does this social worker turned national mascot decide to do? Well, the way the Russians see it, he has decided to declare war on Russia! In case you missed it, look up his speech before the UN General Assembly. It’s up on the White House web site. He placed Russia directly between Ebola and ISIS among the three topmost threats facing the world. Through Russian eyes his speech reads as a declaration of war.

It’s a new, mixed-mode sort of war. It’s not a total war to the death, although the US is being rather incautious by the old Cold War standards in avoiding a nuclear confrontation. It’s an information war—based on lies and unjust vilification; it’s a financial and economic war—using sanctions; it’s a political war—featuring violent overthrow of elected governments and support for hostile regimes on Russia’s borders; and it’s a military war—using ineffectual but nevertheless insulting moves such as stationing a handful of US troops in Estonia. And the goals of this war are clear: it is to undermine Russia economically, destroy it politically, dismember it geographically, and turn it into a pliant vassal state that furnishes natural resources to the West practically free of charge (with a few hand-outs to a handful of Russian oligarchs and criminal thugs who play ball). But it doesn’t look like any of that is going to happen because, you see, a lot of Russians actually get all that, and will choose leaders who will not win any popularity contests in the West but who will lead them to victory.

Given the realization that the US and Russia are, like it or not, in a state of war, no matter how opaque or muddled, people in Russia are trying to understand why this is and what it means. Obviously, the US has seen Russia as the enemy since about the time of the Revolution of 1917, if not earlier. For example, it is known that after the end of World War II America’s military planners were thinking of launching a nuclear strike against the USSR, and the only thing that held them back was the fact that they didn’t have enough bombs, meaning that Russia would have taken over all of Europe before the effects of the nuclear strikes could have deterred them from doing so (Russia had no nuclear weapons at the time, but lots of conventional forces right in the heart of Europe).

But why has war been declared now, and why was it declared by this social worker turned national misleader? Some keen observers mentioned his slogan “the audacity of hope,” and ventured to guess that this sort of “audaciousness” (which in Russian sounds a lot like “folly”) might be a key part of his character which makes him want to be the leader of the universe, like Napoleon or Hitler. Others looked up the campaign gibberish from his first presidential election (which got silly young Americans so fired up) and discovered that he had nice things to say about various cold warriors. Do you think Obama might perhaps be a scholar of history and a shrewd geopolitician in his own right? (That question usually gets a laugh, because most people know that he is just a chucklehead and repeats whatever his advisers tell him to say.) Hugo Chavez once called him “a hostage in the White House,” and he wasn’t too far off. So, why are his advisers so eager to go to war with Russia, right now, this year?

Is it because the US is collapsing more rapidly than most people can imagine? This line of reasoning goes like this: the American scheme of world domination through military aggression and unlimited money-printing is failing before our eyes. The public has no interest in any more “boots on the ground,” bombing campaigns do nothing to reign in militants that Americans themselves helped organize and equip, dollar hegemony is slipping away with each passing day, and the Federal Reserve is fresh out of magic bullets and faces a choice between crashing the stock market and crashing the bond market. In order to stop, or at least forestall this downward slide into financial/economic/political oblivion, the US must move quickly to undermine every competing economy in the world through whatever means it has left at its disposal, be it a bombing campaign, a revolution or a pandemic (although this last one can be a bit hard to keep under control). Russia is an obvious target, because it is the only country in the world that has had the gumption to actually show international leadership in confronting the US and wrestling it down; therefore, Russia must be punished first, to keep the others in line.

I don’t disagree with this line of reasoning, but I do want to add something to it.

First, the American offensive against Russia, along with most of the rest of the world, is about things Americans like to call “facts on the ground,” and these take time to create. The world wasn’t made in a day, and it can’t be destroyed in a day (unless you use nuclear weapons, but then there is no winning strategy for anyone, the US included). But the entire financial house of cards can be destroyed rather quickly, and here Russia can achieve a lot while risking little. Financially, Russia’s position is so solid that even the three Western credit ratings agencies don’t have the gall to downgrade Russia’s rating, sanctions notwithstanding. This is a country that is aggressively paying down its foreign debt, is running a record-high budget surplus, has a positive balance of payments, is piling up physical gold reserves, and not a month goes by that it doesn’t sign a major international trade deal (that circumvents the US dollar). In comparison, the US is a dead man walking: unless it can continue rolling over trillions of dollars in short-term debt every month at record-low interest rates, it won’t be able to pay the interest on its debt or its bills. Good-bye, welfare state, hello riots. Good-bye military contractors and federal law enforcement, hello mayhem and open borders. Now, changing “facts on the ground” requires physical actions, whereas causing a financial stampede to the exits just requires somebody to yell “Boo!” loudly and frighteningly enough.

Second, it must be understood that at this point the American ruling elite is almost entirely senile. The older ones seem actually senile in the medical sense. Take Leon Panetta, the former Defense Secretary: he’s been out flogging his new book, and he is still blaming Syria’s Bashar al Assad for gassing his own people! By now everybody else knows that that was a false flag attack, carried out by some clueless Syrian rebels with Saudi help, to be used as an excuse for the US to bomb Syria—you know, the old “weapons of mass destruction” nonsense again. (By the way, this kind of mindless, repetitive insistence on a fake rationale seems like a sure sign of senility.) That plan didn’t work because Putin and Lavrov intervened and quickly convinced Assad to give up his useless chemical weapons stockpile. The Americans were livid. So, everybody knows this story—except Panetta. You see, once an American official starts lying, he just doesn’t know how to stop. The story always starts with a lie, and, as facts emerge that contradict the initial story, they are simply ignored.

So much for the senile old guard, but what about their replacements? Well, the poster boy for the young ones is Hunter Biden, the VP’s son, who went on a hookers-and-blow tour of Ukraine last summer and inadvertently landed a seat on the board of directors of Ukraine’s largest natural gas company (which doesn’t have much gas left). He just got outed for being a coke fiend. In addition to the many pre-anointed ones, like the VP’s son, there are also many barns full of eagerly bleating Ivy League graduates who have been groomed for jobs in high places. These are Prof. Deresiewicz’s “Excellent Sheep.”

There just isn’t much that such people, young or old, can be made to respond to. International embarrassment, military defeat, humanitarian catastrophe—all these things just bounce off them and stick to you for bringing them up and being overly negative about their rose-colored view of themselves. The only hit they can actually feel is a hit to the pocketbook.

Which brings us all the way back to my first point: “Boo!”

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October 21, 2014 10:43 am

Most of the time I believe Orlov is full of it.

Not this time. I think he laid it out pretty well, even if I don’t entirely buy into his Paradise in Asia promotion of today’s Russia.

He has a bias. No kidding. But I think he is very close to the truth in citing just how fragile (and dangerous) is the Nomenklatura of the USA.

Senile hacks accustomed to omnipotence at the top.
Puerile Ivy League leftists in the bottom.
Schemers and knaves in the middle.

October 21, 2014 11:06 am

Looooong read, but Orlov’s stuff is worth it.

October 21, 2014 11:20 am

Until the East coalesces into a sufficiently strong entity to be able to draw a line that the West will dare not cross the US elites will continue to create chaos and immensely more suffering in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and East Asia.

October 21, 2014 11:25 am

WW1 grew out of asinine miscalculations stacked upon each other, undertaken by numerous individuals.

What worries me constantly is that there remain some who walk the halls of the Pentagram that believe, as did LeMay, that nuclear warfare is a-okay.

We are not likely near it yet, but if the markets ever really do begin to plumb the depths to which they are doomed sooner or later, a major die-off of humanity due to nuclear climate change does not seem all that unlikely.

If the Earth-First’ers had a clue in their heads, Job #1 would be de-nuking the world’s militaries.

October 21, 2014 11:29 am

Life may yet imitate art. We’re ending a long period of tremendous prosperity, unevenly distributed.

What seems most likely is to see a fairly long period where the prosperity largely disappears, and misery is evenly distributed. I worry that the Zombie Apocalypse genre is a mass subconscious metaphorical foreshadowing of a period of future time.

The leftists will get their wishes fulfilled; will that make them happy?

Giuseppe Crowe
Giuseppe Crowe
October 21, 2014 12:57 pm

This is a very interesting treatise. Unfortunately, for the most part, the average American will be completely taken by surprise when the effects of the long term asininity of our so-called “leaders” come into full bloom. Historically, U.S. “leaders” have done whatever they wanted to, regardless of the desires of the “ruled”. This goes back to George Washington, but the egregious nature of federal conduct bloomed worst under Lincoln, both Roosevelts and generally every administration since Wilson. Making Russia the great enemy insures the doom of the American empire more quickly than anything else. Not that Russia has a sterling record when it comes to empire, but most of Russia’s history is of internal misery….with some regional exceptions. If the Russian people want to change things internally, that’s their business. Enough rambling…thanks for a fine bit of rhetoric.

October 21, 2014 1:18 pm

All the media seem’s to parrot the same Russia is the bad guy message. No objective reporting out there.
The people running the show here in the U.S ,Well go down in the history books as the ones who ran the country into the ground while they worried about who gets elected next. The amount of stupidity and corruption going on never ceases to amaze and sadden me.

October 21, 2014 1:33 pm

Yes, another good one from Orlov. I’m not as much a fan of Russia as he, in part based on rather vehement statements by past friends who were born and grew up in Russia until their college years; but that does not mean that even 1% of US propaganda against Russia is accurate.

Like many of these issues, I just wish we could ship the Neocons and other Beltway denizens over to fight the war that they claim we should all want, and leave the rest of us alone to live in peace.

October 21, 2014 2:56 pm

“Western block’s actions not only failed to isolate Russia, but seems that managed to expand Russia’s and China’s geopolitical influence. It’s not the first time that the ‘brilliant minds’ of various think tanks miss the target so profoundly. Their ‘brilliant idea’ to support the neo-nazis in Ukraine to put Russia in the corner, is turning now against them.”

October 21, 2014 3:02 pm


I’m with you. Anyone who thinks it’s Absolutely Essential to go kick some butt somewhere is free to grab a rifle & ammo and do it themselves. If it’s actually that important, I’m sure there’d be legions of folks so motivated.

One thing for sure. Those who VOTE for war should be FORCED to lead from the FRONT….and I don’t mean in some air conditioned office somewhere on the same continent, I mean in the dirt, pack on the back, in the foxhole front.

All these old men (and harpies) in CONgress posturing one way or another should be, on pain of hanging, compelled to be the very tip of the spear of every foreign entanglement they promote.

I think we can all agree that it would make them all one hell of a lot less inclined to be war-mongers.

October 21, 2014 4:07 pm

Russia has her problems, but gawd dam the country is overblown with resources, christian, and has 140 million mostly white people. I can live with a little salvic attitufe and get my arms around them.

October 21, 2014 6:49 pm

Well written and thought provoking piece. It is hard to imagine what the behind the scenes thinking in the white house is. Every time I read something like this I think of the little joke that has been going around for some time now, “Obama is playing checkers while Putin is playing chess”. By all accounts that quote seems more and more accurate with each passing day. How does the US government not have the intelligence to see and accurately anticipate how their moves and counter moves will play out in the global arena. The arrogance that they must exude to pretend that they are the smartest people in the room when everything they do and try blows up in their face is appalling.

The goal of global domination is a joke, makes you wonder if the pentagon war room doesn’t have a Risk board in the middle of the room.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 21, 2014 7:02 pm

Sometimes we get deliveries from UPS. About 5 years ago I struck up a conversation with the driver who had our route and it turned out that he was a former soviet paratrooper who had been stationed at a place that we had taken over back in the Reagan era. He and I had both been at the same place at the same time on different sides of the conflict. We recalled our mutual experience and have since become very friendly towards one another. He is a decent guy and I have more in common with him than I do with any of the current US political establishment on either side of the aisle. The political elites of this country might as well be an alien species bent on our destruction.

Until we find a way to weed out the criminal sociopaths that have stolen our civilization from the mass of the human population, there will always be people willing to stir the pot in order to turn otherwise decent human beings into enemies of one another for their own ends.

October 21, 2014 7:06 pm

Orlov suffers from a severe case of tunnel vision by completely overlooking 70 years of horrific excesses of the Soviet Union, both at home and abroad. Millions died while Lenin and Stalin lied. Was the “Gulag Archipelago” a work of fact or fiction? Well, which was it, punks? Or doesn’t that count because Russia simply dropped the name Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

Orlov is also off-base with some of his statements.

“The Americans invaded Afghanistan because the Taleban (sic) would not relinquish Osama Bin Laden (who was a CIA operative) unless Americans produced evidence implicating him in 9/11—which did not exist.” False. Totally. Bin Laden was NEVER a CIA operative. He was a member of tens of thousands of Islamic fighters resisting Soviet (Russian) occupation of Afghanistan. Yes, the resistance fighters did receive arms shipped to them by the CIA simply because they were shooting at Russian soldiers. Orlov seems to have completely forgotten the Cold War. And bin Laden WAS the plot leader of 9/11. He’s on an al Qaeda videotape taken the next day ADMITTING HIS COMPLICITY. In his own words.

“Americans invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein would not relinquish his weapons of mass destruction—which did not exist.” False. Does he read the papers? About the recent revelations of the huge amounts of Iraqi chemical weapons at the Multhanna storage facility, now in the hands of ISIS.

“They invaded Libya because Muammar Qaddafi would not relinquish official positions—which he did not hold.” True. I still don’t get the Libyan clusterfuck. The USG made a gigantic error here, one that will continue to haunt us for many years to come.

“They were ready to invade Syria because Bashar al Assad had used chemical weapons against his own people—which he did not do.” Undetermined. Period.

“And now they imposed sanctions on Russia because Russia had destabilized and invaded Ukraine—which it did not do either. (The US did that.).” True. Crimea is also part of the sanctions equation, but that was a clear and clean victory for the Russians which does fit well with the sanctions rationale. So it is no longer mentioned.

“Historically, U.S. leaders have done whatever they wanted to, regardless of the desires of the “ruled”. This goes back to George Washington”
—-Guiseppe Crowe

WTF are you talking about re Washington? Inquiring minds want to know.

October 21, 2014 7:41 pm

“Those who go after Washington always reference the Whiskey Rebellion. I’m guessing Orlov is referencing that.”

You’re correct. But it was commenter Guiseppe Crowe to whom I was referring, not Orlov. I’ll have his head on a pike if he was thinking of the Whiskey Rebellion.

October 21, 2014 8:17 pm

@ SS

While I suspect that psychopathic leaders are still psychopathic leaders – keen for power and control under whatever “ism” is the current operating system – why should I believe that Russia is just the former Soviet Union under a new administration?

This is an honest inquiry.

October 21, 2014 8:50 pm

“Why should I believe that Russia is just the former Soviet Union under a new administration? This is an honest inquiry.”
—-Olga @ SSS

It (Russia) isn’t. Russia today is nothing like the Soviet Union.

But it is being led by a former Soviet KGB officer who dearly loves his country. Can he be heavy handed in dealing with his political opposition. Yes. Does he do stuff like annexation of Crimea and support of Syria’s government? Yes. But he does this in the best interests of Russia, in the two cases cited, continued access to and use of Russian naval bases in those two countries

Putin is not Lenin, Stalin, or any of their successors. People are now free to practice their religion. There is an odd form of capitalism. There is a modicum of free speech and press, Russian style of course. His approval rating in running about 80%, double Obama’s.

No, this is NOT your mother’s Soviet Union. It is Russia and a new and transformed country that must be dealt with as a legitimate player on the world stage, led by an intelligent leader who deserves our respect and utmost attention.

Thanks for asking, Olga. I hope this response was useful.

October 21, 2014 9:03 pm

Russia is the real thing. It is not puny Serbia. Their attitude is to paraphrase Stalin “how many divisions does the European Union have?” The EU is not only toothless it is nutless as well. They won’t do shit except watch the USA do the dirty work. The USA won’t do anything without help.

Our only hope is that Obama will puss out when the Russians call his bluff.

October 21, 2014 9:18 pm

SSS – not sure Putin deserves our respect. We must not underestimate him, and I acknowledge who and what he is.

But I do not respect him. He is creating an incredible dictatorship. He throws adversaries in prison, or exiles them, and then confiscates their wealth and divides it up for himself and a handful of cronies (the ones he steals from are oft no better – the riches of Russia have gone to mafia, cronies, etc., at a pittance).. He is likely, if not already, going to be the world’s richest man based on wealth he has stolen. His political persecutions are abhorrent, etc. His country will never achieve lasting economic success owing to the rampant corruption of all the political systems. Their wealth will of necessity be resource based, as it has no hope of being successful in an open market environment with such corruption.

That said, I do acknowledge that he puts Russia first, insofar as he puts himself and his own interests/cronies first. He does not put Russians first, or he would not be such a thief. But in juxtaposition to other world leaders, he fairs pretty well – at least I think I know who and what he is.

October 21, 2014 9:20 pm

I’m not convinced that Orlov “suffers from a severe case of tunnel vision by completely overlooking 70 years of horrific excesses of the Soviet Union”.

I am not an historian but the historical development of Soviet “communism” and the “reemergence” of Russia as a “stand alone” country is, from my perspective, a bit unique. I am intrigued up until the point that I realize that all our rulers are psychotic by definition and example.

Perhaps it’s what the mind-control masters have in mind but Russia “appears” to be a country not particularly beholden to the banks – do you [SSS] think this is a foolish take on what can be discerned from what info we are able to acquire?

October 21, 2014 9:21 pm

How exactly do you know Bin Laden was not an asset of the CIA? Do you expect us to believe the ISI handled all those millions and all of the tactical coordination with the Mujaheddin and the CIA sat back and watched the rag heads dismantle Russia? Does he not fit the profile, I mean for fucks sake he is Saudi family. Do you think they just never ran into one another in all those years on the same path?
Your faith in the party line is truly commendable comrade we will all report your sanctimonious words to those you serve. So that they dont stop the checks funding your leisure and golf.

October 21, 2014 9:34 pm

Sanctimonious = morally superior.

Ottomatik = German for fucking dickhead.

Where is your evidence that Bin Laden was a CIA asset? What say you provide even a shred of credible evidence before you start labelling people and casting aspersions on their integrity?

Nope – you have to be an insulting motherfucker because SSS, whose background we know and respect, contradicts your unsubstantiated nutjob conspiracy theory bullshit.

Why don’t you regale us on how 9/11 was an inside job, and the towers were not brought down by the planes? We always love a good fairy tale.

IraK, a patriot, saying it's USA, game, set, and match,
IraK, a patriot, saying it's USA, game, set, and match,
October 21, 2014 9:51 pm

I don’t know why I keep coming back to The Burning Platform, but I do. Maybe it’s because I want to set you bubblehead readers and commentators straight.

The United States, your country and mine, is NOT going to lose its empire. You can count on that.

In West Africa our government labs have let Ebola loose (See Paul Craig Roberts on Information Clearing House.) That event’s going to stir things up enough to run the Chinks out of the area. A victory. (1-zip) Ebola might help too over here to keep your minds off other distractions.
In the Middle East our ISIS contingent will fragment Syria and Iraq so we can control every little Arab tribe and segment and the region’s oil. (2-0)
In Europe we’ll continue to control the Ukraine, direct our NATO satrapies, and keep Russia corralled. Russia’s too cowed to do anything but defend its borders. (3-0)
With bases in Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and all over the East we’ll keep China confined close to its coast. In the meantime the CIA will keep things stirred-up in Hong Kong and in China’s Muslim west. (4-0)
And if worst comes to worst, what chance do you think Russia and China would have against us in a nuke-out? It would be their anilhilation against us taking a few hits. (5-0, game and match)
Nothing like us ever was. The United States is the City on the Hill. We’re God’s Chosen People. Americans are the Masters of the Universe.

Giuseppe Crowe
Giuseppe Crowe
October 21, 2014 10:15 pm

SSS wrote:

“You’re correct. But it was commenter Guiseppe Crowe to whom I was referring, not Orlov. I’ll have his head on a pike if he was thinking of the Whiskey Rebellion. ”

Washington’s participation in subverting individual liberty does include the Whiskey Rebellion and his reaction to Shay’s Rebellion. Don’t know why you think you will have my head on a pike, but good luck trying. The U.S.A., like all governments, is based on the idea of state slavery. The U.S. Constitution is, like the U.S.S.R. equivalent was, an assertion that government has the legitimate power of ownership of its “citizens”. In that respect, in principle there is no difference between the U.S.A. and say a group of warlords in Somalia. The individual who asserts ownership of his own life can, and generally will be either jailed or murdered. Life in Russia has improved since the collapse of the U.S.S.R. but that’s a lot like saying I’d like to be shot only ten times rather than twenty….FWIW, I’m not a fan of the Russian government, but I do very much like some Russian individuals I’ve met. Same is true for the equivalent in the U.S.S.A.

October 21, 2014 10:42 pm

I’ve spoken to idiot Americans that were pissed at Putin. How dare he do things in his country’s best interest? That’s his fucking job as a leader & he’s protecting his people. Bravo to him. The guy has balls unlike the last 2 clowns the USA has had.

Someday, history books & students will enjoy reading about othe USA’s stupid politicians & apathetic, wimpy population.

The title of the book:

“USA: WTF Happened, WTF Was Wrong with The People?”

October 21, 2014 11:35 pm

Lloph- “Where is your evidence that Bin Laden was a CIA asset?” I never claimed to have evidence, I asked SSS to back up his claim that he was not. How the fuck does that make me the dickhead, you shit stained douche bag. How the fuck would any of us proles know? But I listed a litany of questions, you did not show the courtesy to address, rather just go on an ad hominem rampage, just like SSS, never sticking to the issue or thread. Must be some club you old fucks graduated to.
My indignation with SSS carried over from the pot thread and his response to my assertion that the CIA is neck fucking deep in drugs and terrorist too, you total fucking mental midget.
Yeah it is all fucking conspiracy theory.
You are a moron if you do not think powerful people are fucking conspiring to affect the future. I dont have the facts, I wasnt there, its only responsible to evaluate all of the options and make a judgement call. Why the fuck do you even come here, it seems all of the info you need is delivered nightly right before bed.

October 22, 2014 12:29 am

Nothing new here that hasn’t been revealed before. However, putting it all together as Dmitry has done is to connect all these disjointed events in a coherent understandable fashion. He has done the thinking that most Americans missed because of their under education, mis-information from the MSM, and their obsession with Kim Kardashian, TWD and Sunday football.

SSS–Remember when you point a finger at another, three fingers are pointing back at you. Sure, Russia has had some horrific incidents in her history, but so has the US of A. Start with the war of southern independence and work thru the Indian wars. No nation is without shame.

SSS get your facts straight. Russia didn’t annex Crimea. It was more Crimea annexing Russia. The vote was in Crimea not Russia. Russia was agreeably.

ANNEX– 1. to attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important.

The US’s desire for world dominance is not arguable. We are the exceptional, indispensable people, just ask BO. After all, we won the second world war. We created the Petro dollar, the puppet regimes in Iran, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, just to name a few. Ya! our linen is lily white. Our hubris is unmistakably obvious to the whole world, excepting us. It will come as a surprise to us, when we finally understand it. When we finally look down at our hands and feet covered in blood.

October 22, 2014 12:46 am

llpoh says: “He (Putin) is creating an incredible dictatorship. He throws adversaries in prison, or exiles them, and then confiscates their wealth and divides it up for himself and a handful of cronies (the ones he steals from are oft no better – the riches of Russia have gone to mafia, cronies, etc., at a pittance).”

Sound like BO. The only difference is that we do it under the table with our political outcasts using the Attorney General, IRS, EPA and a ton of other alphabet agencies. We don’t always wear the white hat and our ‘enemies’ don’t always deserve getting cast in the black hat.

Proof counts, idle conjecture and a nickle will buy you a ride on the Staten Island Ferry.

October 22, 2014 1:17 am

IraK—Get real it is already lost. It was lost when we started acting selfishly to each other and other nations.
Grabbing their resources. forcing them to import our inflation, stationing troops in their domain. (One of the reason for the American Revolution was the quartering of English solders in the colonist’s homes). What makes you think that other countries don’t feel the same. Oh! I forgot you’re the exceptional and indispensable people, so that’s all right.

Read Howard Storm’s telling of the future of America. It is on Youtube. The die is cast, I don’t know if it is possible to un-ring the bell, I pray it is not too late, but I suspect it is.

We are in economic decline. The situation that we find ourselves in are the consequences of the choices that we as a nation made. It’s called Karma. Be the change that you wish others would be.

October 22, 2014 1:20 am

“My indignation with SSS carried over from the pot thread and his response to my assertion that the CIA is neck fucking deep in drugs and terrorist(s) too ……

Very quickly, and once more for old time’s sake. I was a member for 20 years of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, better known as the Clandestine Service. This is an Old Boys and Girls Club of just a very few thousand members. It handles the most sensitive foreign human intelligence in the entire USG. All of it.

The Clandestine Service is exclusive …… and talkative, among each other. Your CIA drugs and terrorists conspiracy theories are total, fucking bullshit. And I have experience on both sides of that coin.

October 22, 2014 1:36 am

Econman—“…WTF Happened, WTF Was Wrong with The People?”

They were corrupted. Like the American Indian and the Negro populations and foreign govs were corrupted. Slowly, over time.

A little yeast leavens the whole loaf. A little evil need accepting minds to grow. Fiat money was the fall from grace.

October 22, 2014 5:02 am

Good read. Of course the CIA is neck deep in drugs. Zero cell phones in Afghanistan when we invaded. 12 million or more now. Only two ways to make money to pay those bills. Government work (u.s. tax dollars) or the opium trade. Drug money spends just fine with the tech companies.

October 22, 2014 7:13 am


Regarding the CIA and drugs – What are your thoughts concerning Gary Webb and his account in Dark Alliance?

James Corbett has also written a great deal about the CIA and drugs – is he not to be believed either?

October 22, 2014 8:26 am

And, lest we fergit’ chirren the SSS credibility gap has no room for doubt, cuz’ remember way back when , during the JFK /Vietnam debates wherein super sleuth claimed that CIA ops are all approved by the POTUS beforehand and thus every op they undertake is approved by the POTUS beforehand..yep…laughed then and laugh now.

Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change.
The people we elect aren’t the ones calling the shots, says Tufts University’s Michael Glennon

IDEAS: Couldn’t Obama’s national-security decisions just result from the difference in vantage point between being a campaigner and being the commander-in-chief, responsible for 320 million lives?

GLENNON: There is an element of what you described. There is not only one explanation or one cause for the amazing continuity of American national security policy. But obviously there is something else going on when policy after policy after policy all continue virtually the same way that they were in the George W. Bush administration.

IDEAS: This isn’t how we’re taught to think of the American political system.

GLENNON: I think the American people are deluded, as Bagehot explained about the British population, that the institutions that provide the public face actually set American national security policy. They believe that when they vote for a president or member of Congress or succeed in bringing a case before the courts, that policy is going to change. Now, there are many counter-examples in which these branches do affect policy, as Bagehot predicted there would be. But the larger picture is still true—policy by and large in the national security realm is made by the concealed institutions.

IDEAS: Do we have any hope of fixing the problem?

GLENNON: The ultimate problem is the pervasive political ignorance on the part of the American people. And indifference to the threat that is emerging from these concealed institutions. That is where the energy for reform has to come from: the American people. Not from government. Government is very much the problem here. The people have to take the bull by the horns. And that’s a very difficult thing to do, because the ignorance is in many ways rational. There is very little profit to be had in learning about, and being active about, problems that you can’t affect, policies that you can’t change.

October 22, 2014 8:43 am

Chris Hedges

The Imperative of Revolt

“Inverted totalitarianism does not replicate past totalitarian structures, such as fascism and communism. It is therefore harder to immediately identify and understand. There is no blustering demagogue. There is no triumphant revolutionary party. There are no ideologically drenched and emotional mass political rallies. The old symbols, the old iconography and the old language of democracy are held up as virtuous. The old systems of governance—electoral politics, an independent judiciary, a free press and the Constitution—appear to be venerated. But, similar to what happened during the late Roman Empire, all the institutions that make democracy possible have been hollowed out and rendered impotent and ineffectual.”

October 22, 2014 10:44 am

Chris Hedges is one of my main men. A real thinker. I stumbled across one of his lectures once and was dumbfounded that he isn’t more visible on the net.

October 22, 2014 10:50 am

SSS- Thanks for the clarification, and thank you for your service-I think. Your assertion that I am a fucking idiot for suspecting CIA drug/terrorist connection seems wholly unfounded. Pick a drug or a region of the world and there are ample articles suggesting connections. It would be irresponsible for me as an semi-informed citizen to ignore all of these rumblings throughout the decades. I understand the need for operational security and hence, secrecy, but this feature makes for a very dangerous entity that demands our scrutiny.

October 22, 2014 11:58 am

ottomatik—I wouldn’t be so conciliatory, regarding SSS. What he say about his CIA involvement, may or may not be true. I take it with a grain of salt and suspend judgement until the truth is evident. I filter facts thru a fine sieve. They must be coherent with what I know , my principles, and others that I trust think.
Out of that mix I hope to learn the truth and be guided by it. Navigating life is hard. It takes a clear mind and a resolute determination to do right, by ourselves, our family and others.

October 22, 2014 12:19 pm

Econman said: “I’ve spoken to idiot Americans that were pissed at Putin. How dare he do things in his country’s best interest? That’s his fucking job as a leader & he’s protecting his people. Bravo to him.”

Americans would be pissed because most can’t remember a leader who worked in his country’s best interest. Reagan tried, but it’s debatable whether he succeeded. I don’t think anyone since Reagan has even tried. The last ones who did meaningful work for the US were Eisenhower and JFK. It got JFK shot. Eisenhower is an odd one as his speeches are tremendously insightful and warn us of many things that have now come to pass, but arguably he was at least as much of the problem as the solution, despite those speeches.

October 22, 2014 1:25 pm

I breathlessly await the arrival of a Brigade of Truthers to this fucked up thread.

October 22, 2014 2:09 pm


Brigade of Truthers
Brigade of Truthers
October 22, 2014 2:10 pm

Building 7 !
Thermite !
Free-Fall !
Inside Job !
Bush/Cheney !

All the evidence is clear to us!

October 22, 2014 4:09 pm

SSS- How do you explain this:


CIA plane busted in July with 35 kilos of heroin in Australia. Also strange how its reported that the Taliban had virtually shut opium cultivation down. Now its record harvests and record usage.
Closer to home, especially yours, is it not strange how there is no apparent worry for our entire Southern Border. It is as if “they” (CIA??) know exactly who and what comes across, and constantly reassure us not to worry, as the coke and recently meth absolutely pour across. How can an intelligent person come to any other conclusion than “by design”.
You never responded to any of my legitimate questions regarding Bin Laden. In line with this thread, does it matter? You cling to CIA righteousness and innocence but the rest of humanity is trending otherwise.

October 22, 2014 4:56 pm


The heroin bust in Australia tied to the CIA is being reported by such fine sources as “Mad Cow News” and “Lunatic Outpost.” Do you see a theme here?